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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. yup, and just like most it needs to be properly recompiled against the new 1.2 dll's as things have changed in the references, so it simply cant find what it needs to load ,as what it needs is no longer a KSP dll
  2. Today I tested wheels in 1.2 and found that they are good no clipping issues no blocking=Very happy bunny. Cheers Squad
  3. yup but it doesnt really cut it at missile defense (in ksp anyway), general AA fine but missiles not so much, the quad on the other hand is very effective.
  4. That's nice, must get SMM out with the changes as there are a load of deco bits in there. Made some irregular panels last night ,2x1.3x1.4x1.1x1 and 1x2 slopes which should help with the detailing on less streamlined vessels And my latest, The request turrets were given a test run against 4 nasty drones last night and came through with flying colors, although not happy with the fire sound, or the fire rate of the single even though it's as per real specs, may change it to explosive ammo instead, that may work better.
  5. While conversely I turn off thrust vectoring on my builds, never use anything that isn't a propeller and all my steering is done with rudders, not wings pressed into service( as that doesn't work well) but rudders made for the job, there's one currently in LBP and two in SMM. Using stock rocket engines just destroys the immersion, which is odd coming from me, too many years as a marine engineer to do it any other way. SO it's all about choices and I've made different ones than you,
  6. The trouble is that the hulls themselves act as a keel, as such the vessel has a tendency to want to, especially at speed, run straight and unless your rudder arrangement and reaction wheels can cancel out the keel effect you are fighting a losing battle. It is possible to tweak the cfg to alleviate some of this habit, but that in turn leads to instability at high speed, which is very bad. You can also add a second locked off rudder somewhere around the mid point of the hull, this gives a point at which to pivot around, and so can make steering more positive, the downside is that the 1.1.3 phantom force issue can get upset by this arrangement and cause massive sideways loading's to be applied rapidly to your ship, usually resulting in a part or two visiting the sun. SO it's all swings in roundabouts, and compromise, allegedly the water physics are much improved in 1.2 so we can but wait and see how it all pans out.
  7. HI all you can now get the Mun Pocket Edition from the link below. Updated and re released under the original Public Domain license. and registered as such https://www.dropbox.com/s/veedch2w6afpyay/OSMods_MunPocketEdition.zip?dl=0
  8. There nothing to learn really, people make it out to be some dark art, but it's not, for our purposes what it does is remove the stock buoyancy system and the stock drag cubes system and replace it with it's own version which for the purpose of buoyancy is immeasurably better than the stock games implementation.
  9. Hi all, have to say,' I'been everywhere man' started playing back in o.16 so a while ago, Did all my interplanetary madness in previous versions, built massive RT satellite networks for constant coms anywhere, built bases on mun and duna, destroyed many ships on laythe, left debris everywhere, go me As others have said, I've done , there's nothing new out there really hasn't been for ages, so these days I'm a homebody, confining my efforts to the oceans and skies of Kerbin. That said, for nostalgia reasons and finishing the munpocketedition restoration, I took myself off to Jool, I seem to have spent a lot of time there over the years and not sure why.
  10. HI if it's not the problem highlighted by InsaneDruid above, when you start your game and load the scene, sph/vab, are you loading a previously saved version of the part, meaning have you built a craft with the part? and do you load this craft in order to see your changes? If so, you are not seeing the updated part, you are seeing a ghost, It's actually called once again a prefab which is how the game stores saved craft. So no matter what you do the game will load the same parts on the saved vessel over and over again, drawing it each time from the previously saved prefab not your recently changed part. The only way to check if part X has changed is to use a fresh part from the part editor. I run into this a lot and the only solution is to build a new craft with the part, you may find the same situation arises with cfg's the cfg for the part is baked in with the prefab/saved craft and changes to the cfg are not reflected in the loaded craft, I recently discovered that I can manipulate these values with MM, so in a recent example was able to remove an obsolete part module from several very detailed craft that would not load without it and so allow them to load again. This post has a lot of relevant info on the saving and prefabs created
  11. My understanding of this is completely opposite, virtual memory can also hamper performance. The larger the virtual memory is compared to the real memory, the more swapping has to occur to the hard disk. The hard disk is much, much slower than the system memory. Trying to use too many programs at once in a system with too little memory will result in constant disk swapping, called thrashing. SO get more RAM. I think it's amazing that you are managing to run KSP with LESS ram than the recommended minimum system specs supplied by Squad
  12. OH you do you, currently the LBP has 80 parts folders, and many of the new parts share folders and textures with other parts, so that 80 doesn't fully represent the complete package, and the whole package contains around 354 individual files, so it's not small in any way. Yet you recommend that I rustle up at least another 20 parts to satisfy what is in truth a very niche market in a very niche market mod. Now if you were paying money perhaps you could recommend something, but until that day you have no rights other than to desire a thing or request a thing. And if this really makes you unhappy please feel free to find another parts pack more suited to your tastes, may I RECOMMEND that you try Azimechs WW2 ships mod for example.
  13. And while the paint was drying on the first and real MK110 I put together the MK210, it may not have a real world equivalent but it looks like it should, and i love it, as is only right.
  14. Hi all it's been brought to my notice that SpaceDock is having technical difficulties that I don't at all envy , SO with the recent update perhaps being unavailable here is a remote link to a direct download UPDATE ;Large Ship Parts Packv3.6.1
  15. It did cross my mind, knowing the plethora (great word) of other mods and a life you have to deal with, but thought nah, he'll never do that BUT yeah do that, I'd like that muchly and appreciate it a jellybeanload (ha you aint censoring me ) Cheers
  16. Well there you go, why bother when it's already being done.
  17. Hi have you had any luck getting this working? I saw your post the other day in the FS thread. When i read the post and the subsequent comment by snjo , i thought that it was odd, couldn't put my finger on what, so I went and had a look at some of my texture switching parts, and saw that not one of them had a texture root folder entry.. so I chose 1 set and added the cfg line. with the correct path, fired up the game, and nothing all the options I'd had before were gone, and the gui displayed exactly as yours does, Quit the game, remove the entry clear the MM cache and restart, and lo there was color changing back again. SO although counter intuitive, try removing the texture root name entry, especially if the part textures share the folder, have no clue what to do if they aren't folder sharing.
  18. Got to say that is the best thing I've seen in ages, thanks for the much needed laughs.
  19. @TiktaalikDreaming Hi not sure this will be of any help but did you know that IVAs do not have to be large ? they can in fact be tiny, IF you build an IVA a 50% of normal scale, as long as the scale is 1 in unity then your kerbs will magically resize themselves to fit in the space. It is in fact possible to fit a crew of four comfortably in the space occupied by a Kerbals helmet so taking up virtually no space inside any other part
  20. AH yes but, they aren't LBP parts, so while the creative side of me really likes your project . the mod manager in me has just had a meeting to state that it's totally unacceptable. SO what we're missing are light support carrier parts? While i like your build I can see already that you've had to make a compromise or ten, a compromise that having the right parts would help to prevent. SO i need a clearer idea of exactly whats needed, some reference images would be good, even if all they are is a rough guide it will speed up the creation process, and make sure that you get at least some of the features , sizes and shapes that will work.
  21. Hi all as with all BD's mods, those that have not been taken up by other people have been collected together by @Papa_Joe (top man) and will be restored hopefully to full working order as soon as 1.2 has been around for a week or two. There is no real point even bothering before then as the 1.2 changes will break and repairs all over again. This topic is brought up in the BDAc (BD armory continued) thread all the time , and my answer is always the same, if you fancy endless hours of frustration, followed by days of futility shortly followed by the realization that you've just wasted over a week because everything you did has been broken by 1.2 go ahead, especially if you can magic some raw assets to work from. The killer about looking after BD mods, is that we are starting from a bad place, even before you think about fixing the wheels, you will have to export all the part models to blender, then into unity once you've removed all the added renumbered and rotated transforms, completely rework the hierarchy as it's very different .1.1.3 from the hierarchy of pre 1 wheels and hope that PJ can make it all play nice with the code, nothing is guaranteed. Without the raw assets what you get after the rebuild will not be the same thing, it will resemble, but not be the parts you were looking for. Lots of work for little if any reward is not may idea of fun ( the best reward being that it works properly and doesn't give any bother) SO go on in do it, feel free.
  22. yes. AND Under the care of SM Solutions proudly presents The Get it in quick before 1.2 arrives update R12 So you may ask whats taken so long, simple really , there were a thousand tiny issues, most have been sorted now, some even tinier ones have not been nailed down precisely, but on the whole I think it's an improvement. This update also features, well FEATURES the new fully working Tunguska, the original remains so as to preserve compatability. This new and improved Tunguska has the same guns as before, but now the Missile launchers are not ornamental. They now fire actual real live PEW missiles. To make this happen I have created one new missile the 57E6 short range radar guided anti aircraft missile and have modified slightly the ATAKA anti tank missile in order for it to also be fired. The missile launchers consist of 8 tubes in 2 banks of for, and in both function guns Or Missiles the turret is fully functional in both pitch and yaw. Apologies to those expecting the fully active Bradley , it's simply not yet reliable enough to include, but it should be soon Other points of interest, the above Logo is part of the new Agency, and you can now select PEW parts by manufacturer, rather than scrabbling through the 200 parts in the BDAc category There may be bugs , there may be un found problems, we gave it a good shot at catching them all, but we can't think of every single eventuality especially after weeks and weeks of part and cfg bashing, it all gets a bit fuzzy. So be nice, if there's a problem that's easily fixed I'll try to get it sorted ASAP, but as is the fashion these days and something I support, if you don't make a sensible bug or error report, I'll ignore it, so things like " X dont do Y fix it" will not get you anywhere, Likewise failure to supply a log and if possible steps to reproduce your problem, will also result in no acknowledgement of your issue Another link to the download just in case you missed the first
  23. Someone called "nomekisser" hasn't room to talk
  24. 10/10 from me, much enjoyed, will watch again. And nice to see your A 10 flies better than mine, flies like it namesake and not your fault but the stock games booms and bangs are a bit limp, may I recommend For effects such as below
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