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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. Deddly


    Goat will always find you
  2. Despite all the gentle reminders and kind requests from the moderation team, people insist on posting sexist remarks in this thread. Be assured that this is not tolerated in this community and it will be dealt with according to the forum rules. Since it repeatedly has gone off topic, the thread is now closed, though you can still feel free to vote in the poll. Those of you who posted sexist remarks should feel ashamed of yourselves and could perhaps stop to consider why you feel threatened by some cartoon characters with long eyelashes.
  3. Don't worry, everyone. It has been confirmed that this will be a free replacement for everyone who bought the original version.
  4. I have removed some off-topic conversation, some of which was frankly insulting and I'm disappointed in those involved. There is no place for "PC Master Race" on this forum, and when someone makes a suggestion for KSP development, the answer is never just "there's a mod for that", because these are discussions for stock KSP. If you have anything on topic to say, please do so. If it's off topic, please post it somewhere else or say it via PM.
  5. I have to say I like the effect you made there of the torch cutting through the door. Obviously out of scope for this graphic novel, but I shudder to think what it would be like to be on the receiving end of thousands of tiny red-hot droplets of molten metal coming my way.
  6. Deddly


    "We like all tha fluffy animals"
  7. You can't separate the gamedata folder from the KSP directory (as far as I know) but you can move the entire directory wherever you like. You can run it from a USB drive if you want to :).
  8. Hi everyone, It's fine to have a healthy debate about this subject, and the fact that there are widely-varying views shows that everyone is different. There's no problem with that - please continue debating the topic politely. But there is one thing we would like you all to please keep in mind: you are discussing the subject, not the persons. You can express disagreement, but, on this forum, please never attack the person or call them or their ideas stupid.
  9. Deddly


    Oh look - It's G-oats
  10. Thanks for the appraisal! But does that mean that moderating hampers artistic expression?
  11. Totally not ripping off @Kuzzter and @Parkaboy
  12. Well, "fake" was a poor choice of words. But the console shadows are currently very low quality: Compared with how they will apparently look in the new version: EDIT: Source
  13. There is a performance improvement - that was confirmed because they were able to increase the graphics settings and have real shadows instead of fake ones. So far, we don't have any more detail than that, though.
  14. Are you sure? I've been looking for some benchmarks but can't find any direct comparison.
  15. Ah ok, thanks for the info. Unfortunately, we can't compare ghz in order to get an indication of performance anymore. As I said in another thread, the Pentium 4 went up to 4 Ghz but is woefully outperformed by anything modern. Benchmarks can give a more meaningful comparison.
  16. I've been looking for some information about that. Can you tell me where you found that iPhone vs laptop performance comparison?
  17. What I mean is, why follow the ones who post five times a day, if you don't want notifications from them? I don't use the feature very much, so I'm genuinely curious as to what purpose it would serve to follow someone but not have notifications from them.
  18. I don't think so... but why follow a person if you don't want updates from their activity?
  19. Deddly


    Some goat was removed because too much goat is too much. Please don't deliberately mess up the forum for mobile users
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