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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. ok, I actually lol'd at this. But you're absolutely right in everything else (Hey, I have no problems with NB). I was the same way too, free for life? Cool, but let's hope they can keep this train rolling. A couple of my other favorite games were abandoned by their developers before they were finished (Silent Hunter 3 is very broken in it's final release, and requires multiple mods to make it playable, my avatar is from those forums/game). I'm glad to see Squad continuing to delve on with the development of KSP.
  2. Surprised this obvious of a bug got through. But like I said in the OP, 1.4.1 is soon to drop....
  3. Well that's just odd, as I figured it would have been a base feature, but it's not showing up in mine. And I can't scroll the box that contains it, resizing the window only resizes the upper box. But I do see that I am running 1.24.0, you have 1.24.1. I just downloaded this the other day, might have grabbed the wrong link. But I'm assuming that feature was not just added. And when I go to settings to see if I needed to update the listings or something, it throws this error:
  4. That worked. Thanks. EDIT: feature request: A link to each mod's forum thread in the CKAN data. Thanks.
  5. @HebaruSan, continuing my trials from the 1.4 thread, after 3 days of downloading, and multiple attempts at installing, it seems to crash and lock up when "updating registry 70%" See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.: It downloaded all the mods, and it starts to install them, but after this crash, they disappear from GameData. I'll just install them manually then, but, any suggestions?
  6. There's a thread just below this one that explains all this..... probably should consider reading at least that..... EDIT: seeing as we have a couple more threads like this popping up, I'll link to the one I mean: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/171236-updated-terms-notice-privacy-policy-discussion/
  7. This was a big learning curve for me. I got the Duna contract and slapped together a craft with like 5-6 kerbals in it, added a bunch of snack boxes, and off they went, rushed in order to make the launch window. Soon after leaving Kerbins SOI, I realized that Life support was woefully insufficient for the length of the trip. An emergency burn back home, and they barely made it. While setting up for the next window, I built a series of stations around Kerbin and it's moons. Knowledge gained from that allowed me to build a series of motherships that could sustain a lot of kerbals for extended voyages.
  8. Same here. I don't know if I would or not. But since it's free, my eagerness to get it is hard to compare to other people. To me, it's just another mod.
  9. Well then.... been playing a long time, but I haven't been to the outer planets since this nerf apparently. My Eeloo probe is in for a nasty surprise then, and my Jool expedition is in trouble too. Luckily the mothership is nuclear powered, but all the rest.....
  10. I thought they fixed this around the time this thread was originally posted. If it's too loud, adjust the volume controls in settings.
  11. Then I'll be ahead of the game!
  12. For some reason, I am always amused at reading this thread. I don't know why. It's kinda like people watching at the mall I think.
  13. Told ya, publishing contract. But that is reassuring to hear. I know you can't speak to specifics, but did you get the general feeling there will be some announcement forth coming?
  14. My plan is 10Gb per month anytime, and 50Gb per month 0200-0800. I usually can pull 3-10 mbps within those limits. Once I go over, it get's throttled to about .1 mbps. But they (Hughesnet) recently made some changes so that video streaming is throttled, or they changed the compression, or something. Previously Netflix was unwatchable once I was throttled, but now I have to let it buffer and wait a minute or so, but I can usually watch a movie no prob. Oddly, Amazon video can't handle the latency, and throws errors all the time. I rarely break the night allowances, so I restrict all my schedulable downloads to those times. This was sadly the best option to have usable internet at my house. Landline ISP was only .02 mbps all the time. Yet they put a repeater a 1/4 mile south of me, but didn't run the line back upstream. People downstream of me can get 5 mbps. Grrr.... And now that's stuck in my head.... thanks.
  15. You should try to think of MJ as a tool, not a crutch. I try to make sure I can do everything on my own before I let MJ automate it for me. I may not be very good at rendezvous and docking, but I can do it. That's why the tech tree is setup like that. You should do it manually before letting the autopilot run the show.
  16. Made a few comments, but if you'd like more, ask.
  17. Dropping with the DLC release.
  18. Yes, but most apps these days don't have scheduling settings. So I'm usually unconscious or at work from 0200-0800. I do like that Steam has it though, so all the game updates happen then. Except I still haven't transferred KSP over to steam. I didn't look too hard in Ckan to see if it can schedule, as this is the first time I've used it. But I'll take a closer look.
  19. 1.4 is coming out very shortly, but yet... I always fall into the "wait for the mods to update" group. I'm currently playing 1.2.1...... I grabbed 1.3.1 when it dropped, but wanted to wait for the mods to come around before I got into it. And while I waited, I got deep into a career game, which after almost 6 years of playing, I never really did before. Just don't want to give up on it. So seeing as 1.4 is around the corner, I figured I'd finally get my game in order. Get all the mods while they are applicable for1.3.1. Sigh.... I have Ckan downloading almost a gig of mods right now. Which for most wouldn't be a problem, but I'm on a metered and throttled satellite connection, so big downloads suck. I always seem to do this. I missed most of the .9x versions as I was stuck on .23. So I'll have to wait for the 1.4 mods to catchup. And again, they'll probably push out 1.4.1 to fix the normal bugs that arise, so I'll have to wait again. Anybody else fall into this trap?
  20. Sounds like Somebody just landed an online publishing contract......
  21. The biggest reactors do 5k. My current mothership has two of them powering 3 3k chugging engines.
  22. Very true! But that is part B of the question, and it wasn't asked
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