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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. MechJeb is passable for aircraft. There are other autopilot mods out there that do a much better job at flying an airplane. Things like speed and altitude MJ is pretty weak on. It does have the plane landing module, which basically sets up and flies an ILS approach to either of the stock runways in the game. So when I'm flying a plane, I use a combination of Pilot Assistant (I believe) and MJ, but pretty much only for landings and finding the KSC.
  2. Ok thanks Alshain, I'll start digging deeper in the file editing and the CC mod some more. To clarify, I have a bunch of tourist contracts that include Land on the Mun, Land on Minmus, and flyby the sun. I'd like to get rid of the mun and sun bits, munar flybys are fine, but I hate landing there, and then going to minmus. I'd basically like to offer pre made flight plans, rather than be dictated where they want to go.
  3. I have that, and it's not letting me do what I want, which is edit details of the contract. Maybe It can and I'm missing it though.
  4. I said usually because I couldn't remember ever having them dock together. So yeah, they don't work together.
  5. I know it doesn't help the OP exactly, but it explained a lot of my issues docking with Konstruction and MJ. MJ is trying to hold a specific angle of rotation, and if it doesn't line up exactly with the ports, it just bounces off the port until I turn off MJ. Makes sense now. Guess I'm trying to use two screwdrivers on the same screw. Thanks. EDIT: I've had issues with using Konstruction ports on normal ports, they usually don't dock, so if the OP tries this route, they will have to adapt both craft somehow. Doubled up docking ports or something.
  6. Not on laptops. Or a bunch of smaller keyboards I've owned. But most 'full sized' keyboards, this is true. Just pay attention to what you're doing.... That said, when they first came out with the 'windows' key, I wasn't used to having an extra key there, so I had to paint it bright red to quit hitting it and windowing out of whatever I was doing. And back in that day, it usually meant your game was crashed.
  7. Try updating your JJAbrams driver for your graphics card..... (I don't know, couldn't resist)
  8. While I hate to bump my own thread, I'm very surprised at the lack of responses, for or against. It surprises me nobody has addressed this before. And yes, the search function still doesn't work for me. (It works for other forums running the same engine, so I dunno).
  9. Given the amount of work that you have put into MJ and other great mods, I personally would be hesitant to ask for a feature that might be a one off for only a few users. We appreciate what you've done and would hate to bother you. But if it's easiest for you to add such a script into MJ, that would be awesome.
  10. So search isn't working for me. It's not that I can't find any results, nor am I not finding anything I like, I'm not getting anything back from a search. Nada, just a blank screen. I've tried a bunch of different methods, the problem is probably on my end or more likely my ISP's. So I'm looking for a mod to edit contracts. I have a bunch of tourism contracts to do a series of weird and difficult to complete in one flight, quickly, things. I'd like to remove or edit elements from their itinerary. And maybe not a Mod, even a how to edit a save file to get these to work would be fine.
  11. I'm curious as to why Female kerbals would require eye offsets comapred to the males. From what I can tell, there only difference between the two are the haircuts. Maybe I just haven't paid close enough attention.
  12. I guess it really depends on how much slow mo physics you can tolerate. I'm running an i3 with 8gb and some dinky intel on board graphics. And yup, KSP starts to go derpingly slow when part counts push 150 or so. At the very least, you'll want a 64 bit processor to run it, just so you don't run out of RAM. And it's not that you can't keep KSP comfortably under 4gb of RAM usage, that's easy to do. It's just that you might only have 2-2.5gb free out of your 4gb total, and with the right mods, that will get eaten up quickly.
  13. Please explain the stone thing... And it's ok if some parts lose identity if you plan for it. A bunch of station parts made from intersections and hitchhiker tubes being fused, doesn't matter as the capacity count wouldn't change, they'd just get lumped into one part (Not sure about IVA's though). Batteries, I don't need batteries as a separate part, so if the get lumped into a bigger part, cool. Docking ports, Lights, Solar panels, anything that has to move or fire, those I want separate. Just gotta plan ahead, and test thoroughly.
  14. I'm not talking about that, but that is a good one, and I do use it myself. I'm talking about taking structures that contain like 30-40 parts, and welding them into one big part. So you can reduce say a 200 part ship down to 50-75.
  15. It's usually a mod that does it, I don't believe there's a stock option for this. Kerbal Engineer Redux is probably what you want, I think.
  16. Think the game is laggy now? Just wait till it starts simulating boundary layer flow over every surface in an atmosphere.... NASA uses supercomputers for that type of work. I guess a gross simulation of the magnus effect might be doable, like how lift isn't actually simulated, just calculated (Or vice versa, whatever). But it'd be completely pointless, there is little to no use for it in the game. Of course, other things in KSP being pointless hasn't stopped anybody yet.
  17. LIke Aziz said, I never understood that one either. I just got used to slow mo game play. But, Zoo, you've been around long enough to know there's a search feature ;). There's been a bunch of these threads that will also give you some good tips. The one I use is the welding mod. If you have a bunch of parts that don't have any functions to them, just structural parts, use the mod to weld all the parts into one new part that is available in the VAB/SPH. That will drastically reduce the part count. And no, I don't have the link.
  18. If? IF? I've had to delete crash logs just to clear up HDD space before....
  19. This is probably useful for all the planets. From what I saw when I recently looked up the info for various planets, there isn't an entry for the "Upper atmosphere", "Lower Atmosphere", etc limits for the various bodies.
  20. Both, I'd think. The point I was making is that if you have any interest in coding and hardware at all, and arduino is very easy to figure out. The time invested to get everything working together is a lot more than the time invested in learning how to make it work separately. And yeah, it doesn't take much money to get a decent lab set up.
  21. Fuel flow was modeled in variety of ways in a variety of mods previously. The launch tower was forcibly removed by a couple mods, and now there are mods that add it back in. As mentioned, sub assemblies. Back in the day I used a separate .exe program to merge the launchers to the payloads. I don't see this as an issue. If you don't want to duplicate functionality, don't use a particular mod. I think it's an issue of not learning the game before adding mods, not that there are too many mods.
  22. There's always the Arduino mod for makingyour own controllers. [Hardware, Plugin] Arduino based physical display + serial port io+ tutorial (06-Jun) Using an arduino is surprisingly easy, but I think the cost of learning is higher than the learning curve itself.
  23. I think in the multitude of other threads on this topic it was decided that it is a title, similar to what you describe.
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