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Everything posted by Azimech

  1. Wow ... that old mod. Maybe I'll give it some love in the future. If enough people want it, I might get motivated to do some work on it.
  2. Simple: let the server decide if timewarp is possible and how. There are scenario's/styles of gaming where you don't need or don't want timewarp. My suggestion would be: make sure it works without timewarp first. Not everybody wants to go to space; some like to go to space but dislike the idea of interplanetary travel. If you look at successful MP games, the majority is focused on fast-paced action. People usually don't have a lot of time.
  3. Example, add this segment to your own engine configuration. In my own example I've turned the ion engine into a destructive proton cannon with 3km range. MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Engine/ionEngine/model // Always write the name without extension. scale = 1,2,1 // The size and shape of your model. Standard is nearly always is 1,1,1. } This works regardless where you put your own file in GameData. And no MM needed.
  4. The only thing I use is the template of the original configuration, and I don't want my version to be updated whenever an update arrives. I sometimes only use the original model and/or FX but specify this in the license and give credits. Has worked so far and without any complaints, I'm not really interested in learning MM's syntax. The extent of modifications I usually do could be seen as an elaborate MM config file by itself. I think it's weird a MM config could grow to be larger than a part configuration, if one properly uses the MM syntax.
  5. Necropost of the month, this topic might even be from before the Great Forum Massacre :-P I'm sure @Vanamonde knows what to do with this.
  6. Not long ago I discovered another way of driving an engine: using unpowered rover wheels. The right amount of wheels with the right spring force acting on a fuel tank with a mesh collider would cause a physics feedback loop, but only above and below certain RPM's. During my testing the ideal speed was 26rad/s. This is fine for helicopters but way too slow for a plane. I could make a new test setup though, but tomorrow. It's 23:50 over here.
  7. Cool! How will it run? I'm seeing only rocket engines as exhaust stacks.
  8. Yeah, this was my vision of an American racer from that period. And it handles like it's supposed to. Ever since racing started, the European manufacturers have made the best chassis. Even the famous Ford GT40 which won Le Mans multiple times, was created in England. So while you might not be happy with the result, I am :-)
  9. Instead of forcing everyone to install ModuleManager if they want to use your mod, I have the following procedure: Make a folder inside GameData with the name of your mod (or if you plan to create multiple, choose a manufacturer name and make a folder, then the mod folder). Copy the part.cfg of the engine you wish to modify and place the copy inside your mod folder. Include a MODEL segment with the correct path. If you don't know how, I'll post an example when I get home.
  10. Which version, 1.3.1 pre? Maybe it's an idea to re-attach the blades?
  11. Interesting ... a few of my helicopters use heat shields as blisks, instead of what the majority has adopted nowadays. The problem with a test stand like this one: it only measures static thrust. It would be best if you'd measure every prop over a wide range of speeds. The debug screen has the option to show the aero data in the context menu, which will give you much more info than the yellow arrows. Edit: who is "quietplease"? I need my morning coffee.
  12. Yeah there's always a tradeoff. I lower grip until it behaves right. I distinctly remember the report from a rallye when one of the drivers was complaining of having too much grip. Since rallye driving is a lot about being able to drift around tight corners but being able to cope with jumps, potholes and bumps as well, my rallye cars have been tuned and behave accordingly. But it's all about personal preference.
  13. Personally I would increase the ride height. It seems very low on the ground.
  14. When trying krakentech, it's best to avoid career mode at all. Glad you've worked it out.
  15. Ever since I uploaded the very first turboshaft helicopter there was a nagging feeling it wasn't a real turboshaft but merely a direct-drive turbine. I tried to correct it but failed. Back then I didn't know what I know now. Since building turboprops and helicopters has become pretty popular nowadays I feel it's time for a new challenge. I present to you the very first seconds of flight of a geared turboshaft. Until fluid dynamics arrive, the closest to reality we can get. Development goes quick, I've started building 75 minutes ago. It needed 4 passes of bearing reinforcement and it's starting to look good. There is some slip which starts to occur above 12 rad/s. Some adjustment of the bearings & gears are needed but I'm not sure how yet. Gear ratio is 1:1. I'll probably switch to 3:2 once the gear problems are solved. To be continued!
  16. Beautiful car man! Camber was a good idea of mine, wasn't it? ;-)
  17. When a challenge starts for prop fighters, we'll be using either adjusted aero or FAR. Stock aero is just too limiting. Also, since BDA will be flying the planes, no prop pitch adjustment can be made. This means the designer needs to find a fitting value somewhere between acceleration/climb and top speed/dive. Unless ... as we know a kOS script exists that adjusts the prop pitch dynamically. What we don't know is if this kOS script can run with multiple planes and if not, if it can be adapted.
  18. The good days for using landing gear is essentially over. They were usable in 2015 but it seems RCS balls are the future for multiple reasons.
  19. For building huge warships, it's much easier to use my mod. First of all, it brings the part count down. Next, realistic hull masses. Best of all: the ships can sink. It hasn't been updated in over a year but it still works.
  20. It's beautiful! I do wonder if you could build it using stock parts only ;-)
  21. By your command! I really love the Cylons from the original Battlestar Galactica (1978 series). This is a mechanical solution to the reciprocating Cylon scanner, which in reality was done with LED’s. Just hit stage and change focus. The eye will move. Not much else you can do with it. Maybe throw some balls at it. Or you could examine the mechanics inside. Download link.
  22. Okiedokie, here ya go. Changelog: Engine: relocated parts so the RTG's could be mounted longitudinally. Engine: Changed bearings from solar panels to RCS balls, changed bearing clearance. Engine: original setup was 9 RTG's attached radially to one reaction wheel. This created problems with vibrations. Relocated 8 out of 9, scrapped the last. All RTG's are clipped together in the longitudinal axis. Some more RTG's can be scrapped, the engine doesn't use the power. Airframe: All non-engine reaction wheels are disabled now. Airframe: All control surfaces have a specific function. Roll and yaw have authority set to 150%. Airframe: removed 8 RTG's. Airframe: reduced angle of incidence of the main wing from 4.47 deg. to 2.73 deg. Airframe: rebuilt horizontal stabilizer. Airframe: specified autostruts for key parts. Landing gear: switched friction control from automatic to override with values above 2.0. Landing gear: set main gear angle to 0 deg. inclination and moved backwards. Also disabled steering on main wheels. Propeller: New standard setting: -48. Great for take off and climb. At altitude and when flying level it's best to gradually reduce this to -25. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7i3gp4yqibes5c8/AC Spitfire Mk IXA modified.craft?dl=0 I've spent a few hours on this, would you mind if I upload this one to KerbalX, mentioning you as the original creator?
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