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Everything posted by EchoLima

  1. @tater Thanks for the answer. Strange they're not sending Orion to NRHO though, seeing as Artemis 1 is supposed to be a test for Artemis 2...
  2. Mars is ugly. (Relative to Jupiter and Saturn anyway)
  3. I haven't really done any observing independently, but I did look through the Mamalluca Observatory (touristic telescope near the Atacama Desert in Chile). I saw Jupiter's bands and moon, Saturn's rings and moons, and some stellar cluster. Pretty amazing to see with my own eyes. And even just seeing the clear night sky, with the Milky Way band, in Chile was incredible.
  4. Random q: Is the Orion in Artemis 1 going to NRHO, or just a generic (presumably not polar) "distant retrograde orbit"?
  5. Here are suggestions that make building restrictions less arbitrary, and based more on realistic space agency limitations. VAB / SPH Part count restrictions should be entirely removed. Instead, put stricter limits on everything else (mass and dimensions). These are problems that real engineers need to contend with, not arbitrary part count limits. Misison Control Don't limit how many contacts you can accept. Instead, limit what kinds of contracts you can accept, restricting more valuable contracts to later tiers. Alternatively, offer the same contracts, but manually cap the rewards in earlier tiers. Astronaut Complex In later tiers, astronauts can be hired at Level 1, or instead can be trained at a cost. Administration Building Strategies should punish/reward gameplay choices. On example is to have one strategy reward achieving multiple firsts in one mission (eg first orbit + first landing), while another rewards spacing out achievements over multiple missions (eg send a flyby craft before an orbiter). Another example is to reward the use of probes over crewed vehicles, and vice versa.
  6. The Hitchhiker and Science Lab do not have any supplies other than Nitrogen. Is this intended? I'm wondering because I'm new to Kerbalism, and in Snacks the Hitchhiker was the mainstay of long term life support.
  7. Great idea! Here are some suggestions I have for parts: Stock Short Size 1 tank Small Omnidirectional antenna that doesn't need to be extended Midtier 1.25m engine Midsize solar panel (maybe based off the OX-STAT-XL) Inline parachute 1.25m abort tower DLC 1.8275m habitat module Soyuz style capsule? Surface attachable weather experiment?
  8. Progress A few months ago I planned on documenting a new career game I was starting, but I quickly realized had neither the time or inclination to log every launch I did. Instead, I'd like to use this thread to show some of the more interesting missions I've done in game, while skipping over the more generic early ones. To add to the challenge, I'm using Kerbalism and Bureaucracy. Other notable mods include JNSQ, CryoEngines, UnKerballed Start, and Career Evolution. Astronaut Groups ~~~ You can find my log of the Early Missions here, before I grew bored of updating it: y0 d0 - y1 d216 Minerva 3 (Minmus landing) y7 d243 Discovery Rover (Duna Rover) y8 d273
  9. Lack of progression. Career mode gets a lot less challenging mid-game. Most stock contracts don't connect cohesively. Tech tree isn't ordered well. Inability to measure progress. Etc.
  10. Kuiper Belt Object, like Arrokoth. I should have clarified. Essentially my suggestion is to have KBOs so we can recreate a New Horizons-type mission.
  11. We have asteroids, and we just got comets, but what about Kuiper Belt Objects? KBOs would make a great flyby target out past Eeoloo's orbit. It would be cool to have reddish KBOs randomly spawned outside of Eeloo's orbit. However, even if the KBOs themselves are asteroid-like objects, you should still be able to get science from a distance, because matching its velocity after an Eeloo flyby probably is not feasible.
  12. I landed a rover on Duna, in JNSQ. It was a lot of fun!
  13. Like the title says. I can hover the part over the ground for placement, but I'm unable to actually place the part over the grounds when I press the spacebar. I do get a clicking sound, but no placement. KSP.log file here Do a search within the log for "Note:" to find where I made attempts (should come up three times). I believe the relevant part is: [EXC 15:36:43.244] NullReferenceException ModuleInventoryPart+<CreatePartObject>d__65.MoveNext () (at <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <5aeafee3fea24f37abd1315553f2cfa6>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) I assume its a mod causing the issue, but I'm not sure which. What's causing the problem?
  14. On the topic of building upgrades, what would you think of a setting to automatically start a building's upgrade to the next tier once the previous one is completed? That way you wouldn't have to keep going back to KSC and clicking upgrade all over again.
  15. I just discovered the icebergs while landing short of the north pole. What a nice surprise! (more screenshots here)
  16. Easier for the reader to relate to the charachter. Married people know what it's like to be single, but single people don't know what it's like to be married.
  17. It's really nice you have this documented so well! I started playing in 2013, bit on a long lost hard drive. I can only wish I still had my first screenshots...
  18. Was a report added to the bug tracker? Nvm, I saw the comment by JPLRepo.
  19. Is there a way to change the default values that Gravity Turn uses (specifically for Hold AP Time Finish and Destination Height)? I know they can be changed before each launch but I'm talking about changing the default numbers.
  20. I played around in an old copy of .25 I have. Gameplay wise, aerodynamics was the most... different compared to nowadays. (Reposting my tweet because it's easier than uploading all the images again)
  21. I always thought it'd be cool to recreate the current KSP in an older version with mods. I never got around to doing it though...
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