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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. This is what makes this game great. I would never consider this, I'm too stuck in the "It doesn't look real!" department. I'd break the thing down, send it up in parts, and assemble it there. But then again, I wouldn't be using trusses, each part would be a couple of hab modules, or science labs. Nice job with that build, not in my wheelhouse.
  2. To summarize the above answers: Right clicking a part (In both the VAB/SPH and in flight) will usually open a window. In the top right of that window is a button that is in the same position that an [X] button for Windows would have. Clicking that button will prevent the window from closing again. You can tell if it's clicked because it will look depressed (pushed in, not ). If you right click any where else, that window will close. You can open multiple windows by alt-r clicking. The experiment in question has a unique mechanic to it where it opens up after it's being used. You need either a scientist to close it for you on EVA, or a science lab to clean it. If you check the tutorials section, there are a lot of good beginners guides that will answer a lot of the basic game play mechanics questions you might have. Also try the wiki.
  3. Does that mean Orbit, or Land? I like this challenge, I haven't participated in any before, but may give this one a try. And whats the scoring system?
  4. Hey, a fellow member of the 6 years playing and haven't release a mod but have really thought long and hard about it cause there's that one feature you really really want in the game and nobody else seems to understand what you are talking about club.
  5. This is my only argument for including DV readouts in the stock game. @HebaruSan Thank you for that bit of info, I will have to give that a go. None of those are critical mods. I play all the time without. I can think of only one mod that really should be stock, no questions asked. That's KAC. There is no way to emulate it's functionality with out of the game tools. DV you can use a calculator. Precision landing can be done with math. Etc, But there is no way to sync an outside alarm clock to the games warp system.
  6. But, that's the same as docking. There is a physical connection between them. If you want to directly emulate this, use KOS/KIS and connect a pipe between the two. If the ships are too big to rendezvous safely, then use a smaller tanker between them. Or use hyperedit.
  7. They apparently changed the crew nomenclature. I have no idea what that means. Took a kite to the top of, and flew it off of the summit of Baldy.
  8. Buddy of mine, a year behind me, got diagnosed with a brain tumor just as he was starting the planning phase of his project. He spent the next three years learning to talk and walk again. He finished his project at the age of 20, and got his Eagle. He finished college, and now runs a golf course. Of course, he can't hit the ball worth a damn. Just to check in, 25 yrs or so involved, I still get out to the local camp for workdays every now and then, I am part of an RC sailing club that sails there regularly and we are constantly working on the waterfront. Got my Eagle in '94, Philmont 714s in '93 and about a week or so later, left for the Jamboree as QM of troop 332 from the NEO conference. Did some adult work in my 20's, and I'd still be involved if I had kids. When my nephew gets a bit older, I'll start back into it for him.
  9. The biggest thing (In my experience) is that they look for leadership. It could be the coolest project ever, but if you do all the labor yourself, it really doesn't mean anything. Make sure you put yourself in a position where you are organizing and leading the work groups on the project. I built a small amphitheater/chapel at a YMCA park near me. Deck with a screen on the back, benches for seating. I 'marketed' it as a chapel to the various churches I hit up for funding. I think it cost around $1200 (in the early 90's). One of the groups that donated money was the "Happy Hookers". That was an odd check to cash. They were a knitting and bible study group at a Methodist church. My brother's project was expanding mine. He added more seating, fixed up the trail leading to it some, and added a really nice fire pit. But due to time crunches, he had to move up his Eagle ceremony to shortly after the completion of the project (month or so after). Apparently, not all the concrete in the fire pit had fully set yet, and they had a fire going. It exploded during the ceremony, sending shrapnel everywhere. They still gave him his Eagle.
  10. Another option is to lose those docking arms for your first launch, then send them up in pairs on a "space tug" and dock them to the main structure that way. It would greatly reduce the width of the initial payload and make it far easier to launch.
  11. Little..... Green.... Men.... from a planet that's size cannot account for it's gravity... and who are able to spend years on end in a tiny box years on end without food, water, air or life support of any type. Yes, very realistic. BUT, I see your point, you don't want to use mods that feel cheaty. I can fully appreciate that. Use Kerbal Alarm Clock, and multitask. Run multiple missions at once. Coordinate whole fleets for your interplanetary missions. Or just run one mission, use KAC to pause the game when the warping is done, and go grab a snack while it's warping. But I think you should read the quote in my sig, the words of one of the forums greatest posters ever, @Whackjob. Be inspired and fly forth.
  12. I forget who;s signature it is, but it says "Do not talk to me about being realistic in a game featuring little green men".
  13. Have you seen the previews for the DLC mission editor? I'm not sure what part of that you think already existed.
  14. Sir, I believe you were third there.
  15. I don't think it's a bad idea at all, if it's necessary. I'd hope the mods and devs would have this in their back pocket ready to go when it becomes apparent it's needed, not after and have more clean up to do.
  16. This is a common occurrence when trying to load games that are missing parts. It's highly advised to not try to load a game if you have removed parts that are on active vessels. It's a common suggestion to have this get a warning popup when trying to load a game, rather than just delete ships. In your saves directory, there should be a list of backup saves, find the most recent one. Reinstall all your mods, testing as necessary on a new game, then when you have the same modlist, reload the backed up save. If you haven't done anything to cause an auto save to happen, you might get away with using your persistence file.
  17. Statements like this make me mad. Seems like a pretty self centered and ignorant stance to take.
  18. Do the chutes auto open with certain parameters (freefall?) or did you have to click all of those guys to open the chutes? @Cunjo Carl
  19. OK guys, I checked the FAQ, scanned the thread (dunno what to really search for),and I didn't see answer, but I'm pretty sure this has been asked previously. If so, even a link to the answer will be appreciated. Apologize if this has been asked and answered already. I just updated to 1.3.1 (reasons in my 1.4 thread). I'm going to wait till 1.4.1 and the DLC drops so I can update again. If I use Ckan, will it try to redownload all the mods if they have been updated for 1.4.1, even if it is just a recompile? I'm on a metered connection and the 1.3 mod download took 3 days (including errors listed above). Or can ckan use the cached versions of the mods if they are compatible? If I have to reselect all the mods I have, is there a way to tell ckan to use my previous mod list? (I've always done mods manually, but as the FAQ says, that's a PITA now).
  20. @vanamonde and @doctordavinci, before it's locked, or even after, I'd still like to hear an official statement from somebody at squad.
  21. There might be a way to do it in game. Complete speculation here, but the are no parts or assets assigned with a mission to load correct? (Assuming a stock game of course). So if that's true you should be able to drag and drop a mission file into the correct folder and open it that way, without having to reboot the game.
  22. Having watched Manley's video, it seems to be just a save file, so I can't imagine why we wouldn't be able to share the missions.
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