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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. Hi Zafer Altan! There were some licensing problems with this mod. As soon as the developer fixes that, I'm sure he will be happy to release it again.
  2. I've had good results from Comodo. It's free with no compromises and includes sanboxing, so you can run the game in a virtual box disconnected from the rest of the machine (in fact, it will automatically do that with most things unless you turn it off)
  3. The Tesla store in Oslo lent me a P85+ for an hour to test drive a few years back. Stomping on the accellerator felt like someone was hitting me in the back, it was insane - back before insane mode and ludicrous mode even existed. I liked the car a great deal, but headroom and legroom in the rear seats isn't very good for such a large car. Still, if I had the money for it I'd get a Model 3 in a heartbeat.
  4. Yeah that always bugged me, lol
  5. It's so great to be reading Kerbfleet again. I've really missed this. Thanks for sticking with it all this time, Kuzzter! I just know you have the stickability to see it through to the end.
  6. Let's not get pedantic here. I think we all know what he means. Logical ordering of the quick saves would be a great idea. Nice suggestion!
  7. Thread has been closed at the authour's request.
  8. I'm not sure which ones count as "down arrow" but there were a bunch of options like "Thanks" "Confused" "sad" and "Haha"
  9. @Earthlinger, those are just leftovers from a previous forum update that temporarily allowed options other than "like"
  10. In that case, one engine like your setup is the most efficient for most cases. Extra engines are also extra mass, which negatively impacts efficiency
  11. This is where the error came in. Although weightless, your ship still has mass that needs to be accelerated. If it's difficult to visualise, let's take it to the extreme: If you take a rocket and fire the engines downwards, does it send the Earth off on a new orbit? The answer is actually yes, it does - but the new orbit it virtually the same as old one because of the enormous mass of the planet. The greater the mass, the more energy it takes to alter its course. For this reason, you will notice that the acceleration of your craft will improve as you use up fuel, because the mass is decreasing as the fuel burns. 15 minutes for a burn isn't all that bad (you can time warp at 4x to cut that down to less than 4 minutes), but I'm more concerned about your injection burn to get into orbit at your destination... you might want to consider adding more engines or reducing mass. Welcome to the forum!
  12. Ping spam removed. One at a time guys, please? @WinkAllKerb''
  13. @Cassiopee, since you're running the mod in a version of KSP that is not compatible, it's unlikely you'll be able to get support here for that. I suggest you try loading the mod in KSP 1.3.1 and seeing if that solves the problem. If it does, then that will confirm that the problem is with the KSP version.
  14. Sorry, I was on mobile at the time and the button is on the left. It's interesting that you only get the option to upload a photo. I get the option to: Remove photo Reposition photo Upload photo Perhaps "remove photo" would revert it back to what you don't like. I suggest uploading a plain black picture, in that case.
  15. Do you mean the part where some people have a background picture (Where I have the Borg cube in mine)? If that's what you mean, then yes, it's simple to remove it by going into your profile and clicking the button at the top-left.
  16. Guys, users are not able to move a thread once posted. Next time you see a thread posted in the wrong place, please just click the report button and mention it there, instead. Thanks! And on that note, moved to Mission Reports. Nice picture
  17. Hi, welcome to the forum! Please check back a few posts in this thread for the answer.
  18. It really does seem silly, doesn't it? The main answer is on this page, but to avoid sending this thread off topic, would you like to start a thread about it and we can discuss it there? This isn't really the place for it. (It seems silly until you understand the reasons)
  19. There is an update in progress. Should be done soon, if it's not already.
  20. Hi @KspLover777. I'm not sure I understand. What is it? Did you make a mod?
  21. @Quinto_Fabio, hi, welcome to the forum! I see that @viperwolf has already helpfully given you the information you need. In the futre, we would really appreciate it if you could check back a few posts before making a request like that. This page is actually filled with information about getting it working on 1.4. Have fun
  22. I would like a mod that makes it possible to crash into ground scatter.
  23. Things were getting a little heated in here so I trimmed a few posts. I get that it can feel tough when you've just completed a monumental amount of work and then someone comes in and asks about the next version, but please also understand that not everyone knows what's going on behind the scenes and their question may or may not be "pressuring for an update". If you feel that the rules have been broken, please always report the post and we will look into it. Note that sometimes you won't see the reported post disappear - we might choose to contact the person privately about it so he knows for the future. But what's always against the rules is responding unkindly to a person. As my mother used to tell me when I'd complain "but he started it!": two wrongs don't make a right. Are we friends now?
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