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Posts posted by Climberfx

  1. 2 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

    Glad it is working out for you, even in its currently unpolished state.

    Are you using the included PartModules, or have you written your own to use the new collider?  Have you run into any problems with the wheels in standard use, or are they mostly working as you would expect?

    Also a quick heads up that in the upcoming releases most of the current 'example' PartModules will be changing substantially, so there is potential for craft/part breakage.


    Well, i use the dll inside Unity (copy it into Gamedata of KSP and into Unity project folder Assets/plugins/KSPAssets), then on a game object i put your component, and on the wheel collider i put Ksp wheel collider and a rigid body. So, on Kspwheel settings, i link the rigid body, then the wheels, direction and suspension parts to it. And adjust the wheel suspension parameter to match my real model, and wheels diameter, etc. This was Unity part. Then o config,i adapt from your stock models.



    Screen Shot 2017-01-05 at 8.57.32 PM


  2. Galera, a primeira página inteira do add on release do Forum foi perdida, o pessoal da manutenção está tentando recuperar. Nem sei como se perde uma página toda mas enfim.

    Estou colocando aqui os links para se baixar o game por hora.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/nq9qtl7t0xsp0rq/Omicron - Pre Release 0.3.0.zip?dl=0  (Primary)

    https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/omicron-space-flying-car  (Seconday)


    *ingame (fine tuned intake C type, go out on next update))32005649421_88589c5ce8_o.png*ingame

  3. 26 minutes ago, thomash said:

    Hey Climber-

    I'm not sure how to install 0.3.0.  When I open the zip file I get a bunch of individual files, no folders.  Should I just dump them all into the OMICRON GameData folder?


    Hello Thomash, i believe you must have an option on your unzip application to extract to the original subfolders, because i check again with the zip from dropbox and it's all ok. For the one from Curse, they are beholding the update (still checking the zip file, o boy, they are taking long). Let me know if solved!

    This is the structure it must have:


  4. 4 hours ago, MeCripp said:

    You might check this thread


    Thanks man. This save my wheels, i was getting crazy with the stock system.

    I ready and dig some about this plugin you send me and understand enough to make it work as a charm on Omicron.

    Spect updates on it soon.



    p.s: If any moderator read this, you can close the thread please?

  5. Hello fellow commanders.

    I'm getting weirdo things on trying to make landing gears on KSP 1.2.2.

    I already read the old posts, the new posts, and tried to do reverse engineering on the game stock parts, opening .mu on Blender than maya, knowing the diference of Up axis, and in a given moment, it worked, but the moment i think i was done, and try to put the same wheels on same model again, it got wrong again, tried to switch axis, orientations, locators, nulls, hierarchy, etc, etc, etc. But non of then seams to work.

    Tried to replicate the exactly stock gears, no good.

    Is there a good soul that can help me with a detailed schematic, with pictures to go in the right way?

    I thank you in advance!



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