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Moon Goddess

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Everything posted by Moon Goddess

  1. Laythe is as cold as Antarctica at the equator... why would you take your helmet off!!!
  2. Jeb: "I remember lithobraking into the Mun, but the capsule survived" Bob: "I remember coming to rescue you, I was a pilot back then, I landed near you." Jeb: "And I remember when I tried to get out of my capsule, I accelerated thru the ground and out the far side of the mun at solar escape velocity." Bob: "Yeah, you died out there, how are we talking?" Jeb: "Um..."
  3. I have never done a manned (Kerballed?) landing on Eve.... just wasn't confident in the ability to get back up. Valentina will be the first Kerbal to land on Eve in my game. We'll get her back up too.
  4. I have no greater hope for this game than the end of this silliness.
  5. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24594-0-25-%282014-10-12%29-Telemachus-%E2%80%93-Telemetry-and-Flight-Control-in-the-Web-Browser This?
  6. I'm assuming that re-entry heat is default, it would just be silly for it not to be. So assuming that, your crafts need a heat shield. Those crafts are stock. If you turn off re-entry heat, having a heat shield, your craft will still fly, you just don't HAVE to have it. So those crafts are still stock. Now, you could turn off re-entry heat, and remove the heat shield, and sure those crafts are still stock. But you should point that out when you share it. I could build a stock craft without fuel tanks, it only works if I turn on infinite fuel, I can share that craft it's still stock. But I should point out when I do it "requires infinite fuel", same thing with "requires no-re-entry heating"
  7. God I hope not, but more and more I see from the dev's makes me think it's one or the other of those, and it's a real disappointment.
  8. This Please don't say Kerbal Space Program: Launch, or any other subtitle, and please please please don't say Kerbal Space Program 1.0 it just needs to say "Kerbal Space Program" this is the actual game, it needs to be the name of the actual game.
  9. We kinda have real basics of the main thing you would get out of a wind tunnel with the center of lift button.
  10. Notice the plan is named H.O.P.E yeah.... I'm sure NASA would love to do that, but they can't even get funding for the moon lander which is 4th on that list, so yeah it's a hopeful list, but that's all it is just hope.
  11. Every single time I try to watch one, think it's like my fault or something, well, I'll skip the next one, guess getting it up is more important than me trying to see.
  12. First craft in any new save is Apple 1, if by some miracle they've come to their senses, and made unmanned from start then that will be Asparagus 1
  13. Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) is completed and schedulued to go up on SpaceX CRS-8 late summer. It will be mounted to ISS and spend one year there for testing purposes. Uzlovoy Module Is scheduled for launch in 2016, but I can't find any real pictures just diagrams. Nauka Nauka, has been pushed back and pushed back but it's still on the books to go up in 2017 and at least I can find real pictures of it.
  14. Working with the hypothetical here, lets say SpaceX does achieve each stage being reusable. In that situation what's the advantage of a SSTO. You'll have to rework the stages before next flight, but you'd need that on a spaceplane as well.
  15. I'd say legally his "All Rights Reserved" is worthless, as he broke the rules of your CC BY-SA he was not allowed to publish his work at all unless it's under that same license. Now that doesn't mean you can just use them, but means he MUST take them down unless he complies by CC BY-SA
  16. Officially according to NASA no one has ever had ... in space, and they won't send anyone in a relationship up together, and I am quite certain that a pregnancy test is part of the medical testing before launch, so I think pregnancy in space is kinda a moot point.
  17. Which is why we're stuck with the SLS, Shuttle was sourced all over the country so that it would be politically untenable to cancel, it worked but also meant the only option we have for replacement is the SLS that is adapted from Shuttle parts thus sourced all over the country, So if you ask if the SLS is a waste of time and want to replace it with the Falcon Heavy, you're mistaking what the purpose of the SLS is. It's not about heavy lift capacity, it's about reelection. Falcon Heavy isn't going to get anyone reelected.
  18. This is the most likely way you'd see anything from ISS go to mars. One of the newer peices and the addition of an unlaunched piece that should have gone to ISS going to mars instead. And this plan won't even happen now with the extension to 2024. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Space_Habitat
  19. This is so sad. Why do we even have NASA anymore we don't want to do anything just pay SpaceX to do everything. I love SpaceX but not everything should be them WE need to do stuff.
  20. With everything I fly? NO not a chance.. With the Kiwi CTV? Hell yes, it's tested and reliable, It's as tested as a Soyuz (ok, not quite) Once I'm in orbit, I can dock to other craft I feel quite confident in landing on Minmus, and that would give me a nice long vacation in space going out there and back. If I can only take a week off work I'll probably make a trip to Mun, I feel confident about landing in one of the more tested landers, Then get back to Kiwi for reentry. Anything outside the Kerbin system I don't like my odds for radiation and life support and all that.... But come on, I'd be really happy to just make orbit.
  21. Fire Jeb, Bob and Bill, hire an all female crew, and start building an all female colony on Eve.
  22. Best way I've found to handle these things is I start a new save every update. (And then start a new save after FAR, RT, DRE, and TACLS are availble) The current save is reality, any previous save is just a game and never happened, so... what atmosphere change, it's always been like this.
  23. I've heard people post before that max time warp is too slow, and I was like, you guys are crazy... I tried to go to Plock WOW that's out there!
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