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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Noo reason to close a thread, especially one where others may ask similar questions at a later time.
  2. Escape trajectories are very easy to reach, even without SAS. Build a big rocket with fins, launch straight up, go real fast, hit escape velocity. It won't be perfect, but it should work. There's no need to create a stable orbit here.
  3. Just two comments to add to this: 1) Having accidentally rediscovered the tab key again, I had to rediscover the "~" key resets the map view. That was annoying. 2) Kerfluffle must be the most unintentionally appropriate 'kerbalish' word ever. You don't even have to change the spelling, it's naturally Kerbalized.
  4. Since it appears you have KAC, you can set a "science" alarm. It accounts for the diminshing returns on the science, and is accurate within about 1-2 science points. So stop doing what I was also doing, running the numbers yourself and wondering why the labs aren't full. Just click "add alarm" in KAC, then on the far right of the types of alarms, there's a beaker, click that.
  5. Ha, didn't even consider retracting them, as I try to design away from this scenario. I always try to give the docking part a clear corridor.
  6. Will it even dock? Those panels will hit the craft way before it gets close enough to actually mate up. I foresee a RUD with this design. Have you "dry fit" the pieces together as a whole? Those docking ports right next to each other may cause the modules to interfere with each other, especially during docking (see above). Even if they do fit, It will still be a tight fit and take a steady hand to dock.
  7. I managed to land a Class E Asteroid in HKO, (about 3 Mm), which is a significant chunk of the DV required to dig your way out of the gravity well. I setup ISRU and a docking port on there. All ships leaving Kerbin for a mission are built in LKO, or launched to LKO, transfer upto the refueling station, and then park slightly higher (like 30 more Dv total) until their transfer window arrives. But without a source of fuel in HKO, it's really not a great place for a station. Costs too much to ferry fuel there from Kerbin, and you might as well go higher if you plan on doing that. And if you go higher, you might as well ISRU up from one of the moons, as bringing fuel/ore down to a HKO station is just working backwards, so put your station in orbit around one of the moons. The advantage of a LKO station is if you are trying to data farm the science labs. Bringing repeated science experiments back to a LKO station and converting it to data will yield more science points than recovering them.
  8. Having not played enough with KOS to translate that into English yet, you're saying while it's not easy, it is doable?
  9. A stock solution would be to add a second probe module facing in a vertical orientation to the main vessel. When you want to do your VTOL, Control from There, and Enable the VTOL engines and disable the others through the action groups. As for a mod, TCA (Throttle Controlled Avionics) might do what you want. You can use that to do the VTOL landings. Use action groups to enable/disable the engines as above, and then enable the TCA to apply the correct thrust from each engine. If the engines aren't perfectly aligned with the COM, you'll end up flipping. TCA set's the throttle for each engine individually to account for this, and can balance the craft nicely.
  10. Some pics would probably help.... But from that very limited info, I'd say a longer section with more docking ports so you can add more sections.
  11. I haven't tried KOS yet, as, until now, I haven't had a want to. Now I have some probes with Near Future Electric's capacitors on board. I was wondering if KOS would work for this type of script: I figure it will with stock parts, but I'm curious if it can easily pick out mod parts, multiple parts that were added via symmetry and identify them individually, and manipulate them like a user would. I'm not asking for the code, I'd rather figure it out myself, but not having touched KOS before, some hints/pointers would be appreciated if it's possible to do this. I'm digging through the documentation now.
  12. So it seems the labs will produce science for a very long time, but only significant amounts for a short time?
  13. Reading through the Wiki, I noticed a couple things.... 1) Diminishing returns. It seem that the Data consumption rate is constant, while the science produced reduces as the amount of data remaining declines. Almost Zeno's paradoxically. Confirm? 2) Does the context bonus (25%) apply to when the data is created from the experiment, or do you lose data if you switch ROI's later?
  14. How hard is running multiple installs? If you are worried about HD space, just save copies of the GD and saves folders, and run one install. It would be a trivial script to write to manage this for you outside the game, and act as a launcher. In fact, I believe JSME might be able to be tweaked to do this already. Adding a step in the already lengthy load process that will annoy 99.9% of the users out there doesn't make sense to me.
  15. Or you could try running multiple missions at once, ya know, multi tasking, an important life skill.
  16. Do you mean the wheels are surviving the reentry temps? I know they break with a significant impact, but reentry heating is not an impact. Screenshots would help too.
  17. Build ships with less parts. KSP has to calculate the interactions between all the parts on the ship as they fly, so it takes a lot of CPU power to get through all that. AFAIK, KSP does not use a GPU for processing, so that is not the issue. Maybe if you provided a few more details we could help out. Examples, screenshots, etc.
  18. Been thinking about this since you posted it, and never had anything to offer till now. Instead of multiple clicks, as we all know clicking randomly can cause bad things to happen, why not have a single popup that lists all the vessels in the area. So then we only have to click once to get the list, and then a second time to choose.
  19. I have the same ghost stage. I always assumed it was just the way MJ worked, it disappears as you launch. Maybe @sarbian can shed a little light, or we can have a mod merge this into the MJ thread....
  20. Imagine building a car, then not adding a steering wheel. Then complaining it doesn't maneuver well. If you don't have reaction wheels, how do you expect it to maneuver? I like to add on at least one wheel to most of my craft to help get it to turn. Welcome!
  21. I have found that MJ is kinda hit or miss on it's DV estimations. Have a sepatron pointed in a non-prograde direction anywhere on the ship? Then you often can't trust the estimates. Use throttle control to increase your second stage dv? Yeah, MJ is blind to this while in the VAB. I don't have an answer for you, as there are dozens of little things that I have found that will throw off the estimates. Once you've recognized the issue, and can see what the real values are, then you can mentally adjust the estimates. If there's a fix for it, that's great, but till then, I usually go by the seat of my pants.
  22. Hmmm.... since I usually ignore my loading screens and tab over to something else, I guess I missed this...
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