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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Legal. Acho que sua cauda está um pouco pequena, se aumentar o avião vai voar um pouco melhor
  2. There should be a separate section for people using any kind of non-visual mod, IMO. We got some nice entries here, that is cool. I went for a fixed design approach, to see how far I could get without changing it.
  3. Yes, It should be 109C but from your picture its clearly 1098. That is strange, but just search for a 02 00 00 00 01 right after the Kerbal Space Program string and it will be there, for both.
  4. As I mentioned on the other topic, the value is acually 1098. Also, there is no way this value will be 00 by default on any unity game as their license forbids changing it through the game.
  5. That is the wrong one, you must make 00 that 01 on the left of where you selected, on the same line (1098). That will fix the issue.
  6. É por isso que não é apenas uma hipótese, mas sim uma hipótese científica, os dados foram analizados e os valores bateram com os esperados caso um warpfield fosse realmente criado. As especulações se encaixam nos fatos, e não o contrário, por isso. Agora só falta dinheiro para mais testes, e pesquisa pra descobrir o que realmente está acontecendo, o "como". Se tiver tempo leia partes daquele tópico do fórum da NASA, é muito interessante.
  7. Não é um rumor de um fórum, é uma hipótese científica baseada em dados. E é o fórum da NASA, muitas pessoas que postam lá são cientistas de verdade desenvolvendo projetos e pesquisas sérios.
  8. Yes, there is a fix for this. Turn on true fullscreen mode. Your game will not run on the background anymore, and the screen will flash when you alt+tab, BUT you get around +20 fps and all window issues fixed. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/114935-KSP-1-00-and-0-90-win-32bit-true-exclusive-fullscreen-shadowplay-and-gsync-solution
  9. But it's not biggest weight to orbit, it's biggest payload, so you cannot use any part of your payload on the process, and you need to eject whatever you used to bring it there. Neat rocket, by the way, haha.
  10. People have different opinions and different biases about how aerodynamic effects work. I understand the fact that some people will have a wrong bias, and that is due to being exposed to inaccurate models their whole life, but that does not mean they are inferior. Please, keep the posting here civil, feedback on FAR is aimed at realism, because it's meant to be a realistic model, how it feels is not a thing here, that is true. So rather than point fingers at them, simply tell them that. Stock is not as accurate as nuFAR or FAR 0.14, but it's way better than the previous stock model, which is very good. The stock game is not meant to be as accurate as possible, it's meant to be good enough, and forgiving, which it is, and in my opinion it fits the stock game perfectly. So, stop talking about people who rather stock as it is now than FAR, you are not better than them, and they are not better than you. About people who think that stock is more accurate than FAR (better is too subjective), either explain them what the two are about or leave them.
  11. I was just pointing out that it's very strange, because they show to have mass on the editors. Found it funny that you can simply lift them with a tinny engine, and that they should move the center of mass, but don't. @Frybert, yeah, haha, I did not catch up with those. This is not a complaint though. Can that be toggled somewhere?
  12. How heavy are... oh. Well, I don't know why they are physicsless, maybe to not lag a lot because of the ammount of parts. But that is strange.
  13. Xplosions. Bem, não seria uma coisa muito legal, o objeto seria esmagado e depois dilacerado, contando que ele não colida com a nave mas vale lembrar que existe bastatnte gás no espaço. Só que tem uma coisa, dentro da bolha a velocidade não é próxima da luz, ou seja, vai ser a mesma coisa que colidir com ele em uma "órbita normal". O objeto sofre bastante dano, a nave não muito. Sim, vai demorar, além de fundos pro desenvolvimento do projeto, e uma fonte de energia potente e viável. Acredito que isso vai acontecer paralelamente enquanto diminuimos a escala dos reatores de fusão (quem sabe até essa tecnologia ajude). Lembrando que isso é uma hipótese, ainda falta pesquisa pra confirmar (e mesmo depois de confirmado, ser testado mais ainda pra entender o que está acontecendo). Veja algumas páginas atrás caso não tenha visto que eu explico como essas hipóteses são trabalhadas.
  14. Asparagus is not dead: 19.66% Lost efficiency by: Huge asparagus tanks on the side. 3.5m to 2.5m adapter that receives (much) more drag than it should (new aero issue). Fairings being ejected. Not orbiting perfectly at 70km. I could fix that, but I am satisfied with the results. Fix2: Removed clamps when measuring total rocket mass, and measuring it on the map screen. Rocket mass: 251.51 tons Payload mass: 50.71 tons Final efficiency: 20.16%
  15. Só vou deixar isso aqui: http://www.inquisitr.com/2040259/did-nasa-just-accidentally-produce-a-warp-bubble-emdrive-could-lead-to-warp-drive/ http://sputniknews.com/us/20150425/1021360503.html
  16. O mais engraçado é que é basicamente isso mesmo, não tem segredo. O pessoal se embola mesmo é por querer inventar, mas se você inventa sem entender o que tá acontecendo a chance de dar ruim é muito alta.
  17. Perfect, can you post it here right before you start? You can also show some stuff about the game you are developing
  18. Nice one! I am going stock, and the engines thrust and gimbal is painfully low, I managed some stuff but it's not really fun. Will wait for 1.0 release, the engines are much stronger there.
  19. Yes, I would be interested. nuFAR will process the stuff as they are, so you will get way more drag on turrets than before. But there are some other assumptions that will make them a bit lower than what they should be, still much higher. Ah, and animated parts should also work.
  20. I thought you were offering yourself to make a mod for them, haha. The current release would not handle it, and AFAIK nuFAR still uses old wing code, so I believe you would need to use IR's method to move them. Still, having a wing part dedicated for that would be interesting, as you said, using the joints is not optimal.
  21. I forgot to mention that making fairings out of any part is going to work, even wings. But for wings you need to make sure that the fairing is closed.
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