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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. If we can add a gameplay mechanic not available in a mod, then yeah I'm all for it. But otherwise it won't get made.
  2. Hence the "in some form". While MH has some specific parts, historical parts packs have been available for a long time.
  3. All of which (in some form) have been available for some time with mods.
  4. No, RT has it right, sort of. It has nothing to do with fun or vocal minorities. It's what the original game was intended to be. As to the OP, the tweet/post they quote is asking for a mod to implement KOS. Don't we already have KOS? (twisted interpretation of the post, but that's how I read it). But it can be done already, using just the mission builder. Manley recently posted a video putting a 'craft' into orbit with one key press.
  5. Or.... You could pay $0 a couple days after each stock update and wait for a mod to add the features you want. As I've said, it's makes NO SENSE at all for Squad/TT to attempt to make a DLC that mimics the functionality of a mod already in existence. The sales of that DLC would not come close to the development costs. The recent DLC is a good thing, as it added a gameplay mechanic that was not available through mods. That's what we need to be asking for, game play mechanics that aren't available through free mods. I've been playing KSp for almost 6 years now. $40 base, +$40 a year... hmm... $260 so far for a game I love? I don't love it that much, and that is in no way a fantastic deal. I'm ok with DLC being a rare event, as long as it's a well built (ahem SQUAD!) and improvement on the base game. Not Lol, it's the whole point of DLC.
  6. Landed on the Mun. On a decently steep slope. Above a cliff. And the lander was sliding down the slope. 5 tourists on board, Jeb at the helm. Dropped the ladders. Jeb bails out, gets the flying EVA report while jet packing downhill. Grabs the surface sample. Writes the EVA report. Plants the flag. Lander has now slid by Jeb Jetpacks to catch up, grabs the ladder mid flight. Scrambles up the ladder, boards the lander. Pops the Goo and Materials experiments. Retracts the ladder as the lander starts to teeter off the edge of the cliff. And then Jeb pauses. He waits until the lander has tilted over enough to give the perfect gravity turn for the ascent, fires the engines and off he goes, whistling all the way. I was way to busy to grab a screen shot. But maybe @Just Jim could use this for some Emiko inspiration..... I'd love to see this played out....
  7. I like that.... Well that's a helluva lot more original than the "Kalaysia" I've been calling it, since in my mind it resembles Malaysia, even though it has no no resemblance to it at all. BAHAHAHAHA! Figured I glance through that thread... Was briefly upset that somebody stole my Avatar, then I realized I had posted in that thread. LOL
  8. I had to think about that one, and yeah, I never knew about the southern Ocean until I got into yacht racing. But it makes sense to have an Ocean down there that gives boundaries to the others. As to the OP, there have been many threads on this (though I haven't seen any recently), I think the FanWorks section has them. Some of them were quite involved, with histories and politics.
  9. If I recall, you're a fellow NEO'er.... looks like we're right in the middle of one of those high probability impact zones. I sooo want this on my tombstone.
  10. Again, we're treading on dangerous ground here, but.... I can only see a problem in a long term scenario, in cramped quarters. And then it's not the problem with the 'gay' astronaut, it's the issues the other(s) my have with it. But that said, the same problems would/may arise in an all straight mixed gender crew, so I guess it doesn't really matter. And like @Zeiss Ikon said, they weed out any person unfit for duty on many grounds long before they see flight, so any of the 'problems' I'm referring to won't even be problems, as they would all be too professional to let it become a problem.
  11. I don't think I've ever put this much thought into the part sizes, I usually just grab one and see if it fits.
  12. The space dock site's change log should show previous versions, the github for the mod should also list them.
  13. (Even though I just noticed this was a 2 year old necro....) I believe it's a legacy function from before Action groups were a thing in KSP. It served as an Abort button. I believe Smart ASS is in the same boat, SAS controls back in the day only stopped rotation, you had no other options, SASS allowed you to aim at specific headings.
  14. Right click the probe core and select "control from here". Docking and EVA's can sometimes reset the controlling module to something other than you wish. Reboarding the craft may have switched control to the "pilot", which is completely logical most of the time.
  15. That's probably been one of the better suggestions on here. Squad is known for implementing 'duh' additions to the game that were mods first. Removal of the launch tower in the Alphas, EVA chutes, etc. If someone were to write this, and show it can work, Squad might be inclined to include this in a later release, as it still encourages doing the math.
  16. But the spoilers! You've given up on stock! (Surprised it took you that long!)
  17. Oi! I've been letting that lag.... better start reading again, only on chapter 40 or so. *Correction, page 39 of the thread*
  18. Will there be a 1.3.1 compile or just 1.4? I ask for a friend.... yeah....
  19. Well... since this is in the KSP discussion forum, and not the lounge..... I usually launch directly to space stations, rendezvousing during the circularization burn. One time I rendezvoused before circularizing. I called it "docking with emphasis".
  20. I can move that planet in 3 mouse clicks using hyper edit. Squad/TT has ZERO interest in building a DLC that is available for free as a mod. There would be zero sales. If people want to contribute ideas for the next DLC, then it has to be something they will actually make. There's a whole 'nother thread on this.
  21. Good tune.... and now its stuck in my head. But I refuse to quote the rest of the post....
  22. Yup, the BDA dishes can rotate. And they actually function as radar. But the parts are kinda bulky IIRC, and wouldn't fit very well on a spacecraft, they're designed more for mobile bases or ships. BonVoyage has a little rotating dish that's kinda cute, but it's small. I dunno of any that are of stockish size and rotate, but I would not be surprised to see a few out there already.
  23. You know, I thought there was something off about you.... I thought it was your cavemen tendencies. But no, you are a Pittsburgh fan. That's what it is. I guess it is your cavemen tendencies then. (How about that for an upcoming explosion? )
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