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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. No kidding. I'm going to try my best to get the closed and open hinges out tonight to replace the old Damned Robotics version. Since there's such a demand for the parts and people a bit skittish to edit cfg's themselves I'm not willing to wait for all of them to be finished I'll just get them out as we can.
  2. Give me a part to test it so I can let you know for sure.
  3. The plugin should any animation as long as you add it to your existing CFG file and specifically name the animationName.
  4. Both mediafire link & github have been updated with the Action Group support for enabling/disabling the lock. Thanks for bringing that to my attention! The adjustable rail is now also included in the zip. I'm currently setting up an account on KerbalSpacePort where you can grab everything in one go including source. Thanks for the interest in our work!
  5. It's something I have to add in the code. Give me a few and I will add it.
  6. Make sure you aren't including the damnedrobotics dll when you use their old parts. The directory name isn't an issue as KSP traverses the directories.
  7. Maybe the mini shuttle is cutting edge technology and abandoned the old hatch profile.
  8. Well it can if you adjust the spring tension incrementally didn't mean automatically.
  9. We are working on new parts for infernal robotics so you don't have to mess with damned robotics conversion.
  10. Doesn't work with the bearing yet. I need to create a new spaceport account. My old one the password reset doesn't work. :/
  11. Correct it still has the rescale issue. It has to do with the collider mesh being created during part load. I'm not sure if there is a way to fix it at the moment. I'll just have to duplicate work for those parts.
  12. Ok makes more sense. A telescoping cylinder (I'm going to call it a piston) will be available soon. Any specific size?
  13. Great part/plugin. I love the fact that we figured out 2 separate ways to level out a craft! Kudos to you guys!
  14. I think the reason you are experiencing the sinking is because the part you want to connect doesn't have srfAttach set to 1. It's the only thing I can think of that would cause it not to connect to the sliding part. I'm not sure what you mean about the struts.
  15. L.J. Silver Here's what I'm referring to. I'm currently using a different piece of software(it's a PAIN to figure out the notes) but it would be neat to use something more user friendly in terms of denoting what midi notes do what such as an autodetect. Korg Poly-800
  16. Let me take a look at what you are saying and get back with you. I do know I made surface attachments allowable for the adjustable rail but didn't test the struts so let me see what I can do there. And now for something completely different. I am controlling KSP using midi via my old Korg Poly-800 and it only requires using a program called GlovePIE.
  17. No problem. I'm working remotely and waiting for a VM to finish rebooting so I'm bored creeping through the forums.
  18. The plugin is included in this part. Not sure how to use it, never tried. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/sfr-command-pod/
  19. Either a mod is required to see the kerbals through the glass OR place a command seat in one of the three chairs you see inside. I think the reason the glass is opened is so you can load your kerbals and place the command seats. The IVA is currently being worked on but there's no time table when that will be finished.
  20. It's a part so you should be fine with 0.20 give it a try and see.
  21. I was messing with it at 3am and there should be an attachment node on the bottom of the pod since you have to connect the engines from the pack to it.
  22. I appreciate the kind words but all that credit goes to Devo. Until the MSI Animator plugin comes out, please give him all the credit. The man is a beast!
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