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Everything posted by JonnyOThan

  1. Yeah I think I introduced a bug regarding reentry in one of the recent versions…if theres any additional info you can provide it might be helpful.
  2. Ah yep somehow I missed that...unfortunately it looks like it's drawn incrementally in IMGUI instead of drawing onto a texture and then the window, so it's not directly usable. But at least it's a template of how it should be done.
  3. Please post your KSP.log file somewhere. Discord or github would be ideal. There are links in the OP.
  4. (we resolved this on discord - AviationCockpits is lacking the RPM computer module in its parts)
  5. Maybe post the log? Not really...looking for something dealing with drawing to textures.
  6. No, just go into the key binding settings in the main menu and make sure that "camera next" is bound to the V key.
  7. This key uses the "camera next" key binding from the stock game settings. The key is displayed inside the squre brackets, so the fact that it says "[None]" sounds like it's not bound correctly. Some mods can interfere with the camera mode and camera next stock key bindings, especially if the game crashes when they've removed the binding temporarily.
  8. Hey @OldCopper Where are the ICSP_Handrail1 and ICSP_Hatch1 props from? I can't find them anywhere on github. https://github.com/Armo00/KIU-Pack/blob/master/KIU/KIU_Chinese_Human_Spaceflight_pack/ChineseSpaceStation/IVA/CM/CM_IVA.cfg
  9. No, there is no such requirement. If you’re having trouble with the mod you need to post your logs.
  10. I think you can modify these fields. https://github.com/MOARdV/AvionicsSystems/blob/c9a8777e7a14d19667d93b17bf3fe2e2430bf68e/Source/MASFlightComputer.cs#L100
  11. Can you point me to the code that draws the radar in BDA? The cameras might not be the right example to follow, but at the end of the day all you have to do is draw stuff to the MFD’s screentexture.
  12. It is not compatible with the companion program. All mod support is built in.
  13. Right, most USI parts do not have a custom IVA and many of them use stock placeholders that don’t always fit. That’s why I haven’t added FreeIVA support for it yet.
  14. Version 0.9.10 now available! Changes Fixed NRE spam when a vessel is unloaded quickly after being loaded (often when crashing into terrain) Massively reduce the memory impact of the comb filter
  15. You shouldn’t need any special kind of compatibility settings. Do you need to hit refresh maybe?
  16. Version 0.9.9 now available! Changes Improved memory leak/exception spam fix when vessels are unloaded https://github.com/ensou04/RocketSoundEnhancement/releases
  17. I had the same exception spam issue as @Gordon Dry, and mistakenly filed the issue on RSE. https://github.com/ensou04/RocketSoundEnhancement/files/12710864/KSP.-.Copy.zip (would be nice to enable issues on github for this repo) [EXC 23:20:58.886] ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source UnityEngine.AudioSource.set_pitch (System.Single value) (at <ef5b8cd90213481289b135c5e24d44ad>:0) ShipEffectsContinued.SEMaster.Update () (at <eee631751eb7477daa59a437fe7d7785>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
  18. FreeIVA is now available! Notable Changes Habtech CBM hatches now have a blocked variant Stock mk3 crew cabin now has ventral and dorsal hatches and attachnodes Open animation limit can now be configured per hatch B9PSConditionalProp can now specify multiple subtypes Bug Fixes Fixed some missing texture errors Fixed a bug where using the seats in the inline docking ports could cause the IVA kerbal to stop spawning Fixed a bug preventing requireDeploy in the internal module from working Improved error reporting when a cutout target isn't found Prevent going EVA from hatches connected to deactivated airlocks "Close forever" button on the tutorial window will now keep it closed until the next KSP restart instead of per scene Fixed auto-detection system for internal spaces that are only referenced via Reviva configs (fixes hatches in some warbirds cockpits when used with Reviva, and probably others) Fixed centrifugal force calculation for spinning parts so that it points towards the axis of rotation rather than center of mass Fixed broken camera when boarding from EVA before IVA had ever been used since the last scene switch Fixed boarding behavior not working when using a kerbal that had not gone EVA since the last scene switch Planetside: Fix hatches not changing properly per subtype in the vertical base node Planetside: Fix going EVA from some parts when alternate endcaps were used Restock: Fix error message when using mk1 lander Restock: Fix inflatable airlock Restock: Fixed hatches in mk2landercan SSPX: inflatable habs and centrifuges no longer show the internal in the IVA overlay when not inflated/expanded SXT: Fixed hatches and cutouts in large passenger cabin SXT: Fixed a bad model reference in the 6-way hub KNES: Fixed dorsal hatch on French Hermes crew module and docking module Tantares: Included v2 parts in support patches ACK: Fixed blocked bottom hatch in HLS ACK: Fixed wrong cutout target in HLS
  19. I *think* with the new version of reviva you should just have both versions available. I’ll check.
  20. I haven’t started on it, but it’s in the list. However for an actively developed mod it probably makes more sense for FreeIva support to be part of that mod itself. My memory is hazy, but when I first looked at KIU I noticed a few things that would ideally be changed in the base internal models for better support. I can send initial stuff as a PR maybe.
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