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Posts posted by Climberfx

  1. 17 hours ago, Vou.Kerman said:

    Boa climber!

    Se possivel vou dar uma ideia aqui:

    Coloca em cada peça do omicron a "qualidade" ou "caracteristicas" de um escudo de calor...

    so para nao falar que ta pegando fogo bichu

    Se fala do Ablator? Aquele que gasta quando faz reentering?

    É que o sistema do omicron é refrigerado, ele quase não gasta, mesmo por que o povo faz revisão a cada voo. rsrsrsrsrrsrsr.

  2. 6 hours ago, Jebs_SY said:


    Just want to give a little feedback to

    I fired up the game, gone to the editor and wanted to build a stock parts ship. So I've gone to the left squad category and "only saw the pods" again. Career game.
    I have gone back to "filter by function" then and everything was there.
    Back to squad category, now everything was there also.

    No I've just reverted to the VAB. Same. Squad category only shows parts in "all" and "pods". The parts are identical. Clicking "Filter by function" and back to "Squad". Still only pods.
    Now "Filter by function", "Fuel Tanks", "Squad" and all icons are there.

    Seems clicking a subcategory on "Filter by function" is needed to initialize the subcategory on "Squad" (and maybe others). Rechecked version, is However, the anti-duplication fix works. :)


    Here too, same stuff. Only command pods from all subcategories. (where no pods, no  itens)

  3. 1 hour ago, DStaal said:

    I just wanted to say, as someone who's worked on government systems that were large enough that a short DDOS made the news...


    BWHAAHAAAHAAAHHAAA!  You think they spend money on these things...  :D


    They do...


  4. 6 minutes ago, sal_vager said:

    ClimberFX, if the forums were on someone's desktop PC or laptop then Time Machine or similar solutions might be appropriate, but anyone running a forum with 24 hour uptime year round for several thousand users will be using something more professional.

    You say, more professional like you do? The one 5 months later only backup?

    When i said like this program, i m referring to any program that do that. As i suggest that you guys should already have that implemented yet, like you are the smart guys there! Like you suggest!

    I'm off this conversation, cheers commanders, going to restart my lost thread!

  5. 19 minutes ago, Red Iron Crown said:

    Hard crash on the forum, most recent working backup was ~5 months old, so 5 months of threads, posts and accounts were lost. 

    So, this is the oficial state? So the guys with threads lost (first page of Add on Release on Forum, but all content of the threads on that page, past and present) are lost.

    So, we need to restart our threads? Is that right?


  6. Yeah, i already use it for data Sarbian.

    Well implemented, like when i needed restore an email, i could, is a database. Like Wise.

    An adress on my contacts, etc.

    A we'll implemented backup program, should have a internal program that recognize the data base, so you choose what you wanna restore. I believe that should exist too.

  7. Just now, sarbian said:

    Or you know, they don't want to restore the full backup and delete 24H of posting just to restore 25 threads? Think a bit before posting...

    With Time Machine backup wise, you go to a subsystem on system, then choose the files you wanna restore (not all of then Sarbian). and restore it.


  8. 5 minutes ago, Poodmund said:

    For such an important community forum for a worldwide product, wouldn't it be pretty simple and reasonable to run a rolling backup at least once a month via Cron?

    I appreciate the database at this point will be incredibly large but that is a byproduct of success.

    Not so large man, we are talking basically text/data base. No pictures are saved on server, no video, nothing of the things that take GBytes. So, i don't imagine a so big backup data. complex, yes! Lot of data. But Bits.

    Need an autonomous system. Mas have a long time the Time Machine. I believe pc and linux should have similar...

  9. Should have at least a time machine like backup, that keep autonomous backup of the all recent things, so it would always had a full system backup and a little more "old" too, since the amount of data on backup (total) is always bigger than actual data from server.

  10. 16 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

    To save a bit of time in the future you don't need to do any of the work in Unity.  None of those scripts will make it through PartTools exporting, they are all added to the parts by the PartModules (KSPWheelBase, etc) at run-time.  As long as things are configured properly in the part .cfg file for the model being used in the part (names, sizes, etc) it should all work.

    The KSPWheelComponent that you see in UnityEditor is intended to allow for testing of wheel physics while in the editor and is not used in KSP.  I should probably move it off into a secondary .dll in the near future that only resides in the repository, it really doesn't need to be in the .dll used in KSP.

    Ohh man. Ok, now it's done. Next time i need i will just use the config's


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