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Everything posted by DerekL1963

  1. That's not a crawler path... The rockets of that era were generally assembled right in the pad, stage by stage.
  2. Is the .dll actually in the /plugins folder? Otherwise I can't see anything obviously wrong. Does it look like this inside the MJ folder? (You might nor have /PluginData, that's created when MJ runs)
  3. So I did. Maxima mea culpa. I can't change the quote, so I added a note.
  4. On the structural cylinders, there's a seperate thread detailing their usage. I find them very useful.
  5. They're a useful part because you can put stuff inside them. I use them in place of the ugly-butt service bays. For instance, on the tug I use to deliver space station modules, a structural tube contains the reaction wheel, the probe core, batteries, and monopropellant tanks. I've also played a little with using them as the structural base of probe landers but I haven't flown one yet. And if you haven't realized it yet - they're resizeable!
  6. Interesting - then why are their patch notes for version 1.4.1 in the readme? And why does my game report itself as 1.4.1? And why then is 1.4.1 a different download (a new installer) separate from MH? Etc... etc... etc... (The quote above actually comes from Jacke.) MH adds parts and additional content - it does not make any changes to the base game. It's DLC, not a new version of the game. (It even has its own, separate, version number - 1.0.)
  7. Having stood at Kerbin's North Pole (see the thread linked above), unless this is a recent change I can categorically state that no such hole exists at the North Pole.
  8. That con was in 1971 after Ringworld was published (1970) but before Niven retconned the attitude control jets into existence in Ringworld Engineers (1980). (I think some of the later editions of Ringworld were edited to add references to them as well.)
  9. MH isn't a new version - it's add on content.
  10. The terrain may not be wonky... But object behavior near so many seams certainly is.
  11. Sort by size helps, some with the tanks, a great deal with the decouplers. Also, be sure and hover over the item and check the tooltip. Slows the process down, but it too helps.
  12. Yeah, it's that meh. It's designed to be a (more-or-less) historically accurate core for an ascent stage. But they messed up the design so you have to use the move tool or play around and get lucky to mount the engine in its proper place. The RCS and COM are in weird places. It doesn't play well with other parts so you have to play games to install a useful ladder. Etc... etc... Basically, it was designed to look cool and functionality was an afterthought - and then sloppily executed.
  13. Angel-125's MOLE mod provides this if you're in a mood for a mod solution.
  14. Seriously? Did you even read what I wrote? I never said they couldn't do it today. I never said anything that even possibly be interpreted as meaning anything like that. I said: Soyuz is pretty specialized as a LEO station taxi. Can it survive the thermal environment of cislunar and lunar space unmodified? It's standard flight duration (2-3 days to a station, 2-3 days back) is awfully close to that of "loop around the moon" mission - what are it's margins? There's much more to the question than just heatshields.
  15. And that's for that percentage of people who find such things fun in the first place. Anyone who isn't in that percentage is left out in the cold from the get-go.
  16. Seriously? The Soyuz of today is specialized space station taxi designed for LEO operations, it is not a Soyuz lunar spacecraft from forty years ago. That a different spacecraft did something forty years ago says nothing about what today's Soyuz is capable of or what modifications might be required. I don't see why this is such a hard concept to grasp.
  17. Yes, the Agena carried a female docking cone that the Gemini inserted it's nose into. (source)
  18. Thanks for taking this over - Jool 5 is the flagship challenge of KSP! Also, the "older Jool-5 thread" link is broken, here is the correct one:
  19. I don't think there's a non-asteroid body you could encircle with a station and stay inside the game's physics limits.
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