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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. Wow that's great! I'm finally able to resume work on the new stuff. I will be coordinating with Devo on getting a new parts pack out very soon for Infernal Robotics.
  2. Once I get my MSI Animator (redoing the plugin as it was originally a proof of concept) plugin I'll help out with HyperEdit.
  3. I use the docking washer free version and use rockets to propel the rotation.
  4. He made some legs and wanted to show me what he created.
  5. Super news. I'll hold off showing my ideas until Devo can make more professional ones I certainly don't want to chase anyone away with my models.
  6. I actually have another adjustable rail where one side mates with another side with a groove/notch system between the pieces. I just didn't have the time to remake the part since I left it at home.
  7. Meh some people are so uptight. Unless you want to do the heavy lifting just let krag do as she pleases. I tried replicating a planet but gave up because it was way over my head on what to do so for me ill wait patiently until its released.
  8. Currently I have it at the scale you see but I will definitely make larger sizes. I was swamped and couldn't do much during my lunch break. One option is to use the rescalefactor field in the cfg to make it larger.
  9. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/37707-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Parts-Infernal-Robotics Link is located in the first post. Keep the Damned Robotic parts, remove the dll and use the Magic Smoke dll.
  10. Here's a prelim photo of the sliding rail. One side has an arrow denoting direction of movement while the other side is blank so you can attach it to your base. Made the adjustable rail clip into the body if it's a flat surface but if it's rounded it melds well with tanks.
  11. Wow. That is awesome! I'm glad people are getting a use out of them.
  12. He was actually correct. When I quoted coolpantskyle it had the non approved link. At any rate if there's any confusion I have permission from DYJ with creating a fork of DR which is now called Infernal Robotics. Link is in the DYJ original post.
  13. Devo has all the modelling/artwork skills. I'm just a coding & idea punk. Devo constantly surprises me with his style.
  14. I'm going to try to have them done before Tuesday. I have a full week planned that will keep me away from my home computer so I'm going to try to have those done including the MSI Animator plugin.
  15. Did you remove the old DamnedRobotics plugin and used the new plugin? What does your log file say?
  16. astroetc really found a hilarious person to take over this mod. My hats off to you for making this a fun read! Can't wait to see the end result.
  17. I would imagine he would leave the stock planets alone since some people will have probes and ships in their existing orbits.
  18. No problem man. I figured I'd just mention it so DYJ wouldn't have to. Btw thanks for removing the link!
  19. Well if and when he releases it, he should be including the source code since it's essentially required for the mod to be legit. Then just look at the source code and have at it. Something tells me it's a lot more involved than just clicking a button and making a new fully custom planet.
  20. Please remove that link as it is violation of the original creators license. Please use this one instead. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/37707-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Parts-Infernal-Robotics
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