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Everything posted by CaptRobau

  1. Your PM didn't do it justice. This is a great concept! Might be an idea to couple this to the new asteroid telescope added in that official mod. Would be cool to have to send up telescopes to discover anything beyond the big planets and moons.
  2. Yes, but haven't made much progress. I'm really missing KittopiaTech like live editing in-game for complicated stuff like this.
  3. Thanks. Thanks for the heads up. OP is fixed. The reason for this is based on this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88168-Early-development-0-24-Kopernicus-Planetary-System-Modifier?p=1806612&viewfull=1#post1806612. Could have changed in the meantime though. Thomas?
  4. Update 1.7.1 is out! I'm leaving on holiday for a week again next week (not rich, just bad at spreading out holidays) so I thought I'd set you up with a nice update to tide you over while I'm away. The highlights: Made Ovok egg-shaped again It used to be nice and smooth, like an egg. Then it wasn't for a while due to technical issues and now it's egg-shaped again. Experience Ovok the way it was meant to be enjoyed. Added biomes and science descriptions to Tal It has two biomes and a dozen or two science blurbs, quickly and graciously provided by members of the OPM community Changed all PluginData textures from .png format to .dds format This can result in up to 25% faster loading times Downloads 1. Choose one of the two available mirrors for Outer Planets Mod (alternatively download OPM through CKAN and let it download, install and in the future update OPM/Kopernicus automatically) 2. Download Kopernicus, which is a third-party mode required for OPM to work This version of OPM was designed with Kopernicus 0.1 in mind. Keep this in mind if you choose haven't updated yet. Full changelog -Made Ovok egg-shaped again-Added biomes and science descriptions to Tal -Removed all mass values from the configs, as it was unnecessary to include when GeeASL was also included -Changed all PluginData textures from .png format to .dds format -Renamed the FinalFrontier file back to CelestialBodies.info, as it was needed for the OPM ribbons to show up -Corrected spelling mistake in the science descriptions -Updated the Module Manager plugin to version 2.6.6 -Updated the Module Manager license included
  5. If you already added them here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1J_xgrPoqJSqvvdzgOqNlwmj0aabSVGda8hZLRu9VhsE/edit?usp=sharing, then nothing. I'll check them, correct any spelling errors, etc. and add them to the configs myself.
  6. That's weird. No idea why that would be. I know about the Tal issue, will try to fix it for 1.7.1
  7. Tal has biomes starting with 1.7.1, but it needs some science descriptions to go with them. There are two biomes: Surface and Impact Basin. Impact Basin is a slight depression in the little moon's shape, remnants of a large impact long ago, while Surface is just the rest of the moon's... surface. Here's the link to the Google Doc where you can add biomes for Tal. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1J_xgrPoqJSqvvdzgOqNlwmj0aabSVGda8hZLRu9VhsE/edit?usp=sharing
  8. Good to hear. General announcement: I got Ovok egg-shaped again, like it was in 1.6.5. Will be in 1.7.1.
  9. Did you install KopernicusExamples? You shouldn't, but it could be that you interpreted that as installing Kopernicus. Don't know what could cause this, some I'm trying to cover all the possibilities.
  10. Make a screenshot of your GameData folder and post it here. Could help me pinpoint the problem.
  11. An alternative could also be reducing the texture quality setting in the game. That makes textures take up less RAM. Not a functionality of OPM. Either another mod, maybe one of the examples in KopernicusExamples too.
  12. Yeah Hodor is not part of OPM. It shouldn't even install naturally with Kopernicus. It installs in a folder outside of GameData.
  13. 1.7, nor the Kopernicus version that it uses, wasn't designed with 1.0.4 in mind, so there could be incompatibilities. You'll want 1.7, not Beta 2 as that was an earlier version (aka the beta for 1.7s real release). 1.7 Beta 2 wasn't designed for 0.0.9, so I can see why it would throw an error at you. It's Kopernicus 0.0.9 and OPM 1.7 that you want together.
  14. Update on 1.7.1: changing all the planet's textures to DDS (not possible before), resulted in a 25% faster load time upon startup!
  15. Eeloo is the only thing moved, so you only have to remove GameData\OPM\KopernicusConfigs\SarnusMoons\Configs\Eeloo.cfg to keep the stock bodies as they are.
  16. Good idea. In theory the idea of being able to do experiments multiple times in a single biome makes sense, until you realize that many people will want 100% of the science or else feel like they left stuff behind. This is a great way of making sure that doesn't happen.
  17. When EVE is out-of-date and Kopernicus is heavily developed atm, I'd call EVE the culprit. The Kopernicus devs can't be held to blame for their mod not working with something that isn't really designed for 1.0.2 as they are.
  18. That seems to be cloud related, so I suggest you take it up with Eleusis who made that mod for OPM. I can imagine things are going to be going wrong since EVE, upon which the cloud mods are based, is so out-of-date these days. Ovok used to have an old egg-shaped ScaledSpace version in beta, but the terrain always looked Minmus like during the beta phase. If you never visited it, it was easy to miss. Changed it because until it's fixed, it's just more player friendly for the map and terrain view to match.
  19. Screenshot of the rings please. And Ovok is supposed to look that way, temporarily until I can get it fixed. It's mentioned in the known issues section. Yeah, that's definitely Kerbin's height map/normal. 1.7 Release however requires Kopernicus to be downloaded separately. This means that OPM is in no way connected to the appearance of the Mun. This means its a Kopernicus issue or a bad installation. Should be equal or better, since Kopernicus 0.0.9 is miles ahead of the one that 1.6.5 used.
  20. Screenshot please. 1.7 Release Tekto is darker than 1.6.5 Tekto, but playable unlike 1.7 Beta Tekto What's old OPM for you? 1.7 Beta 1/2 or 1.6.5? Also RAM or hard drive space? 1.7 Beta 2 folders were Kopernicus, OPM and TextureReplacer 1.6.5 folder were CustomAsteroids, DDSLoader, KittopiaSpace, Kopernicus, Nereid, OPM, PlanetShine, TextureReplacer
  21. Updated. Just added this to the FAQ: First we want to work on Neidon's moons, which gives New Horizons time to close in on the actual Pluto and give us a glimpse of its features. Once Neidon is done we'll move on to Plock. It will get a moon based on Charon, although perfectly simulating their strange orbital relationship won't be possible in KSP. Don't worry however, we'll make the Plock system feel unique. - - - Updated - - - I'll check it out.
  22. Felger and KillAshley figured that out and made a great spreadsheet that makes complex curves out of only a few values. Couldn't have done it without their help.
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