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Everything posted by dimovski

  1. Any .cfg guru here?If yes... Please tell me how I can turn a model via .cfg edit, cause else this is not gonna work, really... edit:I 1st wanted to say this thing is more than ridicoules...but this tops off everything youve ever seen: More than 1/1000th of c... goes to shoot himself...-.-
  2. This might sound stupid...but Im gonna ask anyway, are you going to to the Diamant someday? I understand that we wont really be able to lift anything with it, except a barebones LKO sat, but its a very nice, historical rocket... Here is something, I believe, which is called a "render" of that rocket : http://andegraf.com/rockets/diamand.htm
  3. Finnaly managed to open it...even added an empty game object into the correct place...just...how do I save this?I mean, so that I just have to move around those 2-3 files, add them a cfg and make them work... I suppose the correct term is exporting?but...is it even possible to export something you edited in Unity back as a .dae or .obj file?
  4. Oh, I see...well in the end I sort of managed to import a .obj and a .mtl file, Ive added thrusttransform to it...now I just have to figure out how to bring it BACK into the .obj format WITH the empty game object...
  5. That looks...WOW...But...could you make it orange,please?Red makes it look awkward
  6. Hi!So...for what did you borrow Vlads NK-33?

  7. Thanks, I tried doing an exact rescale in mass (fuel,empty,etc.),thrust etc. of Soyuz parts, and after Block B,V,G,D seperate, its TWR is 1...thats kinda bad if youre still not in the 30-40km height range...
  8. EDIT: No problem. My noyuz is long dead and to be honest quite bad, so you can use the name and make it mean quality! You have my blessing or something Soo...
  9. Really?Because Im 99% sure the sustainer was throttled down at liftoff and achieved 100% throttle after booster seperation?Or am I wrong?
  10. Hello guys, could anyone please, pretty please, tell me how much the RD-108 sustainer engine of the Soyuz was throttled down at liftoff?That would be really helpful for me!
  11. EDIT:Xemit gave me permission to use the name of his old Soyuz spacecraft mod, I'm proud to place it over this mod xyz times. BobCats Soyuz is great, sure, but this one is really detailed, better textured, and overall looks better and is modular. I like it more. And ofcourse, the most important thing...WHY NOT?
  12. EDIT, 31st August '13, deleted the text, for reasons see the 1st post I made.
  13. 8* is a bit much really, you dont even need 2!0.5* should do in fact
  14. EDIT, 31st August '13, deleted the text, for reasons see the 1st post I made.
  15. Okay then, to show you just HOW BROKEN the 3rd stage of the Noyuz was :
  16. I remember that, Im here since 0.17, you know EDIT:why havent you used ORDA back in ye old days?
  17. EDIT, 31st August '13. The stuff I posted would be useless and confusing, so I deleted it.
  18. Greetings comrades! To bring you into celebration mood : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4Xx3N0WQ8o MrTheBull has started work on a Vostok spacecraft! For pictures, browse 3rd, 4th pages, and later.
  19. I would like to point this site out in case you need some more reference material for your rockets : http://andegraf.com/rockets/n1.htm I clicked randomly on the N1, but there are lots of launchers there.Might help with fuel tank sections (atleast I hope so )
  20. Yeah, Ive got trouble importing a .dae file, when I try opening it up I have to "check my application prefernces" or something like that, and the part as such never shows up...if I could fix this, it would be a piece of cake to add a thrusttransform and make the engines work...
  21. I see , okay then...I wish thered be a unity tutorial somewhere for importing parts and adding game objects...
  22. Okay, but tell me, whats the point of it anyway?Is it some sort of airlock or?
  23. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24970-0-19-Kosmos-Spacecraft-Design-Bureau-Updated-%284-19-13%29 Download the Salyut, theres no need for the 2 ports on the docking module, just the body, the docking modules are the androgynous docking system > APAS 69 > which is featured there edit: realized the russkies placed a more modern apas there, but the looks are the same, really, also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androgynous_Peripheral_Attach_System
  24. NP, I can wait. Mir docking module is awesome aswell...(btw, doesnt Kosmos have an APAS 69?!)
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