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Everything posted by DerekL1963

  1. Um.. no. It's quite possible to have zero lift and zero angle of attack and still interact with the air and still be useful - on real planes and in KSP.
  2. OK, starting from zero... 1) From-scratch fresh install of KSP 1.4.1, Heisenberg, Hooligan (.dll only), Firespitter (.dll only), Community Resource Pack 2) Opened a new save and Wild Blue popup popped up. I can't recall if I clicked "OK" or "Cancel", but either way I did not change modes. 3) Wild Blue difficulty settings 4) Created my standard test fixture in the SPH and "launched" it. No reactor options on either SAFER or the Nuclear Gyro Ring. 5) Backed out and exited the game. Log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kjhmrmr2qm1few6/KSP_1001.log?dl=0
  3. No. I installed the latest version of Heisenberg Tuesday, at that time I set the mode to Lite Blue. On Thursday, I discovered and reported the bug. Several mode switches later the reactor was still not operating properly in either Stock or Lite Blue modes. On Friday, I installed a fresh copy of the CRP (Community Resource Pack), and when through collecting logs as described in Friday's post. We're getting so many crossed wires here, I probably need to restart from zero. Probably should have from the beginning,
  4. Presuming that Commnet is enabled. If not, all you need is a probecore or a pilot onboard.
  5. Yes, MechJeb sometimes flakes out, the landing API being particularly buggy. The best bet is to remember to quick save before executing a burn. Heck, even when doing things manually it's a good idea to quick save before doing them, as the game itself sometimes flakes out.
  6. No, I deleted them from /ksp, letting them be rebuilt has sometimes cleared problems in the past.
  7. o.0 A pendulum bob behaves as it does because it's being slowed down by gravity as it travels from the center to the end of the arc, and speeded up by gravity when it travel in the reverse direction. Tiangong 1 however, isn't a pendulum bob and doesn't have any "turnaround points". It isn't being slowed down as it heads towards the northern or southern extremities of its orbit and sped up as it heads towards the equator. It's traveling at a more-or-less constant angular velocity through it's entire orbit. I'd have to see the article to judge, but based on your description it's hogwash.
  8. I set it to "Lite Blue" when I first set up Wild Blue, and then discovered the problem which I reported on Thursday. I've subsequently swapped modes several times before going through the procedure I reported on Fri. (The message you quoted.)
  9. 1) Installed a fresh download of the CRP, deleted the physics and parts data bases, opened and the closed the game. 2) Opened it again, started a fresh sandbox save, opened the Wild Blue dialog from the Space Center screen and it was in "Lite Blue", selected "Classic Stock", had to click "OK" twice before the dialog closed, close game. Logfile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n9hni63f5d56zmm/KSP.log?dl=0 3) Opened again, went into the new save and verified it was in "Classic Stock". Built my test rig, sent it to the runway... Recovered vessel and exited the game. Logfile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7atbyru81tnay71/KSP00.log?dl=0 Hope this helps.
  10. Yes, I know how ablative heat shields work. When heated during re-entry, they absorb the heat and are (by various mechanisms) converted to gas and that gas carries the heat away. And yes, they can be low drag. That's why the re-entry vehicles of modern ICBM's are cone shaped. (The reasons they want low drag are beyond the scope of this discussion.) But the heat shields in question IRL and in game are not pointy. In both IRL and in game they are blunt - they work by increasing drag. And they would increase drag whether they were made of ablative materials or not - it's the shape that matters. No offense, but you're putting out some very bad information here. No, nothing has changed with respect to aerodynamics. I've only done a couple of re-entries since installing 1.4/1.4.1 and have had no problems. I'd try drogue chutes.
  11. MJ doesn't know it's parallel, so it can't be a problem with parallel. The problem I suspect is that your control point is so far off your center of rotation, that when it rotates to align the ports in rotation it misaligns it axially. When it try to fix the axial misalignment, it goes off alignment in rotation. Lather, rinse, repeat. Or, tl;dr, you're way out in a corner case due to vehicle design. Try a docking port closer to (or preferably on) your center of rotation selected as a control point.
  12. Right. That's why I've flown hundreds of missions lower than the Mun but with heatshields - and no deaths.
  13. He means like on the forums - where a great number of people who actually play the game gather to converse and discuss. The forums the devs themselves call "official". The place we expect to find official statements to the players. Not on some third party micro blogging site.
  14. On top of the part names, I find it handy to sort them by size before selecting one.
  15. Yes, I'm running windows. Here's my directory structure (different install, same general idea) happened to have this already uploaded from helping someone troubleshoot an MJ installation earlier in the week. Will get some logs later tonight. Anything in particular you need beyond loading, trying to operate the test bed, and unloading?
  16. Thanks! I've tried re-entering on Kerbin a couple of times, and I found that re-entering butt first lets the nuclear engines take the brunt of the heat. You can also fire 'em to help slow down... You've brought 'em and their fuel along you might as well use them.
  17. *Sigh* This nonsense again? Ok, once again, I'll debunk it from the top. - It was a blast for you, cool. But, as hard as this seems for people to grasp, different people find different things fun. Don't assume that your fun is the same as the fun of anyone who isn't you. Please stop presuming to speak for anyone who isn't you. - I've played since .19, and I couldn't do it (a Jool-5) without MJ even today. My Jool-5 was successful because I was able to use MJ to assist in designing and flying my vehicles. I had far more fun working out the mission concept, vehicle design, and flight plan than I did flying it. The actual execution of the mission was nothing more (to me) than proof that I'd done all the previous steps to near perfection. - I can barely hit the Mun with eyes open, and forget Minmus. Jool? Without a xfer tool, I've only ever hit it by accident. Once again, what you're capable of is what you're capable of has nothing to do with what anyone who isn't you may or may not be capable of. Please stop presuming to speak for anyone who isn't you. And don't even try to bring up "g3t guud" or "practice, practice, practice". I am what I am and practice will no more fix my lack of eye-hand coordination than it will fix my nearsightedness. As far as "the game is meant to be played this way" or "career mode does this" - next time you load the game and start a new save, take a gander at the "sandbox" option. There's a lot of different ways to play this game, and practically as many playstyles as players. This game is all about options even before you figure in mods. Telling other people they shouldn't have the option to play in a way that displeases you or that you don't find fun is utter bilge.
  18. I've been spending far more time than I should playing with the Skydancer sample craft in Angel-125's Heisenberg Airships mod... There's a lot of room for optimization, and I love almost nothing in KSP more than tweaking the behavior of a vehicle until that it's just so... I sense a new Airship Adventure coming on... (If you haven't read them, the link is in my sig...)
  19. I've been spending far more time than I should playing with the Skydancer sample craft in Angel-125's Heisenberg Airships mod... There's a lot of room for optimization, and I love almost nothing in KSP more than tweaking the behavior of a vehicle so that it's just so... I sense a new Airship Adventure coming on...
  20. Define "best mission replica". (And you're first post needs to be edited with all the updates.)
  21. I play my airships in a separate install, so it was a clean install of Heisenberg, Firespitter, and Hooligan in Lite Blue mode. Swapped to Classic Stock and restarted the game - no change, still no reactor controls or nuclear fuel level. (Though oddly enough, SAFER did work. It had two "start reactor" buttons though, only one of which did anything.) I rebuilt my test rig from scratch each time just to be sure.
  22. Yeah, on Vectors she flies really sweet... And firing the nukes when you shed those solids helps too, gonna carry 'em might as well use 'em. (At a minimum, it helps offset the awful t/w ratio loss...) Coolness! Be sure and post pics on the Heisenberg thread and in "What did you do in KSP today" on the main forum so everyone can see.
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