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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Existem vários, o mais conhecido e mais completo é o Remote Tech. Mas também tem o SCANsat e outros de comunicação menos complicados, mas não lembro os nomes.
  2. Aee, agora sim o pessoal tá fazendo algo juntos. Quando voltar eu entro lá pra um dogfight, sem armas mesmo. Brendo, tem um vídeo no meu canal sobre como tirar o lag do jogo, é o último da playlist na minha assinatura, espero que ajude.
  3. Nossa Nahim, que legal, tem alguma obra sua que vc pode indicar ou compartilhar? Seria legal. Pessoal, peço que evitem postar imagens em excesso nesse tópico, já temos um para imagem e pode criar um novo pras suas naves/bases/missões como quiser.
  4. Well, that depends on the design, but it's possible. This could also be a shielding issue, try opening then closong the cargo bay. If there are no bugs I recommend making a new one.
  5. @TheXRuler: yes, pretty much. Well that is strange, high altitude supersonic drag is higher now but it shouldn't be that bad. Turn on the Cd display and check if there isn't anything fancy going on.
  6. Eu não bani mods pq acredito que vocês não vão abusar. Vamos ver se eu estou certo quando eu estiver de volta.
  7. @lolstock: does that happen to other games too? To me it sounds like you are having overheating issues.
  8. Gostei do [Experimental], hehe. Voa com FAR facinho esse daí, só precisa ajustar o COT e colocar uns nosecones, talvez entre até em órbita!
  9. Poderia usar os mods que tão ali no título do tópico se quisesse, mas o pessoal decidiu jogar só com peças stock, pode usar plugins se quiser.
  10. Bom ouvir que a viagem também é de volta! Parabéns.
  11. Did you install it correctly? At least the BDA stock toolbar should be working.
  12. @TheZRuler: there is a bug on the current version, update your craft activating decouplers before taking off. The bug makes all parts behind intakes behave like if their nodes were exposed, the game needs to verify the craft again to notice they are not. The latest git version already got that fixed (I think).
  13. Agora é quando o gustavo se arrepende de ter votado contra o mod de armas ahsushsuhss.
  14. It was answered, use weapons manager for missiles, and mouse for guns (you need ammo, then activate the turret).
  15. Se todos deixarem de entrar por que não tem ninguém nunca vai ter, haha.
  16. Btw, when having issues with an aircraft please attach pictures to your post, more pics as inflight, showing AoA sweep and stability derivates also help. It's way easier to help that way. For instance it's simple to notice a plane needs bigger wings, or more tail. Have you doubled your tail today?
  17. Ta no modo hard, não era pra poder. Mesmo assim espero que ninguém seja egoista de tentar usar, vai acabar com o jogo de todumundo inclusive o de quem fizer isso.
  18. Blowfish is right. You can also make your wing parts stronger by increasing their weight on the tweakables menu.
  19. Lol. I thought it was like start ksp with windows or something. Isn't there a "go to" mod or something? It would be helpful.
  20. If you read a few pages back you will find the solution to bombs not loading. This plays super well with FAR, as the mod developer himself uses it, there are even special sound effects for when the missiles go supersonic. The thing is that not all missiles are good against air units, some are too slow or not precise, they will work on stock though, as stock planes are much slower.
  21. Before you unlock wingparts to stick to the bottom what you can do is go up straight, slower, then make the turn like you would on the stock game. It's less efficient but also less deadly.
  22. Criar um universo nem é tão difícil assim, vc só precisa... Ah deixa pra lá. Sim o server foi resetado. Ainda não me convenceu a liberar combustível infinito, eu sei que disconnect pode estragar tudo mas os contras ainda pesam muito mais. E outra, agora desabilitei o revert, que era o que causava a maioria dos problemas, usar revert uma vez acabava com o server até todumundo sair, e é provavelmente o que causava os bugs dos asteróides.
  23. You mean CPU meltdown About SAS, yes, that is true, but most aircrafts can be made to work without SAS at least to a point, you just need to know your cruise conditions and apply propper trimming, either on editor or inflight. If that is not possible then there is something wrong with the design, double the tail then double again then double one more time Nice plane. Here is one of mine, it's not a replica of anything: The biggest problems with low altitude transonic designs is the high altitude yaw instability, but that is just because bigger vertical stabilizers make it look ugly, and it does not really need them.
  24. Why do you think that your design is extreme at all? Despite of the several simplifications and assumptions that FAR makes, it's surprisingly accurate, so yes your plane would likely fly in real life if it's controls worked like ingame ones. Ofcourse, in real life the mass distribution of the aircraft would be very different, as well as some other things, but if you managed to replicate it it would fly very simmilarly to ingame. You also have a ton of artificial stability there, which helps a lot. The main limiting factor is structural integrity, but that is not the only thing. The "standard" aircraft design has a lot of documentation into it, we know exactly how to place things and how such configurations will behave. There are lots of engineering problems that already have their solutions for the current design style, if you developed an aircraft like that it would be very complicated and expensive. Another massive problem is aesthetics, really, even though it performs well it's super ugly, no one expects a plane to look like that, and no one will ever ride an airliner which looks like that plane at all. If you don't believe me, check both the F-35 story, as well as the Boeing X-48, the later is an awesome aircraft, even though it requires fly-by-wire to fly it performs well, is efficient, resistant and have room for a crapload of cargo/people... There are more details and some other stuff to this, but yes these weird designs can fly just fine, if you built an RC plane that looks like yours (and managed to add the artificial stability to it) I don't see it having many issues in flight. I have project to prove that anything sane can fly with FAR, you just need to tweak it well, really. Example: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107213-Article-Overhauled-Aerodynamics?p=1667948&viewfull=1#post1667948
  25. Altura do centro de empuxo influencia mais mesmo na estabilidade de roll do que de pitch, mas pra roll também tem o efeito dihedral do ângulo de swept, da altura da asa, do efeito da carenagem, e poraí vai... Pra pitch são outras coisas. Sim, se o centro de empuxo ficar mais próximo do centro de massa vai ficar mais fácil de manobrar.
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