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Everything posted by Kerbal01

  1. Can you move Cupola up to a sooner update? also, the APAS passive/active ports wont latch. http://imgur.com/a/2e911 http://imgur.com/a/8aMON
  2. As long as you don't do any roll at all with the SRB's/ET she flys beautiful. Reenters just as well. Had to do a RTLS after I unintentionally flew a very shallow trajectory and it work amazing.
  3. Igor Volk was a Soviet cosmonaut who flew on the Soyuz TM-12 mission to Salyut 7. He was supposed to be the commander for the first manned Buran flight before that program was cancelled. He died while vacationing in Bulgaria at 79.
  4. set heading to 315, did nothing. WASD set the altitude to a absurd value and did nothing to roll. Plane kept flying straight and eventually crashed
  5. Cruise Director mode doesnt work, locks out flight controls and causes plane to crash @Boris-Barboris
  6. 2 shuttles landed: http://imgur.com/a/5yxtN left one landed safely after a RTLS 47 seconds after launch, right landed after a return from orbit after a successful ascent. Boosters were recovered after sep on the orbital flight.
  7. almost complete USOS, minus a proper Columbus, Cupola, BEAM and solar panels http://imgur.com/a/5yxtN
  8. got shuttle suborbital sans ET, switched to the SRM's just in time to watch them enter and pop their chutes. switched back, circularized and watched the ET survive reentry.
  9. Rotating in VAB to ascent azimuth resulted in nominal ascent to orbit
  10. do I press 4 before main engine start? still getting unintended yaw on roll program with 1.0. Shuttle flies very well, intact RTLS to the SPH after roll program anomaly. landed intact on grass, chute deployed all was good. now if it would go to space... @Pak
  11. RTF (Iridium) is currently NET Jan 7th 2017
  12. Cooled prop in Proton M? I Wasn't aware you could chill hydrazine/nto
  13. That might be my problem, I autostrutted every part to heaviest part and rigid attached everything. Solid as a rock
  14. the apollo passive and active ports arent latching. also get structrual failures inbetween the engine mount and tank on S-IC with autostrut and rigid attach on.
  15. I currently(S-IVB) enter nose first then at about 1200 m/s open the petals of the fairing, flipping the stage around and deploying the chutes when safe.
  16. I do close it back up for entry, I got the beta ETS parts off of github. how should I put chutes on the first stage? Those petals make amazing air brakes
  17. An Apollo chute mount and docking port inbetween the fairing 3part shroud and payload makes a nice reusable S-IVB for S-1C, but reduces payload volume
  18. @InsaneDruid not in the most recent release, the old version.
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