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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Autostrut it to heaviest part. Should hold it in place until that main stage drops away.
  2. Hehehehe.... no. You'd think so, but not always. And drivers could have been updated since, especially if the hardware in your system is a relatively new design.
  3. I think you mean the opposite? Have you always had no sound, or is this a new issue? Try updating your sound drivers either way. I dunno if this is the sound card or not, but it's way up at the top of the log.
  4. Ohhh.... yeah, that engine model got nerfed a while back I do believe.
  5. Along with everything posted above, the milestones are a type of achievement. Orbit Duna for the first time? Boom, there's your achievement, up there in the corner with the other messages the game sends you.
  6. Looks similar to mine, I just have most of the Gfx settings bottomed out.
  7. Post the ksp.log too. That might help us figure out what's causing this.
  8. If it is from the latest update, try recreating it in a stock game. Then we can open a bug tracker and get the devs to fix it.
  9. That would make some of the BDA Naval battles very interesting......
  10. To render the ships as physicsless would require the devs to include another engine to process just the cut scene you want. That would make KSP even more cumbersome. There may be other work arounds for it, but still, an insane amount of work would be required. As I said, I would prefer this amount of work required by the devs to be spent on other aspects of the game. Now as a mod, I am all for this. The coolness factor alone would be worth seeing this a few times, even if it did melt my computer into a slag heap.
  11. Wonder if your average tortoise would be aerodynamically stable enough to have it's shell act as a heat shield if it was coated properly. And now I'm wondering if I should talk to somebody about my apparent penchant for decelerating animals at high g loads..... Earth doesn't have a SOI.
  12. That's not a g load, that's a traumatic crush injury. WAIT!! What? When did we send turtles to the moon? Buy a second one, give to a friend, and joust. Loads of fun.
  13. Can we get a pun of the month badge or something for this man? @Vanamonde
  14. No No No...... A blow torch uses gas and combustion to create heat. A light saber passes energy through a specific crystal to create a laser of limited length. (Just remember what thread we're in, k?). Some of the star wars gurus will explain it better, but I believe the planet of origin for each crystal determines the saber's color. As they claimed to be one just a few posts above, maybe @Hummingbird Aerospace can chime in here? Even the exposure to cold for about 5 minutes wouldn't hurt. It takes roughly 5-10 minutes for hypothermia to set in when submerged in arctic temp waters, and water conducts heat away from the body about 25 times faster than air. So it might not be pleasant, but temperature wise, you could probably make a jump from 100,00 feet naked and be ok. It's the lack of O2 that will get you. There are quite a few major cities at high elevations. And considering people do 14,000 ft Mountains as simple dayhikes, you might want to shift your paradigm a bit. I've been up that high on a mountain, and it's quite pleasant, weather dependent, if not a little hard to breathe, but only slightly.
  15. It doesn't popup if it is only managing one install. So if you have an exe for each of your installs, then you'll never see the popup. I think @Ultimate Steve may sitting in the corner, weeping, reconsidering decisions made in life at this point.
  16. Hogwash! 1) Landing an asteroid on the KSC is fun. 2) Dragging an asteroid that landed close to the KSC is Fun. 3) Dragging an asteroid a decent distance is annoyingly fun. 4) Dragging an asteroid a long distance is annoying. 5) KSC Building bowling anybody? 6) Asteroid golf. Using rockets. 7) Using Mt Whoopstooshort as a quarter pipe for rocket assisted asteroids. 8) So So many more, And since it's in the game, it is ingame.
  17. Oh, the windows release does function as a SS. E@H: It spins around slowly on your screen. Target moves around as the data you are processing changes.
  18. Well done, quote two members from 6 months ago just to post a snotty answer to a comment that was already corrected. That sir, is how one ends up on an ignore list.
  19. You could try some of the other threads on this very topic, there is a large on e floating around here somewhere, a common suggestions thread is even stickied. No reason to beat a dead reinvented wheel. (Couldn't decide on an euphemism)
  20. So if we do a cut scene using the actual craft, it will have to be loaded into the physics engine in Unity, which means another long load wait, and then reload the same craft again on the pad, making us wait again. Not to mention all the extra funky physics bugs rendering a cut scene would introduce into the game. We already have issues that if the devs change one little thing on a wing piece, a moon three planets over gets destroyed. I think having the craft load multiple times is just asking for bad things to happen.
  21. Son of a.... I usually get pinged here, and then can happily tell that person they're wrong. But not this time. You got me cheese. And then I let the game grind to a halt by not naming another.
  22. In the SPH, just manually empty all the tanks. You will see the COM visibly shift. You can then make adjustments in your design to account for full tanks v empty.
  23. Aside from a coolness factor, to what end? How would this benefit the game? I can see it be added (if it's even possible) into a mod like Kerbal Construction Time, but I don't see any benefits other than being really cool. If the devs are going to put this much work into something new, and I'm guessing it would be a lot of work, I'd rather see them focus their efforts on features that affect more of the gameplay than just one tiny aspect of it.
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