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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. The man is single handily keeping scores and scores of old mods alive, but yet he can't read a clock? I kid, I kid.... thank you for your contribution LGG.
  2. Nope, cookies and normal browsing mode. It does it every time I open a new wiki tab, even if another is already open.
  3. Your mods are outdated. Update them.
  4. For a short term fix, try Kerbal Joint reinforcement. Might help keep the station together on loading. Screenshots would help, perhaps there is some parts clipped that is causing this?
  5. Never delete previous versions. Never. Rule number one of KSP update day. I still have .18 somewhere...... and:
  6. This believe would be a good start. Even the cavemen would agree this has a place in the game.
  7. The lack of station keeping would prevent you from assembling it in orbit anyways. Eventually it would rotate so one end was inside the atmosphere while you were trying to launch the next section.
  8. As I said in another MP thread, this won't happen. Squad has four options: 1) They can come out and say MP is dead. This will upset many players and be regarded as a bad move. 2) They can say nothing, and do nothing. There will be the normal rumblings, but nobody will get upset more than they are. 3) They can say nothing, and work on MP. If the project fails, nobody would be the wiser. If it succeeds, they will be lauded as heroes and given parades in every city. 4) They can say they are working on MP. In the short term, everybody would be happy, but the calls for a release date would quickly turn cacophonous. If it fails, pitchforks and torches would be in high demand. So, the way to keep the players happiest, is to just not say anything.
  9. Just a week ago, we had a very very good discussion on this topic. I recommend checking it out: There are a lot of good points pro and con in this thread, with the cavemen offering up some very good tips on doing the math easily. I would assume that most wouldn't want to repost all that stuff again.
  10. I am. KSP is a known for it's bugs upon each release. During Alpha and beta, this was expected, as the player base was the test bed. Squad would take the info and improve the game. With 1.x they usually did a bug hunt release to a select number of users, and they'd fix all the things they could before full release. Of course, the player base is general is a bit on the maniacally crazy side, so there were always a number of bugs that would not be found even with the pre-release. But most of the game breaking or obvious bugs would be found. But with this one, things like the capsule interior, docking issues, would have been found with the pre-release. I'll just wait for 1.4.2 and the DCL .1 releases to happen before moving up.
  11. But having to do the job again costs more than getting it right the first time.
  12. I'm very surprised at this too. Normally updates and such go into pre-release for bug testing, but they seemed to have skipped it this time. I wonder what the thought process was behind this?
  13. My rockets are usually the opposite! I like a good looking ship, tend to be overly expensive, High capacity, with range based on refueling stations along the way. But I do try to recover as much as possible. Usually only orbital insertion stages are lost. @Sethy Kerman, read a bunch of the tutorials we have here, watch some of the many many good videos people have posted. Also try posting up some screen shots of the craft you have been building with their intended usage, and we can offer up some tips.
  14. There are more sub forums other than general discussion, most MP threads get moved to suggestions. I know I have participated in a couple threads in the last 2-4 weeks. Sorry, I don't have a link for you, but it should be on the first few pages.
  15. Doing it to me too. I don't login, nor do I think I have an account, to the wiki. I'd guess if I'd login, it'd would only ask the one time. But it should be handle by cookies, not a login.
  16. @sysigy, All your questions and concerns have been answered in very recent MP threads. And we're not abusing you, we're just trying to direct you in the right direction to have your questions answered.
  17. With respect, neither is the thread. We have countless other MP threads, quite a few what's next for KSP, and a couple next DLC threads already. The same arguments/discussions occur in parallel in each thread. Checking with those threads first before starting a new one is usually preferable. Having multiple threads on the same topic can actually limit the discussion, as a good idea might get lost in a smaller, dying thread, while it is never mentioned in the undying mega thread.
  18. There is a subtle difference between a mission and a scenario. I think the mission builder is mislabeled as such. I think most of you guys are requesting something similar to a contract builder.
  19. We really need a kerbal emoji of Jeb beating his head against a wall.
  20. You need to build them and fly them, using the parts provided in the DLC.
  21. I remember reading a bug report and various complaints about this back in .18.
  22. Docked the asteroid grabber module with no problems, luckily with some aerobraking and serendipitous orbital alignments, got the asteroid into Munar orbit. Added a station and some docking ports around the asteroid (mainly to give MJ's bounding box the ability to avoid the asteroid itself for docking). But the modules aren't aligned with the surface correctly. Some are floating off the surface, while other's are buried deep in the core, which prevents selecting any part inside the asteroid: Any suggestions or solutions? (Couldn't refine a search enough to answer it) v 1.3.1, Mod list: "
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