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Everything posted by Nori

  1. Your website seems to be having some sort of exploding issue... Which is pretty funny (the explode part that is). Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /home/kingtige/public_html/kingtiger/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-hide-category/wp-hide-category.php on line 56 Anyway, doesn't seem to be a big deal as everything seems to be working fine.
  2. Had another funky feed issue last night despite using a decoupler I know doesn't have crossfeed... Gonna try this version and see if the VAB portion will let me know what is going on. Thanks for updating.
  3. Yeah I understand that and at first I figured it was just that. But the. I say and declined dozens of contracts and never got a part tester. Last night I backed up my save and reset the contracts a few times and still no part testers.
  4. Am I out of place with saying this thread should be locked with a link to 0.4.8? I just feel like it is going to confuse people to have this up still.
  5. For some odd reason I have not seen a single part testing contract. I'm not too upset about this since normally there is too many. But sometimes I need a bit of easy money. Anyway, have quite a few mods many of which alter contracts. Running KSP 24.2 x32. Log here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8zteqzdg3g3qxvc/KSP.zip?dl=0
  6. Unless we are looking at different parts the toque values are 40. Second the RCS part though. 30 for the size of this is pretty low. ~edit... Looked at the part again and now it is 50. Could have sworn I saw 30 somewhere. In any case 100 would be nice.
  7. I thought I saw this somewhere but maybe I'm wrong. Can the parts here have cost scale too? I ask because I'm using Kerbal Contruction Time and it bases time to make a rocket on cost. The procedural tanks are pretty expensive from what I can tell. Maybe the cost is scaling in the background?
  8. How did I not know about this... Should be made stock.
  9. Just wanted to mention that the trusses are awesome... Anything that gives you more directions to place things and looks stockalike is a win in my book.
  10. Thanks for this. Super useful. Now I can finally put all my batteries together! Oh and +1 for drag and drop.
  11. Yes true. I paired it down to about a dozen parts. Would have kept more but quite a few of the parts are duplicated in other mods I have (like the really nice 5 way RCS). I've kept all the plain wings, the docks, the hub, the nuke engines and the small cupola. All those parts are very nice to have though so thanks for your work on this.
  12. So is 1.13 ready for prime time? Been wanting to add this back to my career but was waiting for the official release.
  13. So does the Omnidock actually allow you to dock all types together? I've read that that sort of thing doesn't always work.
  14. I don't know that I'd use upper stage SRBs. Not sure what the use of them would be, except for maybe saving money.
  15. I have not. In fact I tend to find the Universal storage stuff to be very strong. Have made quite a few reentries (some at insane speeds) and these survive just fine. So I'm not sure what your issue could be.
  16. Thanks for the response. Most likely I had too many control surfaces. Should there be one for each side? As in 4 total? I never know how many to put on, or if I should just put non-control surfaces on and rely on reaction wheels and gimbals instead.
  17. It is simply looking for any ModuleEngine or ModuleEngineFX that use a propellent and replacing the propellent with a "NEARFuels" option.
  18. So could you do just: @atmosphereCurve { @key += 10 } Or something similar?
  19. When ascending with a rocket is it best to use stock SAS or a combo of the FAR flight assistants? I've had a few situations, which have served as a learning experience, where after hitting mach 1ish my rocket starts swinging back and forth very violently. It appears to me to be a combo of poor control surface placement and SAS overreacting. I ended up "fixing" it by putting the control surfaces closer to the center of the rocket (as opposed to on the drop tanks/SRBs attached radially) and also putting a high gimbal radial engine on each side of the rocket. Is it best to have control surfaces on a rocket or just fins of some sort?
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