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Everything posted by dimovski

  1. why would you have solids on a second stage tho? doubt thats feasible, rather stick 4 on the 1st stage.
  2. Hey guys...you should know..._I_ provided him with the andegraf page (which in turn, I have 1st posted on bobcats historical thread...page 40 and something) Now, enough of bragging, yes that page is really really accurate, but only IF you can figure out what is what... Or do you know what the last rocket on this page : http://andegraf.com/rockets/proton.htm is on top of your head?
  3. what are you even talking about for god's sake...hell I dont understand anything anymore, you and nomrbond are throwing around engine names and uses I never heard about lol! also, why remake the 191? just take the .dae file from an older angara pack a, and convert it in Unity to work...
  4. Make it so they re really high then and place them so that your average 0 inclination mechjeb ascent would make you go just a slight bit over or under the bridge (yah, I know its not possible...would be hillarious tho)
  5. Well, seems if you derp around with drag you can acctually increase the amount of delta-v needed...by bringing it from 0.2-0.3 to 0.5-0.6 I already needed like 6k delta-v... If I'll have a bit of luck, this might work out... EDIT:well moving to 0.9 increased it again just by 1k delta-v...so I'll have to...*gulp*...balance it... EDIT2:in the end, I think its impossible to give the rocket scaled performance without it being a shadow of itself (cause you could create a better 0.5m rocket with stock parts than the R7 would be with its majestic lifting power of 275kg into LKO, so Ive decided to do it like this : I did, for the moment, a Soyuz-U, it should be able to lift approx. 9, maybe 9,5 tons. After I create the Soyuz FG fuel tanks (yes, the ever so slight in-game difference of 0,2 tons per fuel tank is enough for my masochistic mind to go and create a new .cfg for it...because why not), which are finnaly going to give a point to the RD-107A and 108A, aswell as the 0124, it might be raised to 12, maybe 14 tons. And also, if I feel masochistic enough, I might rescale BobCat's shrouds (but at some point this rocket might have its very own shrouds...aswell as something bobcat's pack doesnt have...specially made for "lonely" kerbals...(enough of the all-to obvious spoilering)), but I think the Fregat is plain impossible to adapt to this rocket, with 2kN of thrust, I plain fail to see how it could work in the extremly short amount of time for a Kerbin orbit...except if you'd make a 200, or even 400km orbit...but then comes the question..how will the sustainer lift it? for now, as theres not much more to balance, I consider my job done...(but, if you take the spoilers into account...a release might come a bit later...and yes Im working on this mostly because of those spoilers...dunno why Im typing so much tho...*must...STAHP...TYPING...hnggggghhh*)
  6. Tru dat. So the NK-33A was the one with 20% more thrust me thinks... edit:nomrbond...you saw my PM?
  7. And WTH is it again...lel? Anyway...I never heard about a RD-233, what is it? Also, I meant the firing for the Soyuz-2. EDIT:Also, didnt they cut a bit of the nozzle from the NK-33 and named THAT an Aerojet? Also, if you wanna create higher thrust, might as well be accurate 'bout it and add a NK-33-1 and NK-33A (one of them has an extender nozzle, but I'm too lazy to try figuring that out atm.
  8. Aaaaand what makes you think he wont slap 2 fairings on it?
  9. Whats that...Blok G? or is that one longer...? Or is that a new blok D? (as the real one aint accurate and should be about as wide as the proton, not the soyuz)
  10. Isnt that its RL payload? Ugh...should be a lot less me thinks...unless the author gave it RL size LoL! (but then it should be even more...Ill better stop typing)
  11. Dunno, they /did/ fire an engine just recently, which was mothballed for like...40 years? And it worked flawlessly, Im quiet sure it could take the chamber pressure...then again, Im no specialist.
  12. Chamber pressure. EDIT:apropo UR-700 http://andegraf.com/rockets/rus_never.htm The site has many many rockets. I hope ya like those...err, theyre called renders, right?
  13. Yep...Im surprised tho...I expected no one cared about it...just please dont go offtopic, theres always PM
  14. True...Thats why I had them in the 500s then, close to the 191 (in fact, pretty much the very same...like 20kN difference)
  15. Encyclopedia Astronautica mentions them as engines of Blok A...I do recall I once called it a D111, also, I just went for a quick wikipedia search and I believe I saw 2m...might've been figures for NK-43 then. Nice chat EDIT1:also, I did take vacuum thrust, which is around 1700kN, not 1500
  16. Thats incorrect. It comes at roughly 540kn and some 0.25-0.3 tons or lower still. the true monster is the study-one with high chamber pressure, that one d have the same weight, more Isp, and approx. 750kn... I did convert an old nk-33...gimme a minute and Ill give you what I came up with EDIT:there we go, 11D51M, thrust approx. 700kn, weight : 300 kilo NK-33, 428kN at 300 kilo. EDIT2:sorry, 11d51m > 694,1kN thrust, Isp 346s http://www.astronautix.com/engines/11d51m.htm AFAIK only difference is chamber pressure.
  17. Oww man, Ill love launching this when its ready...that is if you dont go full retard like I go with my conversions/mods and make them historical
  18. Ahh please, it might be funny, yet I fail to understand why Kerbals wouldnt be able to create engines with high thrust-to-weight ratios, especially if they can create engines with 370 or 390s Isp (yet how did they fail to create hydrogen-fed engines is beyond me...Im not talking about the nerva, ofcourse)
  19. Even if its heavy, it is, in fact, the best engine in its class, in terms of ISP and thrust (we wont count hydrogen engines, now will we?), also...if youd, say rescale a Soyuz rocket to 1.25m, the engine would weigh in at around...220 kilo's, thats not bad, right? Compared to it, the LV-909 is REALLY, _REALLY_, heavy
  20. Wait such a mod exists?! OMG! THX² (good I had ² in my clipboard already...lol)...I want it to so that ascending needs the same amount of Delta-V as it does for an Earth ascent.
  21. Wait Im stupid...I read it somewhere wrong...RD-120 is used on the zenit 2nd stage...ffs I should shoot myself...dunno why I have to embarass myself all the time... Not to mention how...ugh...complicated the 0155 looks, and that its overall worse then the 120...im stupid²
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