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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Fine... I'll take this one. Battlestar. From Battlestar Galatica. The Battlestar class Warship was a heavy carrier that had FTL jump capabilities. But it wasn't able to do atmospheric flight. So if it accidentally jumped into atmo around a planet, it would fall from the sky. Fast.
  2. No, not you, never. It was a valid rebuttal to my statement, so I'll let it slide. This time.
  3. Hands down, the best Hours of Fun Per $ investment I have ever made. And that includes my ex-wife.
  4. I bought mine neither from Steam nor GoG. Are you saying I should miss out on certain features just because I bought it from a different store than you?
  5. Since I posted this in the other thread, it's now stuck there:
  6. Aside from the lack of a round of QA testing in 1.4:
  7. Thank you. I had typed up a post about learning how to design with struts and such, but it sounded apologetic. But yeah, I see floppy rockets as a design hurdle, not a bug. Even real rockets have to be built strong enough not to buckle.
  8. Early days, yeah, it was an easy exploit from a bug in the game. Nowdays, it's a testament to the ingenuity and engineering of the players. Squad has eliminated most of the exploits that they can, anything left is no longer a low hanging fruit for them, so they probably won't devote many resources towards fixing them. But when I see a new kraken drive drive thread, it makes me smile and appreciate the community we have. It shows that we, as players, are keeping the devs on their toes (or in their drinks), and I applaud it.
  9. Gargamel


    It's usually caused by an uncoordinated contraction of the diaphragm. Usually a heavy swallow action will reset the diaphragm. Hence why I use peanut butter.
  10. Grats to him! Might want to check out all the other high rep posters: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/127276-say-hello-to-the-rep-grand-group-071916-update/
  11. Unless they are not converting to energy, but just taking a matter source, manipulating the elements to what they want, and sticking them together. Even that would require a buttload of energy, but given in the StarTrek world, it's found on a vessel which has a power supply capable of folding space time, so....
  12. RadioLab just released it's latest episode, which just happens to be a compilation of some interviews with astronauts they've done. I really enjoyed listening to this one. https://www.wnycstudios.org/story/dark-side-earth Now, for us SUG's (Space Uber Geeks), the host's are not space geeks. It is pretty softball in terms of questions. But the stories the astronauts are telling are quite entertaining. For those that don't know RadioLab, it is basically a radio show that they find interesting stories and report on them. They cover a very, very wide variety of topics, from the history of American Football, to Elevator Push button collecting, to CRISPR, to Rogue Racoons. It's a well told, entertaining way to spend your commute. And if you like legal discussions, the same producers make More Perfect, a look into some of the US Supreme Court's cases, told in an entertaining way.
  13. Best answer: Read the mod thread, most of the answers can be found there. There are also tutorials in the tutorial forum that will answer your questions. IIRC, most of the videos for BDA are for older versions, but the basics still apply. That mod gets enough frequent updates that doing making a new video each time would be very cumbersome. Stock won't allow you to switch between craft while you are in flight. You should setup your AP's before you take off, and then switch teams on the craft you are flying later to activate the defenses. Someone will correct me on this, because I can usually switch in flight, but I'm not sure how I do this :D. As I mentioned setup all your AP's before you take off. If you are setting up a ground defense station, just enable all the team and firing settings when you deploy it. It will automatically come alive when it detects an enemy craft. If you are setting up an enemy fighter, make sure it has both the BDA weapons manager and AP modules onboard. Launch the craft to the runway from the VAB, and then gently steer it off to the side onto the flat grass, aiming away from anything it can run into. Set the brake, throttle down. Open the AP module and set all your flight limits if you want to change them. The 'stock' settings usually work fine, until you want them different. Set the WM settings to whatever you need, I usually leave it on team A. Launch your second plane, set the AP as you need if you want to have the computer fly it, or not if you are going to fly it. Start your take off, and immediately switch to Team B. This will trigger the drone plane to start it's take off roll, within a few seconds. If you are trying to fly against a ground station, wait till you are on your attack run to switch teams, as switching teams during your take off roll will get you blasted before you even take off. I haven't played in a year or so, but that is how I used to do it. Just mess with the settings until you're happy. If you can't get the fighter's to fly with you, there's usually some stupid reason for it. Engine's not enable, autopilot not enabled, etc. It's what usually get's me.
  14. They changed it so the music will start at the beginning of a track when the scene changes. Which apparently includes hitting escape.
  15. Just a technicality, but CKAN does not store mods anywhere (except locally). It only indexes and installs them for you. It is up to the mod maker to list the mod on CKAN, and then CKAN goes and gets the mod from wherever it is being hosted if you want it installed. So not all mods are in the CKAN listing.
  16. Make that an April 1 official mod release, but name it Delta V readout. Just use V as the variable for the angle you are measuring, and it's legit.
  17. To be honest, after thinking about it, If I would have to quote my source, it would be old Popular Mechanics from the 60's, so I wasn't technically incorrect there.....
  18. Just found this one out by accident. I love still discovering new things in this game, even after 5+ years of playing it. Right clicking an Engine icon in the staging stack will bring up it's pop up window. Works for other things too.
  19. Seen the movie (enjoyed it), but haven't read the book. I've heard the original ending in the book was much better, and they should have gone that route. But think about this. It's not a story about Zombies, it's a Vampire story. The creatures 1) Only come out at night; 2) Are are at least semi-intelligent; 3) Are Organized; 4) Cooperate. A previous comment I can't find about zombies becoming "healed", and a bunch standing in a group made me think of that story.
  20. I hope you have not inferred that I am insulting any religion here. I am implying that archeologists of the future my misinterpret a common item as something more special to the populace.
  21. What a weird custom to still have around 2500 years later, long after the virus is gone, but people still do it because they always have. Would have made my job as a medic a lot different. "Forget CPR! Stab em!" Reminds me of a short story I read years ago when Aliens archeologists had arrived on Earth long after Humans have died off. They find the remnants of our civilization and are awed by the dedication to religion we had. Just about every building ruins they find have these little shrines in them for worship. Some public buildings have multiples of them lined up next to each other, with multiple rooms of them, each shrine divided by a wall. The shrines have a bowl of holy water in them, connected to a central water supply, and a small alter on the back containing a reserve supply of water, so worship can be done anytime a human wanted too.
  22. Last time I checked, If you build >50% of a craft yourself, you don't need a valid license to fly it yourself. Plus I believe the FAA will allow you a tail number based on it being an experimental aircraft. So as long as the guy building it is the one who flies it, there isn't a real need (legally) for an agency to get involved. My info might be out of date on this though. I had always wanted to design and build a land yacht that would be able to "buzz" a tornado....
  23. Gargamel


    So I have a bad case of the hiccups all of a sudden. And with a strained pectoral muscle, I'm dying here.... A big spoonful of peanut butter is usually my goto solution, but I'm outa peanut butter. What are your cures?
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