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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. Sorry about this, but I had to remove the link because it pointed to content that contains profanity, which our rules don't allow.
  2. Deddly


    I'll give you a clue: It is something to do with goat.
  3. The "+" bit at the bottom is for quoting multiple posts like I just did. It's a QoL thing. Keyboards are good for screens. Go for it
  4. @tater, what happens if you open a reply, then highlight some text in one of the posts above yours? This is what it looks like to me:
  5. Testing that... I did that by highlighting the relevant text and clicking "quote this" in the little black box that appears.
  6. Not sure what you mean - or do you mean like this?
  7. Lets be careful not to make this personal, please. We are nice
  8. I have a very old, very poor Windows tablet, and it runs KSP well enough on low settings to actually play the game. Unfortunately, it's not possible to play properly because the UI is not designed for touch screens. But I think the suggestion is not as crazy as it sounds anymore. EDIT: Oh, and welcome to the forum, @kris10127!
  9. Deddly


    They are not evil. They are cute
  10. No problem! I would never argue with The Man, The Myth, The Legend himself! :))
  11. Looks like you have a great answer already, but I moved this gameplay question to Gameplay Questions
  12. I believe it was confirmed that this will be a completely new download that replaces the old one, @OrganizedChaos
  13. Hehehe, that's the way, @Ten Key, we don't pay our workers to faff around taking breaks, we don't pay them at all! Treat your staff like we treat our moderators [gets whip out].
  14. The only posts that moderators remove are ones that break the guidelines (examples are given in those guidelines). But it would be an exceptional case if the user wasn't informed of the reason why. If you've seen anything that troubles you, please don't hesitate to let one of the moderators know via PM.
  15. Hi @KnedlikMCPE. I moved your question to Add-on Discussions. What version of KSP are you running and where did you get the mod from? I think that mod is only available for 1.1.3
  16. Mates and shielas, I think the TPA is probably a subject for the Lounge
  17. Deddly


    @Green Baron Generally, sheep have fluffy wool, goats have hair. Goats are more likely to have horns, Goats sometimes have beards - which means they are evil. Sheep tails point down, goat tails point up.
  18. Deddly


    Sheep have 54 chromosomes, goats have 60. How could you not know this?
  19. Welcome, @Natur_Huetti! I moved your post to the "Add-ons" section. It's good for you to know that you have come to the English-speaking area, so I'll post a quick translation from Google so that everyone else can understand your question: It's not used very much at the moment, but there is a German-language thread here. I hope you find that useful!
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