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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Which is quite odd, as I was just coming here to stop this audiophile nonsense and try to get us back on topic! LOL
  2. Can you imagine the setups required to do this study right? It would be both an audiophile's and technophile's wet dream.
  3. Welcome aboard! Glad to hear your getting into aerospace... but the stories I've heard about SpaceX's work life make shudder sometimes. Great for singles with no life and a drive to work all the time for a currently Cool company. Or so I've heard. But don't let my anecdotal evidence dissuade you! Keep on that path, learn to build cool stuff, and then use your best judgement when seeking employment.
  4. That's a pretty dumb AV. Yes, Github could host malicious code, but that's kinda the point of github, to host code. Add an exception to your AV for github.
  5. Depends on the total part count. If the total count is small, you might not notice a difference. If it's big, you might. Then again, you might not. The only way for anybody to reliably answer these questions to your satisfaction will be to sit them down side by side and play the same save at the same time and compare. We can tell you what should be faster, but until each machine is benchmarked and compared heads up, it's just really informed guess work. Plus, you are also talking about a new, clean machine, vs an older used machine with some over time bloat ware on it.
  6. The say the best way to get a correct answer on the internet is to post an incorrect one. So... I think that value is hardcoded into the game code, and can't be changed. Waiting for confirmation......
  7. Create a backup of the original. Change a value in the test version. See what it does. Restore the backup after the craft goes poof. And btw, those aren't codes. Those are variables and their associated values.
  8. The plural of anecdote is not evidence. While this may be true, only rigorous scientific studies can prove it. Observer's Bias is strong in this area, especially when the outcome is very subjective.
  9. But any current day energy source is finite in it's output. There are better uses than a "time tourist". Record keeping was not as important then. Now we have records and pictures, of exactly what people ate for lunch, everyday. People who are trying to rewrite modern history are for the most part failing. And any single "time tourist" would have not have first hand knowledge of every major event that has happened. Why not put off today what you can do tomorrow. See above. Any society capable of freezing some tourist is also capable of preserving accurate records for future generations. And even if the lineage of any one person die's off, they would have, for the most part, contributed in some form to the continuation of society as a whole.
  10. The only true way to test it, would be through a blind study. The listener would have no idea what the device was, but could only hear the result. Only then would an opinion be truly impartial. Nobody will ever convince me that there isn't a strong bias in these types of arguments. You like what you like and that's that. But to objectively state one is better than the other, objectively, you must remove the device bias.
  11. Looks like that size of station can be done in one launch, but if you are planning on doing orbital construction, use a Tug to do all the docking and such. That way you can keep the part counts on the station itself to a minimum. Remove the RCS, engines, etc from the station, and keep them on the disposable tug. The station is supposed to be parked in an orbit and left there, no reason for it to have anything to make it move. Unless you want it to move. And even then you can just use a tug to move it around.
  12. This makes more sense. Until a scan is completed, there is only one biome, the body itself. As for Context, watch the episode of "From the Earth to The Moon" that features Harrison Schmidt and Apollo 17. That whole episode is about training astronauts about how the context of geology is key to understanding where the surface samples come from.
  13. That's what the sub forum is for, as mentioned. But rocket design is easy. Just build something that gets your payload into orbit. It's the payload that counts.
  14. Your real world physics have no power here!
  15. That's assuming the person who volunteers for this had any working to start with....... But I find this question to be very selfish. What gain would society/civilization get from this? The amount of energy required to keep the subject frozen for this period of time could be put to much better uses elsewhere. A time capsule? If society can keep a human frozen for this length of time, then surely they can keep records of that persons early life time. For the subject to be of any use to science, aside from pure curiosity, it would take them years to re-acclimate to the era in which they awoke. Technology, society, and even physiology would have changed so drastically that they would have no way of communicating easily. They would be lost in the new world they awoke in. The biological world they awoke in would reek havoc upon their body. Instead of one person being able to 'travel' that far in time, they could, instead, could procreate and create more humans who could help advance society over that period of time. The collective knowledge gained from their lineage would far far outweigh any gained from one person being frozen.
  16. Well this would completely depend upon the design. First off, they might very well go click when depressed, but since there is usually other loud noises happening at the same time (the explosion), it might get drowned out. If I'm a goverment contractor making mines for the military, and I can save a few bucks using cheaper switches that happen to click when depressed, then so be it. And yes, some land mines do wait to explode. There are designs of anti-personel mines that have a 3-5 second fuse before detonating. Unless the person who initially steps on the mine is running at a full sprint, they will easily still be within lethal range, and it allows trailing members of a squad to get closer. In the case of bouncing mines, the triggering person needs to be clear of the mine so it has room to actually pop up. The Bouncing Betty might be the most famous of this design, it had a 4 second fuse. But yeah, having the damsel in distress step on a mine and wait for the hero to defuse it is just Dramatic license. There might be a design of mine out there that does this, and it just happens to make a clicking noise, and the ambient noise is low enough for the hero to hear it click, and then yell out "freeze!", AND the damsel has good enough reflexes to actually freeze in place, AND the Hero can diffuse it.... so i can maybe possibly slightly deal with this in movies, as it makes for good drama, as long as it's not used just for coolness sake, but the delay in the story has an overriding plot aspect to it.
  17. Is this in relation to your other PP SRB thread? If so, you are just forking the information making it even more difficult for people to help. You might want to request these two threads be merged bu using the 'report post' button. But you also might have better results asking in the mod thread itself.
  18. I like the idea, but the exact implementation has some issues. I mean physics. There is nothing preventing you from sending a manned mission to Duna blind. And then if there was, that kind of defeats the purpose of an open world setting, as you would now be rail roaded into missions. We already have the contract system that does pretty much this already, encourages a stepping stone approach to exploration, but doesn't restrict you from skipping ahead.
  19. And I think that post qualifies you as an audiophile snob
  20. I gotta say, I'm dragging myself through the series now, based on your recommendation, and it's coming up a resounding meh. I started with Space and now I'm onto Time, and well, it's not bad, but... It could be because of the drastic changes he envisioned within the space program within such a short period of time after he wrote it, those discrepancies throw me off a bit. But the resemblance of the 'main' character to Musk in Space is quite close....
  21. I think the question was in relation to the device making noises, not the quality of the media.
  22. It's a stock bug, but often made worse by a variety of mods. Reloading may fix it, but it just as often makes it worse. As long that offset is not interfering with anything, ie docking, undocking or decoupling, you're usually better off letting it go, instead of pulling your hair out trying to fix it with reloads. If it is interfering with an action, like landing, then you may want to try reloading until the ship is usable.
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