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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Well, it's a diagnostic tool that fixed my issues, so I'd call it a fix.
  2. Every times there's a family dinner at the parent's house, the nieces and nephews break out my old crate of legos. I consistently end up on the floor with them building.
  3. Gargamel

    I own a wiki

    Safe yes, sane no. Do you see what we do for a hobby? We fling little green men off their home world in hopes they will land safely somewhere and not die.
  4. Nobody asked about this!? I'd love to see this
  5. Yeah, but I forgave that one major plot point for all the rest of the insanely accurate science (or at least portrayed as such). You get a free pass or two if you can make up for it later. Hey, I liked both of them. Gravity was a really fun ride, just like Twister. But The science... *twitch*. --- Saw the Titan the other day on Netflix. Boring. As. Heck. I even forgave the stretches of science as they were plot points, and really didn't try to explain that much as led to some suspension of disbelief. But even though I forgave the plot points, the plot was just dumb. And the story line boring. It's not a sci-fi movie at all, but a really cheesy and slow horror film. And then the end scene, I was doing the Cleveland voice "No, No, No, No, Don't do it..... AGGGG they did it!". They actually made him..... *spoiler*. Definitely want my money back for that one.
  6. Post some screenshots so we can see what you are doing exactly. Sometimes struts don't like what they are being attached to (fairings for example), and will jump to another module. Also, if there is an object in the way between the two ends of the strut, they will often link to the object, and not your intended target.
  7. As Hebarusan asked in this thread: Click the report link and add it to the CKAN 'bug' list. that way they can fix it.
  8. What graphic setting is needed to get shadows of the craft to appear on the ground while attempting landings? I run a fairly minimalist setup, and I've had it in previous installs, but it's always luck when I figure it out. Right now it only appears when the ship is ~10m from the ground. Not very useful.
  9. In the mean time, until this gets implemented in stock, take a look at the mk2 expansion mod. Some really nice parts you might be interested in.
  10. I think you'll need more details. You might be referring to the dancing legs bug that has been reported by some players.
  11. The AVC mods (which a good number of them use) do access the internet IIRC.
  12. Oddly enough, your own post answers that question. The forum's auto context thingy will explain certain acronyms if you mouse over them. RUD is one of them.
  13. What defines docking? Using docking ports? What about the Claw? I consider that docked. Real life ships do something very similar. The USN has a whole class of ships that are intended to refuel and resupply the combat fleet while underway. They transfer fuel and other resources between the two ships, and can and have transferred crew members. In KSP, to transfer resources, the game has to think they are docked, so this is the way the mod has to work. And I think actually docking two craft is far easier than getting the, close together, zero'ing the velocities perfectly, and then performing a complicated EVA without accidentally bumping one ship into the other.
  14. @VITAS, you might want to take a look at this. I couldn't find a "report" button on Spacedock.
  15. Well, the F117 is pretty much considered a flying wing, and it had 45' surfaces. Almost all real life flying wings have some sort of vertical stabilizer on them, even if they are tiny. So maybe saying no surface angled more than 45' from the main lifting surface, and winglets should be restricted to those little yellow striped fin thingys you get early (Basic fin?).
  16. I think this scoring system needs reworked. If fuselages and vertical surfaces are disallowed, and you have disqualified entries having them, then giving points for following the rules is kind of moot. Plus it is usually required in all challenges to post screen shots as proof. It means that every qualifying entry will be given 7 points, Just for spelling their name correctly. You'll have a bunch of scores at 10 pts, some at 7, and bunch of DQ's. Makes it kind of hard to separate the wheat from the chaff. You should mix it up, have a variety of categories: fastest under 10k, fastest over 10k. Heaviest payload transported the farthest distance. Heaviest payload to highest altitude, etc.
  17. Has anybody ever really used that goofy/scary looking command pod? Ya know, that one that looks like the evil older Cousin to Glados (Portal)? I've been playing with MJ for half a decade now, and I still haven't built anything with it.
  18. Memgraph takes the stutter out of the game.
  19. Not exactly. It's an option on how you want to treat the connecting tether. If you are docked, the two vessels are treated as one, and you can transfer resources and crew between them easily. Undocked, it just functions as a tether. The Docked version is frequently used for surface bases, as it can be very difficult at times to get docking ports aligned on wheeled vehicles. So it's not the honor system, you are telling the mod how you want it to be treated, you can think of the connecting hose as one long weird shaped docking port.
  20. First off, confirm that Ctrl-Z has no effect. Start a new build, add a command module, add a fuel tank. Remove the fuel tank. Try Ctrl-Z. If it does work, then that means there was another small step you did after your big whoopsie. Something tiny you did became the last Undo-able action. Your big move that wrecked your ship is no longer 'in the buffer'. Time to rebuild. I've done it, we've all done it. Learn to save often and early. If it doesn't work, then there is an issue with your install, some where. At the top of the forum here is a link on how to get support, post the log files as described and maybe somebody can figure it out.
  21. The data is already available ingame, it's just not available to the stock user. So it wouldn't take a pod or module to use it, unless that's the way they went. PC version the Navball is toggleable. You can lower it off your screen, is that an option for you?
  22. Contract manager has a contract pack for anomalies. If that's the one you are referring to, it should work, just the link is dead on the CM page. Or maybe it does need updated.
  23. Got a contract to take a specific (NPC?) Scientist to a LZ on the Mun to conduct a series of expirements. At the same time, I was gearing up to staff the new Minmus station which also requires a number of scientists. Wasn't paying attention, and I crewed the NPC onto the Minmus flight. Hmph, oh well, she won't get deleted until completion or refusal of the contract, so I'll be fine. She'll just have to put up with the 120 day rotation, then the mandatory R&R before heading off to the Mun. I work nights, so I usually go to bed as the sun is coming up. I go to the KSC to shut it down, start that process, still having birds chirping over the speakers. Task manager says it's gone. But I spend 10 minutes trying to figure out why it is still making bird noises. Realized the birds outside were waking up. Off to bed for me with that one.
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