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Moon Goddess

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Everything posted by Moon Goddess

  1. Space warfare is gonna all be about diplomacy. It's impossible to hide, and fairly impossible to defend yourself. So basically you sit there, stare at each others with big guns, and let the diplomats talk, when the diplomacy breaks down.... Side A fires big weapon A, Side B, detects big weapon A in route. Side B fires their big weapon B and attempts to dodge. Side A detects big weapon B and attempts to dodge. Big weapon A corrects course, Side B is destroyed Big weapon B corrects coruse, Side A is destroyed Diplomats return to the table if they're still alive.
  2. Pros: There's a lot of roads. Cons: This is pie in the sky, Unproven technology Far more expensive to install than simply covering the roofs of buildings with solar panels, It's cute but foolish.
  3. Well, Take a look at the actual conversations from the test and tell me you havn't seen the same or better from ads on the internet wanting you to watch their cam free. The idea that anyone was fooled while honestly trying to test is insane. Test 1 Test 2 Source, and More.
  4. Why are we even talking about the shifting magnetic pole with this guy.... He was talking about the equator moving... that's the real pole shifting, as in axial tilt. not the magnetic pole He keeps moving the goalposts, it's a common tactic of conspiracy people.
  5. Well give me a rough idea when you think this shift happened. Then we can discuss if we're looking for oil/coal deposits, fossil plant growth, or just bogs. Let me ask you, what does the Amazon, the Congo, and Indonesia have in common when it comes to plants? Those are all the places were the equator touches land, it's all jungle. so yes, planets are chained to the equator.
  6. "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Kryten again."
  7. Oh See I think you missed some crazy... These people think that USED to be the equator, and some ancient people with better technology than use built stuff on the equator, then the earth shifted, somehow for some reason that makes no sense and wiped out everything EXCEPT the things built on the old equator.... I'm pretty sure that line isn't even equatorial even if you tilted the earth. And somehow the mayan and azteq pyramids got left off this bought of crazy, and so did stonehenge. Just because you can draw a line doesn't mean anything. try proving the earth shifted first, there would be plenty of archaeological evidence for that in plant growth.
  8. Ok, to be more precise, Temperature refers to molecular movement, it's a just not talked about that way at the sub atomic level. So yes, even at absolute zero the electrons still orbit, and the quarks still spin. But at the molecular scale, the molecule is in perfect crystal state. It is not moving. I don't know how to envision something that's moving less than that. especially thousands of degrees less than that.
  9. How on earth does this not fall into the banned conspericy theory talk... this is the most rediculous thing I've seen posted here. Occam's Razor, look it up. You're suggesting the ancient civilization and expecting people to accept it if they can't prove it didn't exist, the world and science don't work that way. You have the outlandish claim proof it
  10. Thing to remember is Tempature means movement. Anything that has a positive temp, is moving. the higher the temp the more it's moving. The colder it is, the less it's moving. At absolute zero, it's stopped. So before you look into thousands of degrees below zero, you need to ask yourself. What does it mean to be moving slower than stopped.
  11. We knew less than "little" about the surface when it was named. When it was named we didn't know it had a surface, we knew 1. It's the brightest star in the sky 2. It only appears in morning and evening 3. It's one of these strange wandering stars called "Planets" also, we knew at that time that stars and thus planets were balls of fire set against the firmament of the sky
  12. I still fail to understand on a game built like KSP why anyone needs a mod manager.
  13. Please please drain your lawnmower, outboard, farm equipment, etc. before putting it away for the fall, it will vastly increase the lifespan of your equipment, due to that separation.
  14. I have to say, I really appriciate your naming system I always use plant names. My first craft in any career mode is always Apple 1, first redesign gets Banana 1. etc etc Your parts just fit in some comfortably.
  15. You options seem extremely limited, especially considering the poll could allow you to have 6 more choices. Why is Just Cause 2, and Call of Duty in seperate catagories, why not just call that, shooter. Where's puzzle? 90% of all gaming is puzzle games, I'm pretty addicted to Nuclear Fusion 2048 right now. http://dimit.me/Fe26/ Strategy both RTS and turn based, 4x games. RPGs!!! MMOs! huge segments of gaming to leave out there.
  16. Uh, I wish you hadn't overwritten the default view in Blender, I know enough to turn the default view into how I like to work with it, but I honestly don't know how to get what you've done back to how I like to work
  17. SOLD!!!! All the parts in the game should be like this!!!! Got a link, I can't find this in the LLL thread.
  18. yeah, don't worry about the craft file that's completely useless for 3d printing Bring all the .mu's for all the parts the craft is made out of into blender, assemble them like a craft and export that.
  19. I'm just wondering how he thinks we fake the interviews with people on the space station... And if we have some tech for that long of weightlessness without going into orbit.... WHERE I DO SIGN UP!
  20. So bascially, someone told him moon landing was fake, he didn't believe them later he did math wrong, and now believes them, and won't listen to anyone else cuz obviously he's smarter than anyone else, so all he'll do is trust his wrong math. He should go talk to the time cube guy.
  21. As far as I'm conserned KSP planets are too http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/645-Kerbal-Mythology
  22. My loneliest missions have all been rescue missions. In one of my early early saves Jeb, Bill and Bob crash landed on Mun. The Pod survived but nothing else. So Susan Kerman took a rescue craft with a hitchhiker out to Mun, all by herself, Now this was early, and I was a horrible pilot, leading to the first crash. So Susan landed some distance away (over 100km been a while don't remember.) I had planned for this eventuality, her lander included, a DEMV Mk2. Sure it's a 2 seater, but she can truck them back in 3 trips. Only I didn't realize the ant didn't have solar panels. It's Batteries died less than half way there. Ok, fine, I'll have the boys walk to her. I switch to their craft in order to EVA.... KRAKEN!!!! The boy's pod falls thru the ground, accelerating thru Mun, thus EVA blocked, by the time it falls out the other side it's at Solar escape velocity. I try an EVA anyways, and it promptly explodes. Susan becomes the loneliest kerbal ever slowly walking back to her craft and returning home, the same loneliness Micheal Collins feared. Some time later I had another experience in loneliness, though not as sad. My first kerballed Duna mission crash lands. (Ok, so parachutes can't stop something that weighs 30 tons on Duna, check) 2 man mission, so while they had to spend a year on Duna, they had each other. However I sent a single Kerbal to rescue them, the rescue was successful, and they returned as 3, but the trip out there, several months alone, had to be pretty bad.
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