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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. HHHMMMMMMMMM..... *looks over at his 3d printer*.... Hmmm...... But I'm pretty dang sure if I do make the board game, It won't have an integrated Dv readout.....
  2. What's wrong with that? Take a look at the K2 data I linked above, try doing some interpretations yourself. The data algorithms include for the possibilities of binaries, easily distinguishing them from transits. At the very least, it would throw up a "Hey! look over here! There's something interesting over here!" flag.
  3. Actually, we do, and it's linked at the top of this very page: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/staff/ But, no, we don't have staff assignments for who's working on what code.
  4. I know this thread has the attention span of an ADHD kid on meth, but I'll throw back to this. Glass subs are fairly common, albeit not for giant shark hunting. Common, as in, they are quite a few models that exist in the world today. Well, unless we're discussing RC drones or inside Rama, dog fighting inside a zero G space would be kinda pointless. The craft would bounce off a wall before it could do anything. But that aside... Lift would be pointless. It may have it's use in a rotary wing (propeller), but as a fixed wing, it's noting but a hinderance. It would be adding a force vector in one direction, based on the velocity in another direction. Using a quadcopter concept, with fully 360 gimballing props, you could achieve amazing mobility and speed. You would not have to worry about lift, as there is no down. All you would have to worry about is thrust vectors. And as long as you have electric charge, your little props can provide thrust.
  5. If you aren't opposed to using mods, try Kerbal Alarm clock. You can set an alarm to a few minutes before you hit Periapsis, and you won't over clock your time warp again.
  6. Wasn't umlat in earlier versions of the game? But the menu graphics were never redone?
  7. Says who? You can't predict the future. Not the stock game, no.
  8. Bah, that's just cause the camera wobbles too much! *D But joking aside, that's still a tiny patch compared to TESS. And for those that haven't, you should join up at Zooniverse.org, and start help sifting through the K2 data, you can find yourself a planet or 4 there if you work hard enough. I know I've found a few.
  9. But that's the whole point of TESS. The nits will correct me here, as I know I am wrong on the exact numbers, but the concepts are sound: Keplar covered an area roughly the size of your thumb at arms length. Ie, a very VERY small patch of sky, and looked very deep into it. TESS will cover almost the entire sky, at a much shorter range, but all of it's detections will be close enough that larger telescopes can then zoom in on the locations to see what they're about.
  10. While it may seem difficult now, Mun landings need to become routine for you. It is excellent training for other missions, and if you create a regular route that includes landing on the Mun, you can really rake in the rep and cash with tourist contracts. That's how I do all my science grinding on the Mun or Minmus. I take a bunch of tourists to pay for the trip and then some, and I land at a different location each time, getting new biomes out of the way.
  11. In days past, I believe the word handed down from above was that Squad had no interest in creating official canon for the game. I think the concern was that players would feel railroaded in how to view the game. This left canon and back story up to the player's the themselves, which a lot of it can be found in the fanworks forum....
  12. Or in the other half dozen threads we already have on this..... They will not release a DLC based solely on things already doable in mods. There will be no sales. We need to offer ideas that are not doable in mods.
  13. You guys sure are demanding of very small group of coders. I look at other MAJOR studios that have released unfinished games that they have just abandoned and moved onto other projects, and I feel good about the way Squad has been working on KSP. They're still working on it is the key point. Relax and shut up.
  14. Just did the opposite. Left KSP running last night, and Just getting home now, I go looking for the bird loose in the house. Sigh.....
  15. The option to select the first four sits ok with me, but I do think Jeb needs to be default, regardless. He's always been the THE kerbal in the game. I also think it would be a good idea to switch Walt with a female kerbal. He's the PR guy in the Admin building. He's got a scruffy goatee and wearing a hazmat suit. He's the LAST guy I want doing my PR.
  16. I have it on my old laptop, not this one, but there is an open source model rocket simulator out there. It is just graphs and math, but imagine building your KSP rocket completely in a spread sheet, with each part's dimensions and mass accounted for, and then adding a commercially available model rocket motor. It will simulate the flight trajectories for you. Here it is: http://openrocket.info/ I've played with it a bunch, and it's pretty neat, will fit your needs far greater than KSP will.
  17. But don't feel bad, I do it almost every launch. I need to zoom in to the command pod to switch something or other, and all the mouse wheel in the world won't get me there. LIke @Geonovast said, right click the module you are trying to look at, and click aim camera. This is also very useful when trying to view a large ship or station where most of the mass is at one end, and the COM zoom takes you there, not where you want to see.
  18. GD, you seem like the type who should graduate from the console to PC version. Why have you not done so already?
  19. Well, I think it's funny.....
  20. It seems most of the problems are when you HE right onto orbit of another body from kerbin launch. It really seems to glitch out the orbit, including keeping you flagged as "landed", yet still moving at orbital speed, which prevents a whole load of options. If you must HE, HE from the pad into Kerbin orbit (Or whatever body you start on), and from Kerbin orbit to your intended orbit. This will drastically reduce the jumping I've found.
  21. I thought we all agreed never to talk about this again.....
  22. Well, I guess, it's not funny if I have to explain it.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoot
  23. There's a difference between withheld, and claimed. Withheld is how much you pay each paycheck. Claimed is how much tax credit you get at time of filing. It's safest to withhold as much as possible, and claim the right amount on your taxes, that way you will have overpaid, and the difference is returned. Hence, Tax Return. The penalty you quote is for refunds that are inaccurately excessive, not just for large amounts. I was dating a girl who was a single mom of 3 kids, worked a heavily tipped job with not much hourly, and was able to get refunds in excess of 6k.
  24. That's a new one for me.. Hope you are good at building subs. Does the problem persist after rebooting the game? What mods are you running that would affect the water level? Or change planet features at all?
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