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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. If a PC can't handle the VAB the problem is NOT with the game but rather with the PC. Get a better PC or better cooling. Cleaning it can also work miracles.
  2. Probably not. The stock game does not include any form of docking camera whatsoever. Since a lot does come from mods not everybody will know what you're talking about. If you see a screenshot and have questions about something don't just describe what you're talking about. Instead post a link to the image. A picture is worth a thousand words.
  3. Not really. It won't take much more power than NMS currently uses. Keep in mind you only ever need to generate and render a relatively small area.
  4. Some elements look realistic. The lander for example does indeed look very similar to the Russian LK lander. But still, it is too easy to fake. Less than a minute of what is pretty much static footage does not even come close to convincing me this is legit.
  5. And no, you do not need to buy it again. Simply log in to wherever you bought it and download.
  6. Until we get the new fuel system (and if it delivers what we hope for) you might be interested in TAC Fuel Balancer. It does pretty much what you're looking form. Albeit in a slightly different way.
  7. "Give a man fire, he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life." "Science does not suffer fools. But it can make fools suffer." (Richard Hammond, The Science of Stupid) "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." Groucho Marx
  8. Don't you mean an alert when a vessel ON rails is destroyed? They only vessels off rails are those you are currently controlling or within your physics bubble. If you fail to notice your active craft explodes that's probably the least of your problems. But I agree with your suggestion. I too mysteriously lost craft but trough different means. A returning mission got an unplanned gravity slingshot from Mun that dropped the Pe below Kerbins surface. By the time I realized it was missing it was long gone.
  9. What's stopping you from trying it? If it works, it works. If it doesn't, too bad. Just delete the failed transfer and continue with whatever else you were doing. It's not as if trying can fry your computer or cost a lot of time, effort or money. The very worst that could possible happen is you completely corrupt your KSP install. In that case just delete and re-install.
  10. I don't think a second thread is necessary since your question was already answered in the first.:
  11. There is a mod that lets you pick up a craft and place it anywhere around KSC. It's called something like 'Move Anywhere', 'Place Anywhere' or something along those lines. Sadly I can not find it at this moment. I know HyperEdit can do what you want but the mod I have in mind would fit your situation best. Edit: I found it.
  12. @steve_v I know. I just wanted to point out any such conspiracy would not make any sense.
  13. Possible. But by law they are required to meet certain emission standards. Currently manufactures struggle in meeting those standards. It is too expensive. Instead they turn to fraud and scams. By installing a simple, small and cheap device like they would save billions. IF it actually worked that is.
  14. SCAM! Without a doubt 100% guaranteed. If it was actually possible to achieve a 30% reduction in fuel consumption car manufacturers would be fighting over it to install it in every car by default.
  15. Don't feel stupid. The only stupid question is the one you do not ask. I did call it a 'classic' for a reason, I've seen this happens a lot. The 'stupid' thing in this case is the way the game is designed.
  16. Pretty sure this is one of the classics. Your probes are not gone, they're just not visible. The solution is easier than you might expect. Go to the top centre of the map screen and open the small pull-down menu. Make sure the probe category is actually activated.
  17. A probe that small can only carry the most basic equipment, will be very exposed to radiation as it won't have any shielding and won't be able to transmit its findings back home. It's not only far-fetched, it's also completely useless.
  18. Physically exploring most likely won't happen within our lifetime. Even at a significant portion of light speed, 0.1c, it's still a 42 year journey. And that's AFTER we have developed the technology to actually get to 0.1c. So no, we won't get there any time soon in the broadest sense of the word. Neither manned nor unmanned. The only way we can 'explore' Proxima b is with telescopes. Terrestrial, orbital, Lunar. All could in theory do it but they'll have to be BIG!
  19. What I said is 100% true. And I NEVER said you can not copy your Steam install. Installing/updating your Steam install is just a few clicks. Installing from the Squad store require a few more manual actions. True. Installing from Steam AND making a duplicate requires roughly the same work as just installing from the Squad store. But with the Steam version you do not have to make a duplicate and therefore takes less work. Finally your saying something that makes sense. But I already said that in my original post: "neither has any significant benefits over the other".
  20. Several times. Each time leading to the same conclusion: not worth the effort.
  21. Steam goodies are practically worthless. Steam might update slightly quicker but it also does this without your consent, potentially ruining your save. Installing KSP from the store takes slightly more effort but keeps you in total control of how, when and where to install. Installing mods and making back-ups are identical for both. Long story short: Is it worth it? No! Both versions are technically identical and neither has any significant benefits over the other.
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