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Everything posted by Kerbal01

  1. i looked, it doesnt appear to be in it currently
  2. what ever happened to that cool looking square dish in the separate dishes pack? it looks neat, id like to use it. https://spacedock.info/mod/465/Contares antennas and dishes
  3. downloading the master( updated 11 hours ago) from the git repo and Wild blue tools 1.14. this should work? edit: confirmed also: contares apparently has a X-20 Dynasoar with an adapter sized for a 1.875 meter stack, so i made this: http://imgur.com/a/pUwId (what happened to the image embedding?)
  4. @CobaltWolf i want to re texture on of the shorter thor tanks to delta blue to simulate a Extended Long Tank Thor for a delta 2000 series, is this as simple as a .cfg edit? edit: tanks not showing up again. Grrrh. Edit 2: narrowed it down to the pre release as BDB 1.10 loads the tanks.
  5. i was using the latest pre release. reverting to the latest stable release. edit: didnt work. getting another fresh install seems to have worked.
  6. none of the BDB tanks are loading. Freshly downloaded and unzipped 1.2.2 install with only BDB and Real plume. tons of null refs, missing textures and other stuff Log file:
  7. Falcon is back vertical, hopefully test tonight.
  8. @Nasaspaceflight twitter and forum.nasaspaceflight.com public side Echostar 23 updates thread
  9. No word, I don't think we'll know Static fire NET Thursday 18:00-00:00 EST. Launch moved to Tuesday march 14th, 00:34-04:34 EDT.
  10. Static fire NET today, they had to stand down due to an issue last night. Same window as before 23:00-05:00 UTC
  11. Static fire is NET today. Window 18:00-00:00 EST also, the new 7518 add to the 4425 for 11,943 not 12,000.
  12. @CobaltWolf Would it be possible to mm.cfg the delta II EETALTT to the 3.66 foot scale shorter ETAT stage for this and other payloads?
  13. Did the rest of the mir modules parts get removed for a revamp? I downloaded some of @minepagan's craft files but it said I was missing tons of parts.
  14. A tip: put the History part in spoiler tags, it's a giant wall of text
  15. It's not ready for 1.2.2 yet. Even though RSS has been out for almost 4 months
  16. Second stage capture to the nadir CBM on Node 2. Dragon is installed at station for 30 days. Hatch opening in a few hours after leak checks
  17. Running in 1.2.2 with all the dependencies? Can you post your output.log?
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