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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. I'm not sure if the debug menu is available in the main menu, bt if you alt-f12, and look for "Input Locks", click the "clear locks" button. This will usually release a 'stuck' mouse or control.
  2. And similar things happen IRL.... A lot of people play with LIfe support mods too, and using probes to explore planets is a good way to grind some science out before they have unlock all the parts neccesary to do interplanetary missions.
  3. Had to think about it for a sec.... but then I was oooooo I get it!
  4. While I believe you are 100% accurate here..... this will not end well....
  5. Hmph.... There's something positive to be said for a lack of documentation.... discovering new things! Didn't know this one.
  6. Well, I guess the grinch does have a soul, they extended the filing date by a day....
  7. Even my stick figures think I'm bad at drawing, so I'll throw this one out there if anybody wants to draw it. But I'm giggling when I think of it, and after reading the end of the recently locked Screw thread, I gotta post this. Thought this up the other day, and when I laughed out loud at work, coworker just didn't get it. Imagine Groot, laying down on a sidewalk, on a bridge, yelling "I am Smoot!".
  8. Understood now. That's the part that threw me off. Sorry, I don't have the answer you are looking for then. But the off the cuff un-informed response would be that it would be very hard to do. I believe everything in the game is loaded at startup, and the masses are determined then, so you probably couldn't alter the masses of the parts during the game without reloading the dbase. But as you mentioned, if you create a resource that has negative mass, and maybe special tanks that hold that resource, you could make a generator that would create the negative mass to offset the ships mass. Add a consumption rate of the negative resource, so the generator would have to work harder and harder to create more and more negative mass, that would add a warm up and warm down time for the effect.
  9. Click the rotate button (middle top left of the editor screen), or hit "3", then click wheels, you can rotate them to position you desire. You can use the WASD buttons, as that is sometimes easier. If you Shift-WASD, it will rotate the item in smaller increments.
  10. He was the technical advisor on "Full Metal Jacket", until Kubrick saw him trying to coach the actor they had hired for the role. Kubrick decided Emery would play the part much better, and so started his acting career. He will be missed. Giant bucket of win.
  11. Post count building thread before the mods get their grubby paws on it. (Looks at Dman.......accurate. :D)
  12. Kids, listen up. And by kids I mean the youngins on this site who have yet to deal with this. This is the key. Withold what you have to, not less. One year, I actually followed the instructions on the W4, and I ended up with 6 dependants. That was Me, Myself, the Wife, the Dog, and I. We ended up owing. A lot. And of course, I did it late in the year, and we didn't have the cash to cover it, so we owed a penalty too. Now, I always set it to 1. I'm not sure if I can, but I'd set it to 0 if I was allowed. If your cashflow is too small for your household (and notice I said household, not expendable income), then increase it. EDIT: I still can't count.....
  13. First off.... If you are brave enough, any rocket can make toast.
  14. Delayed! https://www.space.com/40322-spacex-nasa-tess-exoplanet-mission-launch-delay.html
  15. There's a handful of warp drive mods around already. While the story and functionality of each differs some, they all work on the same principal of "cheating" vessels into different orbits. Check some of them out and see if they fit your needs, and if not, use some of their ideas to help shape yours.
  16. Might want to reset those. That Finger Twister sounds like it could get a bit confusing....
  17. Known bug I believe. Should be fixed in the very soon to be released 1.4.2 I believe.
  18. Been there, done that. When you built the ship, you used a docking part as a root part. Probably when you attached the lifter from the subassembly, the docking port on the lifter was a root part. You can't delete a root part in an active vessel. Unless somebody comes up with a solution to rerooting inflight, you're SOL. Just do what I did, and learn from the mistake.....
  19. Along with Final Frontier, try Crew R&R. It forces R&R periods after missions, and forces you to use more crew.
  20. I don't see the point in adding any more kerbonauts right off the bat. Keep the homage characters if you want, but don't add any more to the stock line up. And Val, Sal, and Hel do not rhyme, just as Pal, Gal, and Dell don't rhyme.
  21. That's why you pack a few ladder rungs into the container and bolt them onto the area you are working, then nobody is floating away.
  22. Some days I hate being an Adult.
  23. I'd think this challenge would be a self serve scoring system... Lowest Inclination wins. And see, look what I started.....
  24. Yes, I set my roll to line up perfectly, and some how I lucked out back lit.
  25. Docked in IVA mode just now. 29 tourists to a orbiting space hotel to satisfy a contract. At no time in my life have I ever wanted "An der schönen blauen Donau" ("Space Waltz") to be playing in the background more than I did then. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyjOjT8d8RI
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