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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. Since I do mods and load/reload the game a LOT I wrote this plugin: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60880-Magic-Smoke-Industries-DevHelper-0-3-Dec-26-2013 My next update I hope to allow loading of specific ships in flight and hopefully loading crafts onto the launchpad.
  2. Since ZodiusInfuser is fine with it I say go ahead and release your texture pack.
  3. I don't believe I can stop you from providing an image replacement pack. It's all your original work. If Zodius doesnt mind I'm fine it's it. I welcome it if more people will use the parts.
  4. You don't control the parts in the VAB. Those controls are only for rotating the parts placement in the VAB. Go to launchpad to move the actually motors.
  5. I hear ya. Those sirkut/zodius/devo guys really sucked at modelling/texturing. *wink*
  6. Not sure yet. It's something I will be looking into with the plugin. This thread is more about the rework of the models and textures. Any questions about the plugin can be thrown at me in the release thread.
  7. (They are links rather than img urls). They look amazing.
  8. Check the WIP remodel thread in the development section. ZodiusInfuser is working on new vtol engines.
  9. First version will not allow servicing of anything unless you plan on Eva. Next update after that I will see about a cargo variant.
  10. Let's see them. Always interested in seeing what others do.
  11. Maybe give the WIP version of PlanetFactory a try? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65401-WIP-PlanetFactory-CE
  12. Lock prevents the parts from moving when accidentally clicking a movement button. It may not be working and I don't remember of its a bug or not currently due to .23 May be a bug with my code with the toolbar. I may do a quick update to fix that.
  13. Here's version 0.10 http://www./download/1v3y33s3arggxur/MagicSmokeIndustries0.10.zip
  14. It's a bug that I haven't witnessed myself yet but I am aware of the problem. I'm currently rewriting the plugin so I'm working on the docking+grouping bug. As for this position bug I'm not sure how to replicate it just yet.
  15. Currently no but hopefully with tweakables in the rewrite will allow this.
  16. Finally the cat is out of the bag. While everything is being redone graphically AND newer designs I'm rewriting the plugin. It's going to take a little while but I have some stuff I want to implement (tweakable speed for each part individually, better group handling so when two crafts dock with the same group they will not "glom" together, and some other enhancements.)
  17. I just want to chime in that I did a good few of the models (tall hinge, rotatron, closed and open hinge, etc) it's what I used to cut my teeth on modeling. I will say that ZodiusInfuser is getting us in the right direction with the look and feel. With the design redo and me rewriting the code this will be an awesome release.
  18. replicate the install, run it again, when it fails, quit the game and send me the output_log.txt file. on the pc it's in your ksp install: ksp\ksp_data\output_log.txt
  19. You can try breakingForce and breakingTorque by increasing those values.
  20. Don't delete the toolbar. It will only make it worse. I need a log file otherwise I can't help you.
  21. I haves asked for a log file but I haven't received one yet. As you said it doesn't help me much.
  22. When my vacation is over I will compile a non tool bar version for those who don't wish to use it.
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