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Everything posted by Schmonzo

  1. Can't think why anyone would play without this. So immersion Very Space Much Wow Thanks for making this!
  2. love the look of it and also feel like it would go nice with stock parts. one question though does it support tac life support?
  3. How about using deadlyreentry with ferram? I feel like heatshields are needed in that constellation. Apart from that I would like to thank ferram4 for his mod and all the time he invested in it so we can play with proper (there I said it Solar, ferrams aero is awesome) aerodynamics. I have used it for since it came out pretty much and am not playing without it since and eventhough it keeps on getting better, I always had the feeling that it gave me a rewarding challenge in comparison to stock aerodynamics.
  4. animals have been discussed over and over, they are (probably - I am carful since the announcement of multiplayer) not coming, I can't find a quote by Squad on that right now though. Here are two previous threads on the same topic: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53040-animals-in-kerbin-and-using-animals-for-testing-in-space/ http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/45864-Sending-kerbal-pets-into-orbit
  5. I think claws idea of procedual heatshields is solid. Especially if the were inflatable so you can actually launch them. Coming back from Eve was never a concern of mine though, I hope the devs or a modder make kerbals temperature sensitive at some point, so there would be no chance of survival for a kerbal on eve. For now I just roleplay that only probes can land on the surface.
  6. going to the zoo with 3 year old is always a nice alternative to playing ksp, as is a playground or an adventure in the forest.
  7. Hey, I am having trouble with my 3 commsat contract. I think I have everything in order, yet the timer does not start, so I can't complete it. Screenshots: http://imgur.com/BZJndBv,LtUBQ2N,hdo3wi3#0 http://imgur.com/BZJndBv,LtUBQ2N,hdo3wi3#1 http://imgur.com/BZJndBv,LtUBQ2N,hdo3wi3#2
  8. you always get upgrade points for achieving stuff. Otherwise you would take ages to build/research stuff in the later game. Also it's time to thank themagico13 again for this mod, it's a must have for a couple of installs now. If only his lps came back edit: noooooooo, can't give him rep right now. Quick, someone else do it for me!
  9. By doing what you are unwilling to do, finding the answer in this thread. Short answer for the lazy: there is no work required installing eve, it just works (at least for me) and for astronomers pack I only had to edit three textures...
  10. the stock heat shields and deadly reentry shields are in different tabs (they also seem to have different resources). Can I use both or should I just use deadly reentry shields?
  11. what is the differnce between finalfrontier and this?
  12. Awesome mod, is great for making a timeline for kerbal construction time. Have some rep!
  13. That one is hard to answer to... What I can tell you though is that I probably wouldn't be playing after more than 4 years. FAR, Deadly reentry, remotetech, finalfrontier, Rasterprop and kerbal construction are a must for me. And since I discovered them one by one they will always be in my install I guess.
  14. as it has been said before, 7.4 works like a charm, so no need to use the dev built unless you are willing and able to hunt down bugs
  15. again, just dropping by to leave some rep and thanking for one of the must-have mods in my install. Thanks for all you efforts nereid!
  16. you obviously did not read my post, it revolves very little about mods and very much about the fact that this discussion is old and you might want to research it.
  17. there are plenty of mods, (antenna range, remotetech2, etc.) that make antennas useful. This discussion has been around since probes have been introduced to the game. The devs have ignored it so far. I doubt this thread will bring anything new to the table. here are some unassorted links to existing disscussions on the same topic (first search result- searching never hurts before opening a thread): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56109-Antennas-and-range-impact-transmision-value http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54821-Directional-Antennae-Signal-Strength-Satelites-and-Science http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94421-Data-Transmissions-Adjustment-to-the-Stock-Antenna-and-Dishes http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/72442-Rethinking-Probes-Satellites-and-Pods http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66408-Improving-probes http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84920-Transmission-destination http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54138-research-transmission-and-satellites http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/72384-Improving-the-communication-parts there are many, many more. For a more complete list : Google is (at least in this case) your friend
  18. well, I would not be able to play ksp with mods in that case, plus I don't see why steam would have to profit from the modders work, just donate here if you feel you have the money to spare
  19. Failed promises... you have been here for two years, this game has been an alpha product for a long time. The devs promised A LOT of things that are not in the game and even promised to not waste time on other things that are or will be. That is what alpha games are about. I am quite sure that harvester planned on another game when he first started coding and know that I imagined it to be very different when I first backed this game with my money. I have been very disappointed with quite a few things about ksp and that made me realize that I can't complain. This is not my game, I just financed it with nothing else than the endresult (whatever it may be) for me to play. If you want to rely on promises made by the devs look at a game once it is finished, check out what the devs are promising. If you like what you see buy it, if it's not what the devs promised on release, get your money back and move to another product. Plus at least this game has good and (since we are not on the steam workshop) free mod support. And with all the mods out there you can pretty much make this game into whatever you want.
  20. So, I get it, I don't like Valentina either, she seems like something that was forced on the game. But kill her as soon as she leaves the pod? (as all the other life support mods, this one seems to kill female kerbals as soon as they exit the pod by dumping their lifesupport).
  21. deleting the stockfix parachute fix does the trick
  22. Lol, it has not been 2 days since release, unless you are sponsoring the modders that make this marvellous mod, you should try some patience, they are doing this in their free time. There will be an update eventually and I sincerely doubt that there will be another mod that will be as awesome as this one.
  23. Geforce damage and a much tougher reentry I hope. I don't think Squad did a good job implementing, especially because this mod has been around for a while and a lot could have been learned from it imo. Also if you don't think you'll need this mod, don't get it. Thanks to those that give us players the oportunity to mod this game into the game we envisioned when we founded this project years ago, in this case starwaster!
  24. Why not give the links with posts like that? way more helpful: Figaro Gps. Also the mod does not force you to built a gps network, it gives you the chance to.
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