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Everything posted by dimovski

  1. might go into my sig LoL! So, you still having roll problems BobCat?Have you tried increasing braking force/torque?or simply giving the parts which are spinning some torque?or maybe even a negative torque value to offset the ASAS by a bit?Or maybe the mesh wasnt exactly centered in Unity?
  2. And a Zarya spacecraft whilst youre at it http://www.astronautix.com/graphics/z/zarya89.jpg
  3. It is...very interesting...and very nice our devs are on leave it seems Awesomeness incoming...
  4. something to do with braking force and braking torque in .cfg maybe?
  5. oh...so youre working up?does that mean vostok is gonna be the most awesome thing ever created?
  6. I like the way you made the ramp optional...awesome as always,bobcat
  7. As you were working on ORDA...any chance to tell us how to fix ORDA from just re-rotating every single time 2 APAS69 ports when they try docking...I always have to turn off ORDA and rotate it for 180 degrees...and also, usually when I dock its not perfectly straight...why?
  8. Anything new?Havent seen changes in teh wiki.
  9. Delta-V for SRBs doesnt show up...I usually dont need this, but it does hurt if you want to create a very,very specific launcher (for example,Faeton)
  10. .cfg edit delete zhese 2 : MODULE { name = ModuleJettison jettisonName = Orion5_shroud bottomNodeName = bottom isFairing = True jettisonedObjectMass = 0.5 jettisonForce = 40 jettisonDirection = 0 1 0 } MODULE { name = ModuleJettison jettisonName = Orion6_shroud bottomNodeName = bottom isFairing = True jettisonedObjectMass = 0.5 jettisonForce = 40 jettisonDirection = 0 1 0 }
  11. Umm, if youre going to augment this with pics (no, I wont bother commenting on your update, Ive got better stuff to do then dig thru the dictionary for all possible positive wordings), I STRONGLY suggest you to contact camelotking (dunno if he posted here), why?Well he updated the pre-0.18 parts to work with the current version of KSP, I dont know since when youre playing KSP but a look at the mod should make everything clear.The pod could easily be used for the Kerbal one, and the old tanks, engines and SRBs could be, via part .cfg edit (Im volunteering to edit it) modified to acctually have the performance of those LV-15 and R-5 boosters.I hope youre gonna think about this.
  12. Its already 11 times tinier then RL, 110 times wont make it easier for modders AT ALL...
  13. Goooood morning chaps! Id find it fine if someone would hand me some tea over, Im thirsty. Crumpets would be nice aswell, but I prefer pudding. (oh I tried so hard not to, but anyway : "Timothy, language!")
  14. Im curious aswell...I think nothing is "planned" for now, but he did mention something about rebalancing and remodelling Blok D...And that we might see a 1-man command pod (Vostok) after 0.20 comes out
  15. And then you must force Nova to read it, so we get those LV-10 and LV-15s...and the RT-5
  16. I like it so-far, well except the altitude changes, in fact, for now you gain MORE data by doing a 100km x 100km orbit with 500 scans on Minmus, then 2500(!) on a 20x20 orbit!
  17. OMG ITS AWESOME. I think this pretty much describes what I think about it... This really makes me think those AARs should, once finished, if the writer approves, be printed and made a "fan-article" of KSP, the writer would get some money from it aswell. I really like this...A LOT.
  18. He probably made 20 launchers and waits till we all think he had some RL trouble, and then he will release them all
  19. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/32130-Soyuz-and-Kerbabl-0-20-modernization%21-Soyuz-cfgs-released%21 Umm,a 6 ton warhead isnt a weapon, I suppose?Common guys, you only troll me, why havent you qouted the un-winged SRB for that!?
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