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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. While testing out a new probe, I ended up accidentally getting a close encounter with the Mun. Tweaked the peri a bit to get a good low altitude pass. Each pic was taken about 10 game seconds apart.....
  2. When I posted, it was still very fresh, all the articles I had read indicated a major failure, turned out better.
  3. danny2462 never fails to impress. Annnnnnnd thanks.... now I'm on a late night KSP tube a thon..
  4. I'm not sure if their core demographic would appreciate most of the references. I'm pretty sure I did see some 42 references in there...
  5. This is the big sticking point for most people. That first season was B grade all the way. I didn't even like Eccleston as the doctor, and I wasn't even a fan when I started watching it. But once the show finds it's way, it really gets good.
  6. Sigh.... Find source and watch them. They are available on amazon prime video right now. Epic show. And yes, the science is all wrong, but usually explained in some fashion to be 'acceptable' to the plot. If you are a sci fi fan, you really need to have at least watched them once. They do a pretty good job of continuing story lines throughout the show.
  7. I'm drawing a blank on the artist that did the music, but I'd bet if he was approached to write some custom music for the game, he'd do it. I know he's done custom work before. I'd also like to believe they would be able to set up the license to allow for the music to be used in any KSP related format, as long as credit is given. I'd consider that a win for all involved, including the players. Keep the original music for the menus and such, but as mentioned, add custom music for various SOI's. It would be the KSP version of Holst's Planets: There he is. Knew somebody in the thread would have posted it.
  8. I meant using the relief maps of Earth as a guide as how to do 3d relief maps of any data set. Then you could take the Scansat data, convert it to a map, and print it. In theory. That's as far as I can help you there.
  9. I know a lot of people have done 3d relief maps from various data sets. Check out thingiverse for some of them and see if they have details on how they did it. You could probably take some of the ScanSat data sets and convert it to a GIS style relief map, and then into a printable STL. If you're skilled enough, you could get it to change printing color for the various terrains, but if you're going through a commercial service, I'd just print in a whitish color and use sharpies to 'paint' the terrain/water. For the cost of printing one of these though, you might be ahead to buy your own and learn to use it.
  10. I dunno.... most players end up here with the "Why the heck is X doing Y???". And the answer is usually "Cause KSP physics does A when real world physics does B, but it's close!" I can see these guys swinging by to answer some questions of their own...
  11. I recently picked up a refurb BW laser for like $50. Scanner, copier fax, printer. Mainly picked it up for printing circuit boards, but with the holidays coming, I've printed off dozens of bandsaw templates for various wood shop projects. Definitely worth it.
  12. We try not to poke the bears around here. They get grumpy and abandon things then....
  13. Usually less hassle to go buy a new printer. Use up the ink it comes with, and go buy another printer. New printers are generally cheaper than the replacement ink they require. And I'd try the HP support web page, not the KSP forum....
  14. Oops, my bad sorry. Summary of link: In 2007, a twitter user posted His first tweet "Tired Going to bed" In 2014 He posted his second tweet "%*&#! Overslept!" Now that's playing the long game.
  15. Not as awesome as [Link removed]
  16. That makes it sound so old.....
  17. Thanks, that's what I figured, just been a while, figured there might be some sort of news...
  18. I play with the "Snacks" mod, and I'd like to see an addition to it where if a kerbal dies, it increases the amount of snacks onboard by x amount......
  19. Dug through the thread a bit, but I didn't see any updates on an expected release date, just a bunch more of the "not fair" and "it's pointless" posts. Anybody have any new, official, info on a release date and or target? (Please quote me when responding so I get an alert, thanks).
  20. The bias is strong with this poll..... Especially when I qualify for two of the answers, yet can only pick one.....
  21. While the Ti drive probably wouldn't cost that much, as most of it would still have to be silicon and copper, the other two might have a shot of reducing your profit margins to unacceptably low levels. I mean, if you are going to start a bespoke software company, you might want to work on reducing your shipping costs...
  22. Well played sir! Sigh..... /facepalm
  23. Now every time I see one of these threads, I start signing the song in my head.... Turn around.....
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