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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Não gosto de half-life. Prontofalei. Mas perai, tão falando da engine de half-life ou do jogo? pq tem uma grande diferença, tipo se vc pegar gary's mod (que eu tb não gosto) dá pra vc fazer o que quiser na engine. E a do gta s.a. ou gta4 também tem mods pra fazer muita coisa, só é mais complicado. Meu estilo de jogo é mais gta mesmo, gosto de tocar o terror.
  2. A ideia do modo ciência é ter algo pra fazer mesmo que o servidor esteja vazio, assim quando outras pessoas entrarem vão poder jogar juntas. Mas se o pessoal quiser eu coloco no modo sandbox agora sem problemas, só votar ali em cima.
  3. That is the main issue, and it's known, BahamutoD is trying to solve it.
  4. Also, get the GIT version, the current release version can have some drag issues.
  5. I did not see much about it, but if you convince ferram that such simplification is accurate enough it does not seem very complicated to implement.
  6. No, unfortunatelly it does not, too heavy for too little profit. @tempsgk: more mass = more drag does not relate in any shape or form to how any sort of fluid or gas behaves. Yes, smaller nosecones work, but that is not because FAR is bad, it's because there are limited resources for FAR and it cannot have the luxury of using extra processing to count for that kind of stuff. It's not that bad, really. And yes, a 4 stack coupler is better than having them on their own, just like it would be in real life. What works in far? COL behind COM, and BOOST UR TAILtm! Damn, every time someone posts a question here I wish I could link my tutorials, that is killing me.
  7. Even a nosecone still has more drag than no nosecone. So if your ship is a very tall 2.5m pillar with a nosecone it will cause way less drag than if it was shorter and had lots of boosters attached to it radially. Mass has nothing to do with the drag, it does have to do with the terminal velocity but that's another story.
  8. I guess that means you have to delete your FAR folder, download and install it again.
  9. It works just fine. Just fix the bomb configs, it's part[space].cfg, and should be part.cfg, so remove that space or its possible that they won't load.
  10. Guys, really, you DON'T WANT him to come back. Someone with a kerbal on the avatar.
  11. This w64 talk will not lead anywhere, ferram4 stated more times than I can count with all my fingers the reasons for that and what can you do about it. The knowledge required to recompile a mod is equivalent to the one you need to make a proper bug report, if you can't do one of them it's very likely that you cannot do the other. So, either pick the redistributed mod version or remove the lock, but that is not going to happen otherwise until the version is stable enough for it. You can be as mad about it as you want, but it's not going to happen until w64 is stable enough, and this counts for all mods which block themselves on it, not just FAR. Asking for it over and over even starts to sound like trolling at this point.
  12. That is cool! Will check it out. If it works as well as advertised, it's surely a good way to create and share modpacks.
  13. That may be why they are so deadly. Or not. Go, megatiger.
  14. Download links were removed until either license for distribution of every mod is provided, or the official distribution links for every of them is linked separately.
  15. Get on the same hamachi room. Pick the hamachi IP of the host. Pick the port on the server cfg (if you don't touch it its 6759). Put those on the connection tab, on the main menu of the game (if connecting to a friend use hamachi IP, if it's yourself localhost should do it). Connect. @BibbitZ: If you make sure there is no player controlling a vessel nearby nor spectating you, you are 100% free of risk.
  16. Yes, the guns work fine for the client, but the server does not tell your friend you killed him, nor sync bullets etc. There are plans to make it work on the future, but right now it doesn't. But this is not actually a bad thing, because this way you can kill your friend several times and he will respawn without having to launch again etc. Missiles also sync, but as DMP damping code counts for speed and not acceleration they jump around quite a bit, which is what makes it harder to see when your enemy fires. You can still have a lot of fun using this mod and multiplayer, and actual dogfights with friends
  17. It's set to 5km by default, IIRC. I guess that is the only change. Ah, and it also works on DMP, so that makes it easier to load aircraft from friends while flying together (i recommend 20km if you don't have debris around).
  18. More dihedral, lol. And more tail. To fix SAS issues just decrease the deflection of your control surfaces. And make sure you set them to react only to the controls they are meant for.
  19. No, its the vertical angle with the wing plane: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0c/Dihedral_and_anhedral_angle_%28aircraft_wing%29.svg Wiki explains well. The horizontal angle from the body of the aircraft is the sweep angle (highly swept wings). A positive sweep angle increases the dihedral EFFECT, but it does not mean it's dihedral. A negatively swept wing increases the anhedral effect. Edit: A horizontal/vertical position confusion may have happened, but I hope you understand it now.
  20. You realy don't want him to be back, at all. Someone who is not green, not metalic and not a hat.
  21. That was not the thread that I moved, haha. This one is a suggestion.
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