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Everything posted by Majorjim!

  1. That's ok Rune, I'm very happy to have inspired the design! What is your payload? How many motors in the second stage? others clipped in? Got a separating ring? I tried low orbits when testing my Skipper version. I had better results with a different ascent. MJ
  2. Thanks Rune. Hard to say without seeing it. hint hint. I imagine that what ever your rocket contains its much lighter than the one I built. Otherwise you would be using Mainsails! MJ
  3. I found it didn't help much sadly Woopert. It just wasn't enough thrust to get it high enough for the second and third stage. LOL yeah I was really happy the first time I realized I could do that. MJ
  4. Hi all, Well I managed to get it to work, with mainsails. I launched her with Skippers over 30 times in one evening and my profile was perfect on a few of those. It just wasn't possible with 5 Skippers in the first stage. So I used mainsails and added more fuel to the first stage. She now flies exactly how I wanted! She is very powerful now and most people would find it easy to get to the Mun with it. I made a new launch video, you can see my new realism tweaks, extra ullage motors and such. I have the bandicam trial so only 10mins. But you get to see how simple it is to dock the CSM to the lander. I may make some changes to the lander and then release it as the new version of my Selene Apollo craft. Thanks for looking. MJ
  5. Thanks Gus! I will check this tomorrow, off to bed now. Aside from doing some maths how else could I check this?
  6. Ok chaps, This is what I am dealing with. This is a video of the full launch, up until the third stage runs dry. She gets really close and I'm not sure how to improve the dv.. This is with fuel removed from the CSM to simulate a different CSM motor. Feel free to tear apart my launch profile and tell me where I am going wrong. MJ
  7. That lander has very little fuel and tight margins so nothing to be gained from there..
  8. Hi Woopert, I really like your orion craft! Have you thought about an Altair Mun mission? Ooh, and any other payloads for the launcher? Looks powerful. MJ
  9. Agreed. I have tried the mainsails and she is still falling short on that burn to the Mun.. I haven't changed the CSM engine yet as pulling it apart was going to be fiddly and I'm sleepy. So instead I drained the same mass in fuel from the CSM tank. It still fell short by an average of 250 m/s dv. I'm resolute to getting it working with the skippers! I have a video of the launch uploading to YT so I will post it and you can see how close it is. I'm sure its doable. Perhaps my launch profile is crappy? I don't know. I could have learned some bad habits. I will be interested to see what others have to say. @Snuggler: Yeah we discussed using mainsails last night and I subsequently tested them. With the above result sadly.. Agreed that the poodle is a problem, I will try it tomorrow. MJ
  10. KSP needs a camera for the Kerbals. It would be in first person and the photos would be stored in the crew lounge. On the walls maybe?? Photos would also give science. More if you snap an anomaly. MJ
  11. Thanks Rune, in very happy with the asthetics. Also I never thought of a different motor for the CSM! I will try that tonight. MJ
  12. Thats great for a mini saturn V! Im tempted to try that now. MJ
  13. Hi all, I would like to share my in progress Apollo craft as I having some trouble with it. She flies beautifully, no trouble there. I can get the third stage into LKO and a bit to the Mun but she falls short there. I had to add an orange tank to the first stage just to give it enough DV. I am using Skippers as they seem to be a good fit for the F1s. And it means she takes off nice and slowly. I may have to use Mainsails but I would rather not. I'm really happy with the fairing on this one. Second stage ullage motors firing. Second stage motors fire then interstage ring releases. Showing off the shape of the third stage. This is the shape of the third stage faring base. Adding more fuel to the lower stages reduces the TWR too low and she topples at launch. Are Mainsails the only answer??? MJ
  14. Yeah there are always compromises in KSP I guess. I see your point about the extra parts. I thought it may be possible with a total of 8 parts. Two for each booster. Just to hide the engine bells. Keep up the good work mate, the boosters are some of the nicest ive seen on a Soyuz. MJ
  15. Yeah that can happen. With proper placement of the seperatron and thorough testing it can be done though. MJ
  16. I understand you wanting to save on parts. It could be done with only 8 more parts This would make 0 difference to the frame rate. Have you tried a payload? MJ
  17. Hi Giggleplex, I noticed the little stack of cubic struts Between the engines on your second stage. I know this is a way of attaching to the center of a stage with off center engines but if you Attach the cubics to the first stage you won't See them on the second and it will look nicer. MJ
  18. Hi halsfury, I really like the boosters you made. The exposed engine bells look a little Unrealistic though. MJ
  19. Hi Woopert! Thanks I may give it a go soon if I can find the time. Yeah it will be stock only! Thanks for the help chaps.
  20. The idea of visiting realistic versions of the real bodies in our solar system is incredibly appealing. Have you tried it?
  21. Are you guys talking about RSS? All this talk of Venus is confusing me..
  22. Hi all, I decided to take a break from working on my Apollo craft and thought I would try out my old ion glider that never worked. What with the buff and all. So I built a very simple launcher and put it into and orbit of 100x100. They are amazing now. I can see how some might find them overpowered! It took around 2 minutes to escape Kerbin, with a not so close Munar fly-by. A few not very long burns later (longest was 3 minutes!) I reach Eve. Now, I hadnt been keeping an eye on the Xenon levels owing to the fact that I forgot it existed! Its been that long since I played with these engines! I was on a steep descent into the atmosphere and as the glider passed the reentry burn It was flying backwards.. This is backwards! Buuuuut.. As I reached sea level it was flipping around and infinigliding unassisted! I wanted to land so I manhandled it until it started heading downwards. And as it got very close to sea level it suddenly stabilized and began to glide amazingly well. I was out of Xenon by this point but it wasn't needed. I could pitch up, climb a little then dive to build up speed. Then climb again. It would go higher each time. I decided to see how far I could fly it. I passed near the shore of a large Evean lake. As I passed the lake and headed over the crest....... Whoops... Jeb survived but is now stranded.. So Im going to redesign and send a rescue party!! Then send in a team who went in to get the team. Then a team to get the team who went into get the team who went into get the team.. MJ
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