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Everything posted by dimovski

  1. With tomorrow you mean this day or zhe next one...Im waiting
  2. Nice looking rocket you have there, good sir! (Well, with stock parts anyway...) Keep it up
  3. I really,really dont want to go off-topic again...but maybe,only maybe, you could take a look at your parts in KSPs folder...there arent many with SoyuzLK in front of them...or maybe,dunno...launch the game and check for LK parts?! Back on teh topic...What was the mass of the LRV?I mean, is it going to cause some trouble with an offcenter center of mass?
  4. Thats too mainstream...a game with so many nice exploshuns and an actual ASSEMBLY BUILDING surely isnt supposed to be used to ASSEMBLE your crafts in your own way...
  5. You take something else as your 1st part...one of those structural elements, later you place the decoupler and the core below it, this way your time stays all right.
  6. you can dock any port to any IIRC, but yeah, APAS 69 would make it more realistic.
  7. Wait a second...I havent meant rage like RRRRAAAAAAAGGGEEE, sure, bad wording...but what can you do Anyway, I dont have any idea about HOME, I just read its supposedly not updated...if youre using 0.20, the Jool V wont work quiet out, no scale = 1.Sure, easy fix, but still, its not updated.And the Lunokhod still isnt using proper wheels, it was made in 0.18.4 IIRC, that makes it slightly difficult to control, you know. Also, yes, I agree, the comment wasnt needed...but seriously, its like BobCat would go cry cause of that and stop making mods forever!Im quiet sure he can mark that under spam and stop caring...Whats much more frustrating is people asking for preassembled *drumroll* 3 parts landers...or an instruction on building them...now THAT is sad. And also, the author of that post maybe isnt so good in English, maybe he meant something else?Maybe he did not want to sound ignorant?!
  8. lol!Oh well...use ORDA then...it uses less RCS anyway...what really bugs me is that it doesnt dock "straigth"
  9. Ugh, somewhere in this thread is a bugfix I think...you have to add dockingport to its name...I *think*...best would be to take a look through pages 1-15, there should be an answer for it...I think
  10. LoL so much rage for the poor guy...Im quiet sure he knows how much work is put into it...but you must take a look from his perspective, maybe he used HOME extensively...or Jool V...or the Lunokhod...Im not saying that hes right...hell no, I appreciate BobCats work, I wonder if he even has time to play the friggin game, but theres no need for this kind of answers guys...really.
  11. Im definately going to make http://worldoftanks.eu/dcont/fb/imagesforarticles/april_fool/screenshot01.jpg?MEDIA_PREFIX=/dcont/fb/ this with this mod
  12. Im pretty sure he hasnt got a firm plan...and that you should know that as a modder aswell...
  13. Umm...what do you call a defensive weapon? 2nd strike ICBM?
  14. Dobro onda...eh, sad već imamo dosta opreme za svemirske postaje, ali još kad bobcat izbaci module za kolonizaciju marsa i mjeseca...pa onda još i vostok (makar i nije nešto efikasan...4 tone u odnosu na 2 tone mercurya ako se dobro sjećam), i još sve to povezano sa wet workshop-om...I ja mislim da smo spremni za stvaranje baza na drugim planetima
  15. Eh, jedno pitanjce, u ÄÂemu je smisao sferoidnih tankova?
  16. EXCEPT they make nice, acidic exploshuns and are chemical...If I wanted something good I could just create an Ion drive with,say, 20000Isp at SL and vac and give it a thrust of 50MN...
  17. uh,Im sorry to say this, but still, wouldnt it be great if the standard 2m fuel tanks would have these MAGNIFICENT textures?
  18. Are you going to add one day LF2/LH2 fuel to your engines? It would be a very...kerbal fuel mix.
  19. So...if we create those vents in 2x symmetry, we wont have any problems, I hope?
  20. I know!TRY IT.or even better...LOOK AT A FRIGGIN PICTURE OF IT...sorry, but this is ridicoules.
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