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Everything posted by dimovski

  1. Im left...in both ways of understanding it.Funny BOTH arent as common as RIGHT. But yeah, I heard we lefties are better at maths...and we die sooner...ugh.
  2. Say hello to Zemiorka.I win.6 tons to KSC1 from KSC2 in less then half an hour.
  3. Ahh...SRBs...well anyway, are those SRBs gimballed or how did they get into position?And also, we dont really HAVE to use the fairings, do we?
  4. Again, seperate engines? Btw, real life payload capacity in BobCat scale, or just real life parameters to BobCat scale?I ask because for Kerbin ascent you need about 1/2 of the delta-v needed for Earth ascent.
  5. Wcole, Im surprised, as a modder which brings so much joy into saying "HOW ABOUT NO" and "NO RELEASE DATES", you havent bothered to READ the readme on the Soyuz and LK?there are questions like "what about Blok G,N1,LoK there, ALL answered.
  6. to get it accurate, it should be x2,37, but Id like to point out KW rocketry engines were made so that each has its counterpart on a different scale, but via squaring, so to get a useful engine you would have to scale a size 2 down by the factor of 4, and not 8, to get a normal 1.25m engine... (yes,looks unreadable, dunno why)
  7. Now this got me thinking...INVISIBRUH struts!
  8. As long as you are doing it, we can wait.Its your work afterall.
  9. Thank you.I knew you did it by purpose, but I had to know why, well we can only hope
  10. Hey BobCat, I know its a stupid question...but why do the Soyuz apcecraft and the Progress spacecraft weight MORE then real life counterparts?And why has the central engine of the Soyuz got 800kN thrust?That is double the thrust from a lateral, whilst the difference should be some 10-15% at most...
  11. You DO realize I know that, dont you? Im using that on myself, Castun said that AFTER having the same texture,models,etc. in the same folder with several part.cfgs there could be some optimizing done by joining those part.cfgs into a single one with more Part () thingys...And that 2kb difference wont matter a lot...seems you havent really understood me,eh?
  12. Im curious, has it, and should it have an off-center center of mass?
  13. A cfg. has roughly 2kb, and you really are saving time just to the point the CPU hasnt got to open yet another .cfg, but reads thru a longer one.I cannot imagine myself any performance increase by doing so even to all parts...
  14. most certianly not the case, nearly all engines in NP are, in fact, underpowered...well, compared to KW anyways, Im using them as gap fillers mainly, youre payload is probably too light, 3.75m and 5m engine and fuel tanks are there for the rather heavy payloads, anything below 50 tons for a 3.75m launcher is pretty ridicoules...
  15. Well, if you consider those 2kbs an improvement...and for ppl using the debug console to reload stuff they were changing it takes longer to reload the models...
  16. Found a RD-191 which I managed to update for 0.20
  17. Im slowly learning about Unity...now if God would help me and tell me how the crap I am supposed to texture stuff...and how to model stuff... Well anyway, I have finnaly been able to modernize the NK-33 from "Vlad.JustVlad.", I have also scaled it to 1.25m diameter (or a bit less, so it fits decouplers...) Ofcourse, it hasnt got colliders, Im not /that/ advanced...oh,and it hasnt got textures...did I mention you have to strut it down with your fueltank if you want to keep it in place? So, the Soyuz I is going to use the NK-33-1 engine (approx. 100kN more thrust then the normal NK-33, with normal Isp and 0.35 gimbal range) The Soyuz 2-3 and 3 (mind you, I dont know where to find a Zenit replica, and cant get those dual-chambered rocket engines to work...quiet) are going to have as their core the normal NK-33/43 (I named it like this cause I dont feel like having 2 different .cfgs, and cause Im currently too tired to care about the difference in nozzle diameter etc.) with improved Isp and around 375kN thrust, and about .5 gimbal range... A very very early WIP of the Soyuz I, the fuel tank comes from part generator...
  18. Sooo, Ive been fiddling around a bit, and with some more fiddling I think I might be able to create a replica of the Soyuz I,II-III and III EDIT, 31st August '13, this has low priority now.
  19. Yes, search on your latest started threads, or by normak, one of these should feature the pre-wipe Kosmos spacecraft design bureau thread, on it there is a link to download the Kosmos Angara and the LK, thats how I downloaded it, trying to update it with obj_gimbal...hasnt worked out...and I want that RD-0146E badly...BAAAAAAADLLYYYYYY... EDIT:gonna upload the one I downloaded on dropbox then... EDIT2:uploading Angara Pack A...hope you want it... EDIT3:some 40% EDIT4:some 70% EDIT5:hope this is what you need, oh god if you would update the Angara pack, oh god oh god oh god Im too excited to write.... https://www.dropbox.com/s/yjztwpcei93thg1/Angara%20Pack%20A.zip
  20. Yogui, I already told you I love you... I guess Im gonna try to express my emotions in french then, seems to work from what Ive seen on SAS1946: Merci beaucoup, apprécier la tombe, dimovski!
  21. How about a RD-0120 rocket engine? http://www.capcomespace.net/dossiers/espace_sovietique/buran_energia/energia%20moteur%20RD0120.jpg EDIT:updated an old one, hasnt got a collider...but not that I care LOL
  22. Well, the Vesta 1.25m engine needs a weight nerf I think, 0.6 tons with 120kN and 400s is a bit much, really
  23. I have .msh and .v4 files, together with a .mtl and a .obj, so what am I supposed to do with .v4 and .msh?I tried it without them and got an invisible part which sunk into the launchpad... EDIT:well, this time I did got a white cylinder, obviously I just went over the "collider" part a bit..., but this time I havent added thrusttransform or anything...we shall see... EDIT2:gave the KSP to Unity guide another try... Sooo, anyone gonna tell me why that node-collider is in fact visible?I did place it as a collider, and I did go thru all of the steps mentioned in the tutorial...but how the hell do I make it invisible?I do acctually want to see that majestic nozzle...
  24. Are you going to release a version of the SRBs without all the flags? Too un-russian for me to use.
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