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Everything posted by gilflo

  1. I tried to modified some figures in the KIS setting.cfg but nothing happens... When the game is loading, look above how small are the characters of the Module manager line showing how many patches are applied, compared to the characters in the loading bar... That's the same problem with a lot of mods!
  2. That's what I think, changing the size of the GUI through the setting config of the mods that have too small windows compared to KSP GUI but as I am not a programmer, when I open the setting.cfg with my text editor, I am not sure to find where to change the settings... In the KIS GUI there's 2 lines with resolution numbers in the EvaInventory: EvaInventory { inventoryKey = tab rightHandKey = x helmetKey = //j - J conflicts with Breaking Ground DLC. slotsX = 2 slotsY = 4 slotSize = 50 itemIconResolution = 128 selfIconResolution = 128 maxVolume = 110 openSndPath = KIS/Sounds/inventoryOpen closeSndPath = KIS/Sounds/inventoryClose } Are these resolution numbers that need to be changed? And what value? And, in the KER folder, to change the resolution of the GUI, I don't see any Setting.cfg file, only xml files...
  3. Hello guys I am playing on a Retina Mac (resolution 5120x2880) with KSP 1.8.X and 1.9.Xand here are some pics showing that whatever is the screen resolution, 2560X1440 for example, and the game graphic resolution , the windows opened by the mods and the windows open by the "in game mods" like DV tools or Engineer tools are quite different. All the mods windows seems very small and hard to read compared to the "in game mod" windows and to be able to read the mod windows I need a graphic resolution that shows nearly huge "in game windows" which is not comfortable at all. I was wondering if there was some datas to be modified to have all the windows opening in the game the same size ? Here, the KER and KIS windows mod becomes just readable, but the DV Tools windows seems huge Here the KER and KIS Windows are so small that they are hardly readable and the DV tools windows seems normal Whatever is the graphic game resolution I choose it looks like to get readable mod windows you need to get huge in game windows.... Here KER and KIS mod windows are readable but others windows are definitely too big!
  4. HELLO Does Tweakscale support KIS and deal with the volume of pieces we can put in KIS Inventory?
  5. Hello guys When I am using Tweakscale to to reduce a part before leaving this part in a KIS container, the weight is changed but not the volume... Let' s say I reduce to 50% the Remote guidance unit RC-001S which 100% weight is 100kg and volume 398.9L, when it's reduce by 50%, the weight has change according Tweakscale datas, but the volume stays same....which is wrong
  6. Hello guys Here is the Phoenix 4, electric plane to Eve, built around 3 OPT E Warpjet SAGE and able to fly over Eve as long as electricity is provided through its 90 photovoltaic panels. It's able to climb to 50000m provided you keep a good angle with sun to keep enough power to maintain minimal speed during climb, this speed being always above the stall speed that rises during climb...and more than that is the heating you have to minimize during climb by managing your speed.. Very interesting challenge as you rate of climb at take must not exceed 5m/s... But I manage to send to orbit the Phoenix Cockpit with its service bay which is launched when the plane reaches 50000kms. A RS25 RealScaleBooster engine is used for this purpose. The challenge was to build the plane as light as possible to to bring this launched parts to orbit, as the Warpjet SAGE is not very powerful. This phoenix 4 is send to Eve on the top of this SSTO To struggle through Eve atmosphere during descent, I added 3 Thermic inflatable shields and a retroburn engine at the rear. Ejectable mast with RCS and speed break at the front helps to keep Retrograde down to 50 kms during descent and avoid overheating. Both plane must be handled through Atmospheric Autopilot mod as piloting must be very accurate. They have been tested through the whole flight enveloppe up to orbit with CorrectCOL mod.
  7. OK problem solved I downloaded from the store the App with .pkg and it works after installation Previously I downloaded"d the .Zip app and it was not working on Catalina, nor on 10.14 Now it's ok
  8. I got KSP a long time ago on the store and Catalina is 10.15.4. I upgraded to Catalina just 2 weeks ago I have other games that works without problem I have clone with Mac OS X 10.14 and I am going to start on it and see what happens with KSP 1.9.1
  9. Hello KSP 1.9.0 starts on Catalina and KSP 1.9.1 (no mod at all) just opens a dark screen with progression bar half way. No log is opening. It seems frozen. I gave the authorization on Mac Pref>Security >General, but it does only start a dark screen with no log It's a fresh download. What can I do? Thank's
  10. Unfortunately for heavy rover like a mining rover, 17T empty and 24T full with 48 wheels, whatever are the settings on springs, it's bouncing... I think I am going to use KSP Wheel mod to see if it fix the problem
  11. Hello guys you were right, some springs where at 6! in auto, some others were at 1! Just a big mess. It's ok once i change to manual Thank's again
  12. Thank you guys for your help. I am going to work on this springs settings
  13. Thanks for these answers i did not change the initial settings of damper and springs, it’s the default game settings i’ll try them both and look at that barometer stuck on one wheel! I don’t even understand how it get there!
  14. Hello Have heard of converter making mining rover bouncing? Even with the updated WorldStabilizer on 1.7.3, the rover bounces and stop as soon as I remove the converter...It must be the association of converter with another part or mod that make it bounce... I do not know what to do...Is it because I hyper edit the rover o Eve to test it?
  15. Hello £every time I use a mining rover with a Converter on Eve, the rover begins to wobble continuously....and any warp make it explode and wobble the vessels around... Any rover without converter don't wobble I use world stabilizer mod updated, so What is this hell!!
  16. Hello When upgrading to 1.8.1 I discovered that some mods have small windows and letters like KJR in this pic as windows for engines informations for example stay with windows and letter as before I open the game in a window: on 1.7 .3 it was 1980x1080 and to get the "same" window on 1.8.1 I open in 4096x2034. maybe it can explain Is there something to do to have greater letters and windows for these mods? Thank's
  17. Hello guys Here is my Mercury Shuttle. 508T full weight with more than 26000DV to join Mercury low Orbit from my ISS station In the hold, there's a Mercury lander able to make the return trip from low orbit and a Mercury rover for a single trip. On the top a survey Satellite to draw a map of Mercury All this happens in RSS The Mercury lander is in the back hold which is open for the pic. Technically it never opens and does not need to. Here is the ISS station, more than 1000T launch 5 parts and assembled in space You can see a Mercury Shuttle prototype connected The StratoMaX is the launcher on top of which the Mercury Shuttle is connected to be launched at 48500m and continue to orbit on its own. Its weight for launch is around 1650T. The Mercury Shuttle weight for launch is around 185 T, only 15% fuel needed to join the ISS Space station to refuel before leaving to Mercury. The StratoMax is filled with 70% fuel and is able to land back on Earth, and if not he is able to land on sea. 20 J61 engines between 2.5 and 3m StratoMax with Mercury Shuttle on top Here is a launch test: speed reached for launch is between 4500m/s and 5500m/s. After 5000m/s the StratoMaX is not always able to fly back to base because of the too great distance As you can see FMRS is wrong, the StratoMaX is not taken in account because the StratoMaX engine as f1st Stage and Mercury Shuttle Engines as 2nd stage as the root piece is the Mercury shuttle
  18. RSS Mission to Mars - Part 3 We landed on Mars with 8761 DV Left. Now, it's time for Earth return. Take off during night to be aligned with Earth Plan. then, once in orbit ejection of all landing parachutes that we could have done before take off.. burning to Earth Periapsis calculation to join orbit at 120 kms. Intercepting Earth Orbit, we should have 230O Dv left which not so much for braking and re-entry Trying a Radial re-entry at 90 kms to close the orbit But it's not enough and we have to burn retrograde another 900-1000DV and perform a lot of Radial aerobraking passes at 80 kms to reach re-entry orbit here Re-entry braking was a little bit bumpy as you will see on the short vid following and the end of the post We got some LF in spare for final approach to base and relight Jet engines and realized that a right winglet was missing...I think it was broken during Mars landing Approaching the runway During the vid, you will seevthat we used Vernor engines to keep radial position during re-entry for better braking, but we not enough Oxydyzer left to use them and that why the re-entry was bumpy. Then the aircraft was very touchy on pitch axis and even with Atmospheric Autopilot to pilot in FWB I had to use SAS to help... In conclusion fo this Mission RSS cost a lot of DV and there's 3 choices to use Spaceplane to visit our system -Vertical launches on boosters like Space shuttle but I think it will limit DV capacity -Stratolaunches associated or not with ejectable boosters but think I reached the weight and DV limit to 16000-17000DV in orbit DV -Stratolaunches or vertical launches associated with orbital refueling stations: it could be the best option because you can send bigger but lighter spaceplanes with cargo hold and spacelab using just enough fuel to reach the station ..... Stratolaunch on refueling stations is my preferred option as you can re-used each aircraft....
  19. For a 1500T spaceplane I use at least 6 x 6wheels main gear aligned on the rear, perfectly aligned in 3 dimensions with Hangar Grid, as they must all support exactly the same weight (1550T/36) and 2 x 2wheels directional gears aligned under the nose. You can take off with no problem but landing at maxi weight must be very smooth...with vertical speed less than 3m/s 1500T/36 is 41T per wheel as in the real life you got 12 Wheels(2 x 6 wheels main gears) on a B777 for 340T max on take of which is 28T/wheel and 250T for landing which is 21T/Wheel So with a 1500T spaceplane 8 to 10 6Wheels main gears should be the minimum rules! And perfectly aligned in 3 dimensions is very difficult to fix.....
  20. Exactly, that's what I do also, but I do agree that adjustable landing gears are prettier and good looking....
  21. Hello OPT guys Here is my Mission to Mars in RSS mod (without FAR), part 1 with Martian shuttle launch from the Straolauncher StratoMaX, and part 2 landing on Mars I must say that OPT mod is perfectly adapted for RSS, the jet engines being efficient enough to build huge stratolaunchers and hybrid engines being adapted for longhaul spaceflight. SSTO is quite challenging as on Kerbal system with stock engines: You reach orbit and back but to fly further you must think different, with Stratolanching or Rocket vertical launching like NASA SpaceShuttle
  22. RSS Mission to Mars - Part 2: Landing on Mars Here is the DV Map to Solar system: We need around 6300 DV to there and to land High atmosphere is around 120 kms over Mars and we perform some aerobraking at 50 kms and it was quite efficient Then we use the engines to establish a 120 kms orbit The Martian Shuttle will brake on and land on retrograde Here is a small HD vid to see how we proceeded: Rover was ejected during landing procedure Then Kerbals went out to drive the Rover. At this point there's a bug on this OPT cockpit that can take 5 crews: we launched 5 crews and we were 2 on arrival....but not a problem I forgot the ladder on the rover but the Kerbal manage to climb and drive the rover under the nose of the shuttle so that his colleague can jump on the rover Driving to the nearest hill to plant a flag And here we are There some science instruments on the rover but unfortunately there's no scientist. Now it's time to board
  23. Hello In the OPT Stail Class QS01 cockpit, if you select the crew icon there's 5 seats available to choose 5 crew members, but when you launch the plane, only 2 seats with 2 crew remain....Is it a bug? I can only see 2 crew among the 5 I choose...I am with the version 1.4.0 du to problem with TweakScale.... I also noticed there's no light in the cockpit and in some others... Is there a config file to modify to get the 5 crew seats available when the plane is on the runway?
  24. RSS Mission to Mars - Part 1 Here we take off to be aligned with Mars plane climb to 48000m Around 48000m the StratomaX engines shut down due to lack of oxygen. We light on the 4 engines of the Shuttle in rocket mod and at launch the 2 RS 25 engines from the jettison able tanks to orbit are lighted. The shuttle climbs to orbit using 6 engines taking fuel from the jettissonable tanks Then the 24 ullage engines (4 groups of 6) that avoid any collision at launch, are ejected circularization on reaching apogee Recovering the StratoMaX at more than 1000 kms from base, we have not enough fuel to fly back A special runway built for StratoMax in the south of Brazil is at 400kms on our right. we need to descent to be able to make the right turn. We just need a bit of sub orbital flight to reach it runway in sight leaving base leg to final appraoch Nearly landed, short of fuel on the runway Jettissoning the orbital fuel tanks. Notice that the FMRS has recovered the StratoMaX as soon as he has landed Here is a short 4 mn HD vid to see the launch
  25. Well playing with FAR is much more complicated, I tried on Kerbin and I liked it, but on RSS wow!!! That's the point: The Martian shuttle is designed to take off from Mars and land back to Earth. With 16000DV from Earth orbit, it must be possible. What I am trying now is to Built a runway with KerbalKonstruct to have the StatoMax land on it after launch....So I must launch in the Mars plane and as near as possible from the South America coast if I want to be able to land the Stratomax on a runway and not in the sea....
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