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Everything posted by DerekL1963

  1. In 1.4.1, the HL-10 nuclear gyro ring is not generating power.... And no controls for the reactor or nuclear fuel levels appear either. I tried this in an install with nothing but Heisenberg and it's dependencies, the log file is below. <deleted file link because I accidentally overwrote it> While browsing the above log, I saw an entry "needs Buffalo".... installed Buffalo and there was no no change in the symptoms. Thanks!
  2. On Eve maybe.... On Kerbin, 4 drogues aren't nearly enough to slow it down. I haven't tried spamming more, but my gut says it's unlikely to work. There used to be a mod that had a docking port and chutes for the old 1-2, but I think it died a couple of years back. Angel-125's MOLE mod has a nose for his version of the Gemini with integrated RCS and chutes. It doesn't look that bad on the nose of a stock 2-seater.
  3. I haven't had any problems attaching them radially... Here's my standard setup (the drouges are not 4x, but two sets of 2x): It does block a bit of the IVA view, but I never use it. I use Editor Extensions, otherwise stock as far as this setup goes.
  4. The easiest way to find the right answer on the forums is to first post the wrong answer after all...
  5. Loaded her up... and man, I'd forgotten what a lagfest she is on the pad. As soon as I figure out how I borked the installation (the motor controls show up, but the buoyancy panel does not), I already have some ideas on how to improve it. Just swapping in 5x Vectors on each booster in place of the Mammoths made a huge difference. (IIRC .9 t/w off the pad on the Vectors alone, no solids and no buoyancy!) But first, housework, errands, and making some notes for tomorrow's post on my anime blog. I hope you can figure it out! When you do be sure and let me know what you think!
  6. That's why Angel wants to see the log files - just because you can't see an error doesn't mean one doesn't exist.
  7. Where did you put your chutes on the old 1-3? Put 'em in the same place on the new 1-3.
  8. Yeah, no. It's a caricature of the essence of an argument that's routinely made. Look at the post right above yours - it makes essentially just that argument "knowing d/v takes away fun, and I'd hate to take that away from new players". (Also making another routine mistake - presuming that what the poster finds fun is a universal prescription for fun.)
  9. Probably this one: But on page 3 of that discussion, @bkerman give a different description of the problem....
  10. This. Any prediction of the reentry footprint at this point isn't even a SWAG or informed speculation. It's pure guesswork.
  11. No, but you do need an economic justification for doing so. Said justification is extremely noticeable by its complete absence.
  12. If you're using stock SAS and turn on stability control, you can control your attitude using the keyboard. If you can't, then what are you using for stability control?
  13. The Mastodon has one virtue and one use - the 'no shroud' version can be tightly clustered under the 5m tanks using the adapter provided.
  14. Just a suggestion... Could you either launch during the daytime or use the ambient light adjustment in settings? It's almost impossible to see what's going on. From what I can see, it looks like it's spinning out of control because you haven't turned on stability control.
  15. Ah, didn't try altering the buoyancy. Might take a stab at it while I'm waiting for Nert's mods to updated for 1.4.1.
  16. That would be... interesting to try and do. Those airships are actually pretty heavy.
  17. There's a beta available for 1.4.1, download it and give it whirl!
  18. Folks, there's a guy over in the questions forums trying to figure out why his MJ install isn't working. I've checked the basics with him, but not dice... Anyone else with ideas drop by and help if you would please.
  19. If the plugin is in it's proper place, then I'm fresh out of ideas. Let me link to this in the MJ thread and get more eyes on the problem.
  20. IIRC from the discussion years ago - some stock components (particularly engines) become insanely OP when Tweakscaled up. It was easier to simply ground rule it out.
  21. Out of all the terrain available in the game... something like one billionth of it not available due to polar glitches.
  22. Yep, just hit that error myself... the beta downloaded fine, the 1.3.1 version aborted with the error screen. A couple of minutes later it worked.
  23. No. Just no. We have an ingame menu, making it a part is stupid and complicated for no reason. The reasonable time to have the information is available is right from the start, there's no reason to hide it. (Not to mention your scheme presumes everyone climbs the tech tree in the same manner/forces people into a path on the tech tree for no good reason at all.)
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