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Everything posted by SpaceToad

  1. So why does the carrier break instantly on spawn? The rudder, screws, and cabin literally just fall off :/ Wasnt an issue before 1.2...
  2. Thank you so much! Congratulations on 1.0! @TMasterson5
  3. Love this addon. Takes 30-40 seconds for it to load in for me though. I imagine that's to be expected though
  4. I'll raise you one. An adjustable slider for curvature would be great, just like how that part-scaling plugin works. then, you just adjust the slider until you get it the way you want. 100% proceedural so that you only need one part.
  5. Actually, I just tried it again... its gone! works fine now. Computers...
  6. Yeah, the FBW works great, but moderation oscillates between max aoa above and below the horizon. I'll upload pics and a gif later this afternoon. Is it normal to have to change the controllers independently for each aircraft? Do the settings for each controller save with the aircraft?
  7. Anyone ever have the problem of FBW overcompensation? Flies ok with moderation off, but when its on, all it does is oscillate... Maybe the gain? Control deflection? What do you think?
  8. Do precoolers help cool compressing free-stream air entering the engine? If they don't, they should, as that would help with SABREs at trans-hypersonic/hypersonic speeds.
  9. Hey all, So I'm looking to make some standard approach procedures (STARs) for my aircraft and SSTO's, but there's no stock way to place map markers without placing a probe core and driving it to the point I need it. Is there an addon to make GPS/RNAV fixes or VOR/VORTACs at least? Thanks.
  10. Thats awesome! My dad graduated from Embry Riddle Daytona, and instructed there for a while. He's now a UAL captain. Hopefully I'm next in the chain for flight instruction
  11. Thanks for the input! Ill give it a try and report back. (P.S. I wish I could afford aircraft maintenance costs, I wish I had my own 172 )
  12. Hey guys! I am trying to better design my fighters, but they wont fly well at all without SAS, and even then, the moment you center the stick, the SAS oscillates a little! What can I do to fix this? How can I better design my aircraft?
  13. According to @blackheart612, the engines and other parts will be released in stages. WW2-era props up to Bi-planes Helicopters / Turbines Turbojets / Turbofans Etc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @kiwinanday We found a solution to the problem yesterday, hopefully a new patch will be out soon. Until then, try adding these to the config of that engine. Add these under FSswitchenginetransform. useNamedAlternate = 0 and animateThrottleRange = 0,
  14. I'm glad to help, and honestly it's no big deal. Very simple fix. Your parts are so great that I really wanted to find a fix. I use them on at least 2% of my fleet, and my fleet is HUGE.
  15. 1.1.3, X64. Even using the method you've described it doesnt work. How reversers should work (the standard way every other capable engine does) is that when the reverser toggle is active, the CoT inverses, and thrust will travel in that direction. It should not be toggled in the editor, show no sign of function, and then reverse thrust when normal thrust is applied (Because it doesnt go back to normal thrust when you launch. If you set it to reverse thrust, it remains in reverse thrust.) In the case of your engines, in either mode they both propel forward. Now, I dont know much about Firespitter's modules, but this is a bit of a red flag for me... This is the reverser module used in an KAX engine, same as the one you use. MODULE { name = FSswitchEngineThrustTransform defaultTTName = thrustTransform alternateTTName = alternateThrustTransform useNamedAlternate = 0 animateThrottleRange = 0.5, 0 } And here is the module used in the Merlin (Mustang) engine. MODULE { name = FSswitchEngineThrustTransform defaultTTName = thrustTransform } UH OH. So, as you can see, no value is given for alternateTTName (Thrust transform), useNamedAlternate (Self explanitory), and animateThrottleRange (Secondary throttle for an alternate mode, like thrust reversion.) Now lets take a look at the documentation... name... Check! defaultTTName... Check! alternateTTName...NULL! So what does this mean? You did not provide the alternate transform to provide reverse thrust! But there is a solution... useNamedAlternate! As you can see, if you did not name an alternate, you can use the reverse of the default transform, however, you must declare that you wish to use this by adding it to the cfg's. So what do I suggest you do? Append the configs with; useNamedAlternate = 0 and animateThrottleRange = 0, 0.6
  16. In the beginning, there was Kerbal and PC, and the fanbase looked upon it and saw that it was good. On the first update, Squad added Kerbol, and created the rift between darkness and light. The fanbase looked upon it and saw that it was good. On the second update, Squad added Kerbin, a dark and lifeless mound, and split the mass into two; land and ocean. The fanbase looked upon it and saw that it was good. . . . On the 1013 update, Squad announced the nearing of next-gen. The fanbase looked upon it, spat upon it, and declared it stanketh. The fanbase declared it a useless waste, only to be served to the stultus puer who shall not witness the entirety and wholesomeness of the universe, at the same price. The PC fanbase declared it a mask of feces. The next gen base declared it the second coming. Squad looked upon their wallets, and saw that it was good.
  17. In the editor, after reversing thrust, the magenta thrust arrow stays facing the proper forward thrust direction. If I attempt to switch thrust modes to normal or reversed, the aircraft still goes backwards.
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