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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Concordo com o Orion, gosto bastante das suas missões.
  2. It would be better if one vessel is being piloted and the other one is not. EVA'ing is a good idea, I did not think about that before, try it out then tell us
  3. Basta clicar em "Post New Thread", aqui na seção em português do fórum! Ou clicar aqui (é a mesma coisa): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=66
  4. Yes. Add the anhedral on the horizontal stabilizer first (as you like, but don't exaggerate it), then add dihedral on the wing until it's green
  5. @TeeGee: apply the tips I gave about dihedral angle and these issues will simply disapear! Maybe more dihedral on main wings, as I see you put anhedral on the horizontal stabilizers (or is that just illusion?).
  6. @TeeGee: Use leading edges and keep a higher AoA while approaching, also don't deploy flaps if you are too fast. It's normal that your nose will drop down when you activate flaps, if you don't want that to happen you need to move your wing forward. You also need more pitch control, try the advanced canard instead, with about 20 degrees of control. Flaps are very complicated to use on fighters. Also, you don't want to have any single red Lateral Derivate, add more tail (then double it, then double it again). Add dihedral angle on your horizontal stabilizers, it will be enough to fix your roll instability and also increase their efficiency (though the best way to do it would be add dihedral on the wings then anhedral on the horizontal stabilizers to increase their efficiency even more, at expense of lift, but you would need to mind the numbers to balance it out). Yeah, it's not just about not being red, it's not hard to make an unflyable all green plane.
  7. Add me on steam, my nick is tetryds, and I also have a channel. Let's dogfight a bit
  8. Estive fora por um tempo, o pessoal ainda está ativo no servidor?
  9. That may be because you have a modded part as the nosecone? I think that opening and closing cargo bays also works.
  10. Update your craft before you launch, just add a decoupler pointing down and fire it before you fly and it will fix that.
  11. You could try a V-tail. Wait, did you try setting one of the flaps on the vertical stabilizer to have a negative deflection angle? That would solve it... I derped.
  12. There is no way to fix that by now. Also, if you place two control surfaces like that FAR won't like it much.
  13. This was made to prevent chain reaction 1 hit kills. Also, having them to explode is wrong, lots of kinds of bombs and explosives will not explode by being destroyed (that is also a safety measure). Very well known examples are nukes and c4.
  14. ATM efficiency is insane, you need a really excessive ammount of mods to start needing win64 with it. Which means even less reasons to support it (and more to not do it). AFAIK it's a must have for b9, maybe they should be bundled together. About FAR, would text guides be helpful? They may be simpler to make using the video tutorial scripts, not so easy to follow but faster to navigate. So, I will consider it if people think it's a good idea.
  15. Concordo, é bem mais simples traduzir o jogo completo do que ter que traduzir denovo cada vez que algo é adicionado.
  16. It does, it's just that pitch stability is more crucial than yaw stability (most of the plane lift at nominal cruise comes from horizontal wings not rudders ) You get all those in numbers if you use FAR, but it's very simple for planes, just add more tail. For rockets, fins in all directions. You can always put your craft sideways too And it's not worst case scenario or anything, it's just a force sum indicator.
  17. @JWag: always use 3 or more fins. That is not a bug at all, imagine a plane, if you place the wings on the top and bottom of it, and none on the sides that will not bring the COL back. So, the editor assumes the pitch axis to place the COL. On the image on the left you have pitch instability and yaw stability. On the right you have pitch stability and yaw instability. So, use 3 or more fins, your rocket will not be stable with only two.
  18. Bem vindo, Fernando! É sempre bom ver o pessoal que costumava apenas assistir o fórum fazendo contas para postar também Se precisar de algo é só pedir.
  19. Maybe you are trying to connect using the wrong port. Or the port is closed on the server side.
  20. Eu sei, não se preocupe São só regras. Não conheço a política de mods do minecraft, mas o site Curse paga uma quantia de "prêmio" pra mods pelo número de downloads, mas é algo similar a vales, vou me informar mais sobre isso. Curse é o site oficial de mods do KSP. Me add na steam: tetryds
  21. É sempre bom ter traduções. Porém todos os mods devem seguir algumas regras. Primeiramente, é necessário que o link de download seja movido, pois o 4shared requer login para baixar, e não pode haver ganho financeiro com redistribuição de mods. Uma segunda coisa importante é que se o mod possuir plugins deve conter uma licensa e um source file. Então você terá que distribuí-lo através de outro site, recomendo o dropbox, mediafire, curse ou kerbalstuff. No momento não consigo acessar o arquivo, mas não vou remover o link do 4shared até amanhã. As regras podem ser encontradas aqui: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/87841-Add-on-Posting-Rules-Aug-21st-2014 Irei postar as regras de add-ons em portugués aqui assim que possível. Outra coisa, vocês aceitam ajuda da comunidade? Seria legal poder ajudar.
  22. Cuidado, discutir política é proibido aqui no fórum. Rapidinho em gustavo, hehe. Hj mesmo assim q tiver tempo (to na estrada) eu esclareço alguns paranauês de viagens interplanetárias e interestelares.
  23. @karamazovnew: The cone/intake not covering what is below them was a bug that was fixed on the git version.
  24. Yes, always balance your thrust for optimal performance.
  25. Yep. NEAR sends you even further than FAR (cus logic ), as there are no supersonic effects. Glad that they are overhauling it, now you see why current stock atmosphere is also known as soupsphere.
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