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Everything posted by Nori

  1. You originally asked this almost two weeks ago. In this time you could have very easily tested this yourself. Download Treeloader, unpack it to your GameData folder, start the game. Once you start a new game you will get a selection of trees to try. Click on yargnit and try playing for a bit. It really shouldn't take you more than 30-60m to verify whether it works or not.
  2. Thanks! Made a few minor tweaks but otherwise looks really nice.
  3. Did anyone make a config they'd like to share? I'm looking over it for use with Dmagic's orbital science, but I'm at a loss on what is the best option... Maybe just reducing Mun and Minmus rewards would be enough... First time I went to Minmus with Dmagic's mod I ended up getting 500 science which is crazy.
  4. Yeah stock navball is too tiny to do precise maneuvering on larger monitors. My poor eyes can't handle it.
  5. Using aggressive usually doesn't make stuff look too bad. But for some reason the stock batteries looks terrible resized. Has anyone else noticed this?
  6. But will is have scaling of the nav ball...
  7. Looks pretty nice. Minor quibble. You have Alcor Desend Capsule. on the side. Technically it would be a Alcor Descent Capsule (I'd leave out the period to). English language is such a pita sometimes. Also, how close is the blue text to the Alcor's text? I don't have a pic of it in front of me, but it seems a wee bit light.
  8. Did your game crash? Technically Treeloader isn't "fully" compatible with 24.2, so errors are definitely possible.
  9. Kepler's third law eh? Heard this mentioned but now I will have to look up up. Thanks That makes sense. Less math that way.
  10. Do any of you have any tools for calculating the best insertion orbit for a single launch? For instance, if I want to launch 4 sats at 2000km using one ship. I would orbit then raise my apoapsis to 2000km creating a nice elliptical orbit. Launching the first Sat is easy, but then if you want reasonably even spacing you have to warp and warp and warp till you get roughly the right setup. I imagine that if you setup the launching ship's orbit in just such a way that when it gets back up to the apoapsis it would have perfect spacing.
  11. That would explain why I couldn't find it. So would it be this then? lock steering to NEXTNODE:deltav.
  12. Well, it isn't really that unrealistic. Pretty sure waste it routinely ejected into space. Why bother storing it? For realism sake you could add a part like the converters that takes waste and electricity and outputs nothing. To simulate zapping waste or something.
  13. Nice job. I was briefly thinking of doing something like this, but your mod list looks very similar to mine. You might want to look at Procedural Parts because it is pretty awesome and has tech based size limitations built in. Also Universal Storage is a really cool mod too. Edit- How necessary is KW? I ask because I use procedural parts for the SRB and fuel tank, procedural fairings for fairings and Near Future Construction provides all the nice adapters and such. So the only useful KW parts (for me) is the engines. So just curious how it would play out if I only had KW engines for instance.
  14. Thanks, makes more sense. If I already created one on the map is what I mean for this situation.
  15. Darn I was so close. Thanks for the quick response. Would it be too much trouble to explain the command to me? I understand that SET myNode to NODE is making myNode a variable. However I'm not quite understanding the need for the time thing and what those numbers are. This would be locking steering a node I already created correct?
  16. So this will sound like a dumb question but I can't seem to find a correct answer. How do you lock steering to a maneuver node? I tried: set mynodevariable to node( time:seconds + 60, 0, 0, 100 ). lock steering to mynodevariable:deltav. But it says you have to attach the node. Looking for attach didn't bring up anything and I couldn't find any other working examples.
  17. Question for you all. When is it advantageous to use the Sabatier or Water Splitter units instead of just running the Carbon Extractor? The Extractor has a very very good efficiency so why bother wasting water at all? Wouldn't it just be simpler to use the Carbon Extractor and add extra oxygen tanks? Maybe the Extractor is too efficient/good? I kind of think it should take more energy as it is really easy to just run it non-stop.
  18. Thanks! B5 is like my favorite show ever. Plus Garibaldi is pretty awesome and I am on a forum with many sci-fi fans... So many people don't seem to have seen B5 which makes me sad.
  19. I've never bothered to figure out the difference between GNU and CC. But I have heard that GNU is a terrible license for websites and CC seems to be the most friendly license for all parties. Anyway, saw that USI Kolonizations has their pre-release. Have you tried it out yet?
  20. As I understand it, it isn't normally. It sounded like this version had some change that caused it to break when older versions were present as well.
  21. Thirded (is that a word?). I was just looking at the keys on here and somehow totally missed the vertical snapping.
  22. So I got two questions/suggestions. I've been fooling around with the inline hanger intending to launch a bunch of sats for remote tech all in one go. Seems like it'll work great for this and I'm really liking how you got this setup. This mod is stellar! However two things keep bugging me. One is the color scheme. I hate to rag on it because I know it is hard work, but I would love to see a more stock alike look. Maybe just a grey/white texture. It's just that the colors as they are really clash with almost everything I pair them with. Second thing is two fold. One is it'd be really nice to have attachment nodes on the sides of the hanger. That way I could mount it side ways and have a short fat hanger if wanted. Second part is that the ends just kind of fit awkwardly. For instance let's say you take the inline hanger at its default size and attach a mk1 to the top. It looks kind of odd. But if you attached a larger command pod it also looks a bit off. Just like it doesn't really fit. Not really sure how that could be fixed since the hanger resizes on the go. Maybe if the ends could have selectable sizes like in procedural parts? How this doesn't come off as critical or anything. Just trying to give some helpful feedback.
  23. Thank you. I appreciate the date for sure, but I don't always remember when I last downloaded it.
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