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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. Since it's not really about KSP, I moved this to the Lounge.
  2. OK everyone, let's take a step back a moment and slow down. There's no need to get personal so let's let that go now. @kevnuke, there is nothing wrong with your suggestion. It's a perfectly valid one, but please remember that this is a public message board and it's only reasonable to expect that suggesting a change that affects the community is going to attract comments from others in the community. A healthy discussion is a great thing and can help all parties involved see the positive and negative aspects of a suggestion and thereafter develop an informed opinion one way or the other. I reposted HebaruSan's question because you dismissed it just because he isn't a moderator, but I had the same question. This has nothing to do with "forum politics". You asked for the moderators to respond... well, moderators are also average users, but my question to you is: What aspects of gameplay are different in the console release? As the person suggesting this change, don't you think it's in your interest to win over people who don't agree with you rather than dismiss them out of hand? EDIT: I removed a few posts because it was getting unnecessarily personal.
  3. Can you name three aspects of gameplay that are supposed to be different between these two "not the same" games, excluding platform-specific bugs and glitches? EDIT: (It's a perfectly valid question and a good answer would help us understand why a specific console subforum would be a good idea. Try not to be so dismissive of people's questions - they are coming from valued members of our community who know a great deal about how things work here)
  4. Thanks for the help! I updated the post to reflect that. Please let us know if you notice anything else that should be mentioned.
  5. The members of Squad who are working on the console release are the QA team, the community managers and the producer. The actual programming is being done by Blitworks, and as I understand it, TakeTwo has also provided a lot of support. That being as it is, I don't think we can't expect Squad to stop working on 1.4 and Making History for the PC/Mac/Linux versions. Two development teams. I don't know how long it takes to make a patch, but I do know that some really good bug reports have come in so far, and I know that people are working really hard on it. Bear in mind that a patch also needs to go through certification, so I guess just a couple of weeks is maybe an unrealistic expectation. But I'm not in either team so I don't know for sure. What I do know is that it really sucks that you're still experiencing problems. Early comments seemed so overwhelmingly positive. Is it really that bad that you can't play it?
  6. @AndyChilly, you say "devs" but which devs are you referring to? The devs at Squad and the devs at Blitworks are two different teams working on two different things.
  7. Below you can find a list of useful references for anyone interested in modding KSP. This replaces all the old stickied threads. Not all of the information contained below is relevant today, so please comment in this thread to let us know which ones should be removed or which ones should have a comment next to them clarifying what parts of it are still relevant. Thanks for your help! GUIDES Creating custom KSPedia entries (information about fonts may be incorrect) KSP Font System - creating fonts for localization Adding mods to the Application Launcher Localization Support for KSPedia pages and static files Engineer's Handbook - Developing mod parts based on real-world engineering principles Editor Toolbar Modding Guide Mod adoption tutorial TOOLS PartTools - import 3D models into KSP REFERENCES Modding tools, tutorials and guides Community-driven documentation (Stock part cost and balance, contract modding, science&mods) PartModule documentation Library of mods that are/were in development Module Manager patch database LICENSING License Selection Guide Cross-compatibility guide to Creative Commons licenses
  8. Thanks for posting here, @Reusables. I removed the thread for you.
  9. Hi @gui camsky, welcome to the forum! A few posts above yours, you can see that it has already been tested in 1.3, so go ahead and try it
  10. Moved to Kerbal network, which is the place to discuss this forum, etc.
  11. I don't know for sure, but I don't think it would, much like ZooNamedGames doesn't get pinged just because I quote a ping, is that right, Zoo?
  12. @dundun92, how many notifications do you normally have? I wonder if you might have so many that it reached some kind of maximum we didn't know about
  13. Hi, @battlemoose (cool name :)). Thanks for your work on this fork! I noticed you seem to have the license, source etc. in order in the github link, but could I ask you to also state the license in the original post to this thread? That will make it in line with the rules, thanks
  14. Red Iron Crown had a good answer for that a while ago, @Lo Var Lachland
  15. Deddly


    Yeah, it only has 7 legs! What's up with that??
  16. Deddly


    Hi guys, I know you're just having fun, but please don't get into discussions about other threads except in that thread. That's off-goat for this thread. One other thing, please don't bump threads. Goats can bump, though
  17. I have no inside information, but I think we can safely assume "no" to any unannounced new features that were not a part of 1.2 Loud and Clear. Higher resolution or part count is a definite possibility, though, since it has been confirmed that there is a significant performance improvement. I guess we will find out in just over a week
  18. There appear to be two identical announcement threads. You are the first commenter in the other one.
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