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Everything posted by Majorjim!

  1. Hello matey! Agreed. The price for me is a kick in the teeth. If they want me to pay full price give me a full price product.
  2. Sorry but 40FPS with a 4000 series card is not ‘running well’… These are numbers with very very low part counts. There is a HUGE way to go to even come close to KSP 1 part performance and the devs already claimed that the game was running better part performance than KSP 1..
  3. I don’t think so as I think atmospheric scattering is in already but no sign of any nice environment effects yet sadly..
  4. Does anyone know if the devs are planning on adding realistic environmental effects such as storms on Kerbin or dust storms on Duna or spectacular lighting storms on jool or laythe. They really should or were back to the static, unnatural feeling environments.
  5. So KSP 2 part performance is going to be better than KSP right? This is a given? Confirmed by the devs? Anyone have any concrete information on this?
  6. KSP 1 still has memory leaks and CG issues. Building complex craft in the VAB soon becomes a minefield of freezes and save file corruption requiring constant saves and restarts to fix. I was backing up my saves constantly to avoid them becoming corrupted. I do hope this is fixed in KSP2…
  7. Yes very… KSP 1 performance now is worse than it was at launch so it’s worrying that what is clearly a very low part count craft is chugging… ho hum, we’ll see soon enough anyway.
  8. I adore KSP and of course super excited for KSP2. I will however hold off buying it day one as the price is unacceptable for an early access game. I will wait to see how the part performance is and if the devs actually include the features it should have had at launch. I know I will be waiting more than a year to play it but it gives me time to save for a new PC. ☺️
  9. Ok, so kerbals cannot walk on any slope at all.. they sink in every few steps prompting the X button prompt to climb up… doing this over and over again causes the kerbal to explode.
  10. Playing on XboxS, kerbals cannot walk up hills without constantly having to press X to climb as they sink into the ground every few steps..
  11. Good to hear from you too mate. I’ve been lurking on and off. I still have the game installed on my PC of course but my nephew loves aircraft and rockets so I thought it was a good time to introduce him to the game. He is very smart and keeps reminding me to check my staging!
  12. My sister recently bought KSP for her 8 year old son and I’ve been helping him get the hang of the game. I must say, playing with a controller was a massive learning experience. I would like to share some of the craft I made when I was playing on PC but it seems this isn’t possible. Has anyone figured out a way of doing this yet? Thanks. MJ
  13. Oh yes the proof of course be in the playing of it ourselves I just think it’s odd there’s only very old footage when the game is only a few months from launch.
  14. It’s Unity… hell no there won’t be anything like that. It’s a physics engine designed for PPUs, ported to GPUs then ported to CPUs..
  15. You will again need a fast CPU as it’s again made in Unity and physics are CPU based… (don’t get me started)
  16. HI all, I read the developer saying that the first release wont be alpha or even beta quality but better but all I can find is footage that states it is 'PRE-APHA'.. This is concerning given that the game releases in three months. The performance in those videos is terrible..
  17. I’m a bit late to this party but damn mate… I’m truly staggered. I know I haven’t played for years but still I was sure this was a mod.. I wish I had those flags to play with when I was building! The level of detail you got out of them is nothing short of masterful. It’s an amazing body of work and one you must be proud of. That LM is unbelievable. Well done and I look forward to seeing what you make next. And dang man, 4000 parts.. that’s dedication right there!
  18. I don’t know how to feel about this.. I’m happy to see the game getting a release soon but I am not over mun about the method of release.. the main thing that stopped my playing KSP was the updates that break craft files and it seems this will be the KSP2 experience too.. I think I will have to adjust my play style and just enjoy exploring rather than putting months into complex craft. Actually that sounds super fun! Good luck with the release and here’s to KSP2 and the promise it holds!
  19. Wait... what? I barely recognise any of those parts.. have I been away that long? This looks incredible.
  20. What can I say...? I visit the forum after years away and see this beautiful monster! It’s stunning work mate. I can’t imagine your level of patience testing something with over 2000 parts.. The LEM is an absolute masterpiece. it’s gorgeous. I don’t recognise half the parts as I haven’t played for so long but I know how hard it is to make things like this so I am in awe of this. MJ
  21. I wont be entering as I haven't played for a while but I made a stock curiosity rover mission before the robotic parts and I hope this video will give some inspiration for thiers. Good luck Kerbonaughts!
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